Fic: Stretch Right Up And Touch The Sky. RPS. Jensen/Jared. NC-17. Part 1

Mar 02, 2008 19:23

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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Epilogue

Part 1

Remember those lame writing assignments set by tired old teachers that have been teaching for thirty odd years and can’t for the life of them come up with something original even if their life depended on it? Instead it’s all, “What did you do last summer?” or “Where do you see yourself ten years from now?” Totally boring and lame assignments that have everyone groaning and then lying their asses off?


Well, when Jared sat down an early Monday morning in May and the board read, “An event that changed my life. 1000 words,” he for a brief moment contemplated for once telling the truth. Only for a moment and then his brain kicked in and instead he cracked his knuckles and made up a soppy story about a kid in his neighborhood being run over by a car and how that taught him to never take life for granted. Teachers loved sentimental shit like that.

Now, if he’d told the truth…

If he’d told the truth the story would have started something like this: “My life changed forever the day Jensen Ackles transferred here from Richardson two years ago.”

He wouldn’t have been the only one.

Seems the whole school was swept off its feet the day the Boy Wonder aka Jensen Ackles entered it for the first time. Within hours everyone was whispering about him and straining their necks, trying to catch a glimpse of him over the crowd.

Well, at least there Jared had an advantage. For the first time in his life he thanked God and his dad’s good genes that he was “as tall as a motherfucking mountain” as Chad would say. Chad being… Never mind, we’ll get back to him later. We’re having a Jensen moment here, ok?

So, Jensen, yeah. It was hard to explain what exactly it was that had everyone tripping over their own feet and walking into doors whenever the guy walked by. Sure, he was good looking - Jared would say beautiful in his girlier moments - with those bright green eyes that shone like emeralds and lips plump as… plums and eyelashes that would make any doe proud. (So Jared might have been reading one of his mom’s romance novels. He was bored, ok?)

But it was more than that. The school had plenty of pretty - Jared considered himself quite handsome himself on his good days - but Jensen, he had something different. Something much, much more. Jared’s mother’s lady magazines would call it charisma. Sex appeal. Hotness incarnated. (So Jared might have read a few of those too. Stop judging him!)

It was like… the guy walked into a room and everyone’s eyes were instantly drawn to him. He was tall - not as tall as Jared but then again no one was as tall as Jared, not even Tommy even if he said he was. In his high heels maybe, Jared said sarcastically and rolled his eyes and Chad snorted - with dirt blond hair and strong arms and like the sexiest neck ever and, so yeah, he was kinda bowlegged. Like he’d grown up straddling a barrel, Chad had said and Jared had been forced to hit him. But it was cute, you know. Fucking sexy really. Made his ass look all perky and in those tight jeans it was…

Jared blushed just thinking about it.

So anyway, in the two years that had gone by since then, most people had gotten over their initial awe and now even managed to act almost normal around the guy. Not quite as many black eyes and stubbed toes anymore. Most people, but not Jared.

It was kinda pathetic really. No, not kinda. It was very pathetic. Because in those two years not only had his infatuation grown to an almost obsession that made him lose his appetite and lie for hours in bed, dreaming up romantic scenarios where Jensen suddenly realized he loved Jared too and they ran away to breed puppies on a farm, kinda like they did in 101 Dalmatians (the animated version, not the creepy one with Glenn Close). But despite that, so far, he’d never even talked to the guy. In fact he was pretty sure Jensen had no idea he even existed.

Pathetic, definitely.

See, here’s the thing. Jensen was three years older than Jared, even if he was only two school years ahead. No one knew exactly why he’d been held back because of course the guy got perfect grades and never missed a single class. So he wasn’t like educationally challenged or anything. Chad said he’d probably been suspended for a year for blowing the principal’s son or something. As if. Jared was sure it was because he’d been injured saving a kitten from a burning building or something. Jensen was just the type who’d do that.

But anyway, two or three years, whichever, in high school they made a huge difference. A freshman like Jared couldn’t exactly walk up to a junior and just, you know, talk. Let alone hit on him. And he was only fourteen at the time so even if he’d figured out the whole “I think I’m kinda gay” thing the minute he sat eyes on the legendary Jensen Ackles, he didn’t really have a clue what to do with that knowledge.

