FF: The Letter (Harry Potter)

Mar 23, 2005 15:55

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Letter
For: celeria

Rating: A for high angst

This is a very belated gift for celeria a writer whose work I have always enjoyed and admired. It's not really worthy but it's all I could write. So as per request Harry Potter, couple unspecified, any rating.

The Letter

The therapist said I should try and write it all out. Write what I want to say and there is so much. And not just ‘I’m sorry’. And not just ‘I love you’ because I know you know that.

I want to say thank you. Thank you for loving me as well and as long as you did and for supporting me, not just financially, but in other ways too. I couldn’t always hear the message, that I deserved more than I was allowing myself, but you always gave it too me. And while it would have been better if I had been able to hear it and believe it when we were really together, I couldn’t. It’s hard to overcome the past when you can barely acknowledge it yourself.

Thank you for making me laugh and smile.

Thank you for the lovely home you made.

Thank you for holding me and soothing me.

Thank you for your compassion.

Thank you for listening to me.

Thank you for your patience. I wish I could have rewarded it sooner and better.

Thank you for being my family. I believe that we pick our families, the people we want to define that way, I picked you. I still pick you. I still think of you that way. I hope that one day you may think of me that way as well. Or whatever your equivalent may be.

Thank you for being my friend.

All these things I want to say. I know I wasn’t easy. I ‘m sorry. I’m sorry. I know I hurt you. But I also know that I loved you. Love you.

In all honesty I can’t say that I’ve been ‘in love’ with you for a long time but what I was filled with was love for you. That feeling of deep affection and caring, of wanting to consider you in my day to day, of imagining a future with you. At the end of everyday no matter how mad I might have been with you, I knew I loved you. And that made it worthwhile.

I want you to be happy. To find that special person, that guy, that’s going to give you everything. Everything you’ve always wanted, all the good things you deserve.

Don’t settle, ever.

Like you did with me.

Thank you my friend.

I love you.

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