Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Letter
For: celeria
Rating: A for high angst
This is a very belated gift for celeria a writer whose work I have always enjoyed and admired. It's not really worthy but it's all I could write. So as per request Harry Potter, couple unspecified, any rating.
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i can see everyone else's points about it not seeming like fic or not seeming like femslash - the first because i've been guilty of the same thing, written something that's more like an experience or a philosophical thought masquerading as fic, and then i'm often not sure if it's "fic" enough. specifying a pairing would probably rectify the problem of the story not seeming like femslash, but then the pairing you give it changes the story as well. since i read/watch everything as slash, if i read this on an unrelated community i would probably assume it was fslash, but not everyone does. if you assume it is, it gives the line To find that special person, that guy a different kind of weight. but i guess you can never count on fandom to assume things.
anyway, thank you for my story! :)
Precisely, I read everything with an eye to femslash and this was written for a femslash community so the need to define it concretely as such (either through example or by naming names) was not something I believed necessary.
Therefor the line To find that special person, that guy does indeed carry a different kind of weight, a subtle one for the reader that is really a crushing anvil for the writer.
I am glad to know that you liked this and that you are not overly disappointed with my effort. You should know that I did indeed start a fic for your primary request (Populara Brooke/Sam) and I shall endeavor to complete it in a reasonable amount of time and forward it to you. I make no promises though because, well right now, I am floundering, adrift and very much resigned and filled with angst.
i am also impressed and pleased that you started the brooke/sam. i had no idea what Popular was until my girlfriend bought the first season and watched it all last summer, and then i had no idea that brooke/sam was such a big pairing till i was poking around so i've officially become hooked.
Popular was actually the first fandom I ever wrote though I did not actually ever see an episode until this year when I bought myself the dvds for Christmas.
The most comprehensive femslash site for Popular that I have ever seen is The Realm. A site I am more than happy to pimp.
Sam/Brooke was the pairing I first started out with but I have found that my preference is for the spectacularly unconventional pairing and not just in Popular fandom.
Thanks for the offer of a kind ear. Most of my friendship circle of the past 8 years was 'our' friendship circle and, unfortunately, it appears many aren't actually my friends.
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