However now that he was turning sixteen in a couple of months and Jensen was about to graduate in just a few weeks… Well, Jared was getting rather desperate.

Also, he had this illness, you know. Like a brain deficiency, right? Even if Chad said he was making it up, he so wasn’t. It was like…

Ok, so here was the thing. Jared was a talker. He liked to talk. Like a lot. And loud. And he didn’t always think through everything before it left his mouth either, just blurted out whatever entered his head, whenever it entered his head. Now in most cases this was not a problem. Like he could bullshit his way out of pretty much any corner the teachers put him in whether he knew anything about the subject or not. And he could come up with excuses and explanations for all the trouble he got himself into and most times he got away with it because he just sounded so damn convincing with the big earnest eyes and the bright smile.

But, whenever Jensen walked into the room? Jared fell dumb. The not-speaking kind, not the stupid kind. Well, both really. Because if he managed to stutter a word or two they were usually along the lines of “Nice weather,” or “I have candy,” or something equally embarrassing that only made Jensen glance at him with this puzzled expression on his face which, even if it was insanely cute, wasn’t quite the look Jared was hoping for.

“Dude, you’re so fried,” Chad snorted and pulled him away before he embarrassed himself further.

“I’m not... What does that even mean?” Jared asked, annoyed as hell. “Fried?”

“Fried. Every time Jensen Ackles walks into the room he electrocutes your brain.” Chad wiggled his fingers by his head and made a loud buzzing sound. “Fried, man.”

“Your metaphors suck,” Jared told him. “But yeah, okay. He does do that. Fuck, what’s wrong with me?”

“You’re gay?”

“Funny.” Jared sighed and rubbed his temple. “Besides, that’s not wrong. In fact I’ve come to the conclusion it’s God’s gift to mankind.”

Chad snorted. “What? You’re gonna save the world with blowjobs?”

The good thing about Chad’s big head was that it was very easy to hit even if your aim was completely off because you were rolling your eyes at the same time.

“Ow! What the fuck was that for?”

“Ok, first? Shut up. I’m not looking for a career in cocksucking. That’s called prostitution, dickhead. Second…” Jared grinned. “If I wanted to save the world with blowjobs you bet I could. I have a great mouth.”

“You’ve never sucked a dick in your life!” Chad pointed out but Jared caught him glancing at his mouth, pursing his own lips experimentally, and smirked.

“No, but I eat a lot of ice cream and man,” he sighed dramatically “The cones make a great tool for practicing.”

Chad groaned. “I did so not need to know that. And that still isn’t saving the world.”

Jared shrugged. “I figure the world leaders could use some decent sex once in a while. Then they’d be much happier and wouldn’t be trying to blow each other up all the time.”

Chad couldn’t argue with that.

“Third…” Jared frowned. “There was a third. What was the third again? Oh yeah, third, I wasn’t talking about blowjobs, I was talking about the fact that by making me gay he reduced the chances of my stupid genes polluting the next generation by at least fifty percent.”

He hid his face in his hands. “Seriously, what is wrong with me?”

“You’re too stressed out, that’s what,” Chad diagnosed. “We need to get you mellow, Jaredina. Just drunk and stoned off your ass and then lock the two of you up in a room together.”

“Funny. That’s funny. That’s…” Jared stopped and stared at Chad. “You’re not joking.”

“Nope.” Chad grinned.

“What here? In school?”

“No, you moron.” Chad slung one arm over Jared’s shoulders, a devious look on his face. “We throw a party, man. Lots of beer and buzz and before you know it? Bam, he’ll be de-virginising your ass.”

“Dude, he’s a senior. Why on earth would he want to come to a sophomore party?”

Chad tapped his nose. “Leave that to me, loverboy.”

Jared groaned but for the first time in forever he felt something akin to hope.

See, the thing about Chad…

The thing about Chad was that he was a douche and a dickhead and had the tact of a walrus but if you needed someone to hook you up with beer or weed or, you know, a dirt-cheap iPod which may or may not have someone else’s name engraved on it, Chad was your man. A very annoying, foot-in-mouth-diseased, can’t-dress-himself-even-if-his-life-depended-on-it man, but with the resources of a small time criminal. Really, if you only had one friend in high school, that was the friend to have.

