FF: The Letter (Harry Potter)

Mar 23, 2005 15:55

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Letter
For: celeria

Rating: A for high angst

This is a very belated gift for celeria a writer whose work I have always enjoyed and admired. It's not really worthy but it's all I could write. So as per request Harry Potter, couple unspecified, any rating.

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Comments 17

ariestess March 24 2005, 00:18:12 UTC
Wow...That was fascinating....


morte351 March 24 2005, 00:29:25 UTC
Fascinating is good.


devilduckieee March 24 2005, 00:46:24 UTC
Quite good and angsty. Cheers.

I dont know why, but it really didnt seem too much like HP fic to me. Perhaps this is because of its maturity, or the American English. It was good none-the-less.


morte351 March 24 2005, 00:53:20 UTC
What can I say the horror of RL heartache translates quite readily to most any fandom. ;-)


morte351 March 24 2005, 01:02:31 UTC
Love the icon ... of course this answers the age old question: Just what is it that she does all day on that computer?


devilduckieee March 24 2005, 02:48:26 UTC
Oh you know me and the near naked ladies. ;)


lilysaid March 24 2005, 21:51:28 UTC
...it really didn't seem too much like HP fic to me.

I agree with this, but what I was going to say was that it didn't seem too much like femslash to me. I noticed that most stories for the ficathon were pretty light on the ratings, which is fine, but I'm not even sure I would classify this as pre-slash. Ginny isn't in love with the person she's writing the letter to, and she's musing about this person finding a "guy" to settle down with. I read it through a couple times when it was first posted trying to figure out its place in this community.

On an unrelated note, it's my opinion that something can't be truly angsty without some type of buildup or an established relationship (whatever the type). Because if the reader isn't invested in a scenario, how can they feel the angst? So, we would either have to know what's going on with Ginny in regards to the HP universe or you would need to create your own circumstances to draw us in, if that makes any sense.


morte351 March 24 2005, 22:57:43 UTC
All of what you are saying makes sense actually. And I shall endeavor to rework this piece at some point. As for the whole 'finding a guy to settle down with' the fact is that sometimes your ex moves on not just to the next relationship but to a whole other side of the street.

I apologise if this was not an appropriate post for the community. I was seeking to show someone's pain and resignation at the end of what was obviously an important relationship. I could have been more clear as to who the people involved were but I also liked the unknown element of just who is being written too.


thepastperfect March 25 2005, 01:01:13 UTC
oooh, i liked it. i'm a sucker for letters (i think hp100 did letters as a challenge once and it was my favourite) and this one seems very resigned with a hint of barely-buried angst. even though i don't know the circumstances of ginny's relationship, i feel bad for her (though of course, she is one my favourite characters).

i can see everyone else's points about it not seeming like fic or not seeming like femslash - the first because i've been guilty of the same thing, written something that's more like an experience or a philosophical thought masquerading as fic, and then i'm often not sure if it's "fic" enough. specifying a pairing would probably rectify the problem of the story not seeming like femslash, but then the pairing you give it changes the story as well. since i read/watch everything as slash, if i read this on an unrelated community i would probably assume it was fslash, but not everyone does. if you assume it is, it gives the line To find that special person, that guy a different kind of weight. but i guess you can ( ... )


morte351 March 25 2005, 16:23:50 UTC
specifying a pairing would probably rectify the problem of the story not seeming like femslash, but then the pairing you give it changes the story as well. since i read/watch everything as slash, if i read this on an unrelated community i would probably assume it was fslash, but not everyone does. if you assume it is, it gives the line To find that special person, that guy a different kind of weight

Precisely, I read everything with an eye to femslash and this was written for a femslash community so the need to define it concretely as such (either through example or by naming names) was not something I believed necessary.

Therefor the line To find that special person, that guy does indeed carry a different kind of weight, a subtle one for the reader that is really a crushing anvil for the writer ( ... )


thepastperfect March 27 2005, 16:11:29 UTC
i'm sorry. :( i hope everything's getting better for you, RL or otherwise. i know how hard it can be to even get through your daily routine when stuff's going wrong. let me know if you need to talk.

i am also impressed and pleased that you started the brooke/sam. i had no idea what Popular was until my girlfriend bought the first season and watched it all last summer, and then i had no idea that brooke/sam was such a big pairing till i was poking around ff.net. so i've officially become hooked.


morte351 March 27 2005, 17:36:35 UTC
Time does heal all wounds and well nowadays I have lots of free time.

Popular was actually the first fandom I ever wrote though I did not actually ever see an episode until this year when I bought myself the dvds for Christmas.

The most comprehensive femslash site for Popular that I have ever seen is The Realm. A site I am more than happy to pimp.

Sam/Brooke was the pairing I first started out with but I have found that my preference is for the spectacularly unconventional pairing and not just in Popular fandom.

Thanks for the offer of a kind ear. Most of my friendship circle of the past 8 years was 'our' friendship circle and, unfortunately, it appears many aren't actually my friends.


(The comment has been removed)

morte351 April 3 2005, 09:10:59 UTC
Yeah that's probably one of my favorite lines in the whole thing. More importantly though it really is how I try to live my life.

Anyways thanks for taking the time to drop me a note.


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