So when Chad texted him, “Fday 8 BYOB”, Jared couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach doing a little dance. Of course there was no guarantee Jensen would actually be there, even less guarantee that he would even notice Jared unless he wore a t-shirt that said “Jensen Ackles, please marry me!” and nothing else, but after almost two years of pining and getting nowhere, Jared was ready to grab whatever straws life, or rather Chad, handed him.

Which was why seven o’clock on the next Friday night, Jared found himself pounding on the bathroom door, towel in hand and nerves threatening to shatter.

“Ben, you shithead! You’ve been in there for half an hour! What the fuck are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?” came the sarcastic reply, sporting far more innuendo than a twelve year old really should be capable of.

“I have to take a shower so hurry the fuck up,” Jared bit back, gritting his teeth.

“Think I might have to take one too after this,” Ben said cheerfully as he flushed the toilet and then opened the door. He poked Jared’s stomach with the rolled up magazine in his hand and raised an eyebrow. “Dude, you’ve got to get some new material. I’m getting tired of the same old faces. Not that I really look at their faces, if you know what I mean.”

He leered in a way that would have had Mother Theresa knowing exactly what he meant.

Jared wrenched the magazine out of Ben’s hand and slapped him over the head with it. “You can buy your own porn, Ben. Now get the fuck out so I can take my shower.”

Ben flipped him the finger but then he looked at Jared speculatively. “Why you taking a shower anyway? You got a date?”

At Jared’s startled deer-in-headlights look Ben’s grin split wide open. “Dude, you’ve got a date! Fucking, eh! Mom!” he hollered down the hall. “Jared’s got a date!”

Jared grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him out of the doorway. “Shut up! And it’s not a date, it’s just a party at Chad’s.”

“Ooh, can I come?”

“Let me think… Uh… No.”

Jared shut the door in his little brother’s face and breathed out. The little vermin was a menace. And probably brain damaged, with all the porn he kept stuffing into his head. Seriously, it wasn’t normal. When Jared was twelve he used to play with Lego's and read comic books. Ben on the other hand…

People who came to visit usually mistook Ben’s room for Jared’s because his walls were covered in posters of half naked girls in various skanky positions. Very disturbing. Jared’s room on the other hand had posters with puppies and sport stars and the occasional horror movie. He was kind of a movie buff, although Chad said that term didn’t really apply when talking about sawed-off limbs and splattered brain matter. Whatever, it was still art, just different art. Bloody, gory art. Culture with a cleaver.

Their mother hated both their rooms, although for different reasons, and refused to set her foot inside. Which suited Jared just fine, he wasn’t really ready to have her run across his nude male photograph collection or “The Ultimate Anal Sex Book.” Just because Chad knew Jared was gay didn’t mean he was ready to tell his parents yet. Especially not if it meant Ben finding out. Like he said, Ben was a menace. Which was why he kept his drawers locked at all times.

Their mother had tried to put her foot down about Ben’s pornographic decorating but it only resulted in Ben giving her an hour long rant about freedom of speech and how the beauty of the female form being frowned upon was the result of male suppression of women’s right to express their physical presence in the media and that really she should be proud of how open-minded and appreciative Ben was of female beauty in light of how he was being brought up in a home dominated by men and maybe if she didn’t work so much he wouldn’t have to surround himself with pictures of other women.

She never mentioned it again.

It was getting scarily close to eight when Jared finally felt he might be ready. He’d changed his shirt like five times and had started to wonder if maybe Chad was right, maybe his closet held a little too much pink. It wasn’t a gay thing though, really, pink just went very well with his complexion. Made him look all tanned and stuff. Besides he was tall and manly enough to pull off pink, gay or not.

He checked himself in the mirror for the umpteenth time, taking in the final look. The jeans hung just low enough on his hips to look like they might slide down any second and they showed off his ass in an exceptionally flattering way. The t-shirt, not pink but black, was tight enough to show off the muscles he’d been working on like crazy for the last year, possibly with the hope that Jensen would notice. The leather jacket was short enough to make sure it didn’t obscure his ass and made his shoulders look really broad and manly. Well, he thought so anyway.

He’d tried his best to fix his hair so it resembled anything close to a fashionable style but had to admit defeat in the end when it refused to budge from its usual shaggy look. Thankfully he had great hair. Everyone loved his hair. Well, his mom did. And Sandy. She loved his hair a little too much. He should probably tell her about the gay thing before she really embarrassed herself with all the flirting.

He hesitated for a minute but then grabbed the cologne he’d gotten for Christmas and but a few drops on his palm before rubbing them into his cheeks.

“Dude, what kind of party are you going to? Rent-A-Boy?”

Jared turned around and glared at Ben who was leaning against the doorway, smirking obscenely. “Shut up. Don’t you have homework to do?”

“It’s Friday, moron. And I’m waiting for Cody. We’re gonna watch Debby Does Dallas and jerk off on your bed.”

“You do that and I’ll tell mom what really happened to her curling iron.”

Ben froze and then he turned around and marched straight into his room, slamming the door behind him. Jared grinned. Oh the joys of incriminating photos.

Even if he was ten minutes late he was still the first to arrive. Chad was putting up the sound system in the basement and as Jared opened the door Nine Inch Nails’ Closer blared out of the speakers, making him step back and blink from the mere force.

Chad looked up and a wide grin spread across his face.

“Hear that?” he shouted. “You get him on the dance floor, I’ll play this and if he still doesn’t get the point he’s definitely retarded.” He turned up the volume even further, grabbed Jared by the neck and started to grind up against him, singing badly along into Jared’s ear, “I wanna fuck you like an animal. I wanna feel you from the inside.”

Jared pushed him off, blushing deep red. “Are you fucking insane? No! You do that and I’ll kill you, man.”

Chad laughed and grabbed the remote, turning the volume down again. “Dude, don’t be such a virgin. C’mere.” He opened the small fridge and pulled out a beer, handing one over. “Drink this now, then we’ll light up a joint and by the time he gets here you’ll be all mellow and ready to have him pop your precious cherry.”

“Dude, I swear, if you do something stupid I’ll…”

“Thank me? Trust me, Jarhead, you’ll remember tonight for the rest of your life.”

Jared sighed but lifted the beer and emptied half of it in one go. He burped loudly and then asked, “What did you do? How do you know he’ll be here?”

Chad shrugged. “Someone stole his cell phone a couple of days ago. I told him I could get it back for him if he came over tonight.”

Jared raised one eyebrow at him. “And how’re you gonna do that?”

“Well…” Chad fished a phone out of his pocket. “Wanna go through his text messages, see if he has a girlfriend?” he asked smugly.

“Dude, you did not! Chad, you fuckhead, tell me you didn’t steal his phone!”

“Ok, I didn’t steal his phone.” Chad grinned. “I borrowed it. So, you want to check it out or not?”

“I’m not… Oh fuck. Give it.”

He grabbed the phone from Chad’s hand, ignoring his triumphant grin. It was a nice phone, one of those that played videos and music and could pretty much do anything except cook you breakfast. The wallpaper was a picture of a black car which was a bit odd, but whatever. At least it wasn’t Jessica Simpson.

Jared scrolled through Jensen’s contacts first. Apart from the obligatory Mom and Home there were a lot of guy names. Chris and Cody and Jeff and Steve and Tom to name a few. Jared recognized some of them as the friends Jensen usually hung out with and Cody sounded familiar as well but Jared couldn’t remember from where. There were some girl names, Danneel and Kristen and Sophia, but there weren’t like little hearts next to them or anything, like Jared had done to Jensen’s name on his own phone. Not that he’d ever called him - as if! - but just looking at Jensen’s name on his contact list always gave him a funny feeling in his stomach. Chad had found him the number and then teased him endlessly about not having the balls to actually call.

There weren’t that many text messages. Apparently Jensen had OCD or something and deleted them as soon as he’d read them. Not like Jared who usually didn’t bother until his inbox was full. There was one from Tom saying “Where the fuck r u?” and another from the girl called Kristen that read “Had 6 last nite. \o/” which pretty much excluded her as Jensen’s girlfriend unless she thought he’d forgotten. There were a few others, mostly about homework and what time he was supposed to come home but nothing that screamed ‘loving girlfriend’. Or boyfriend.

See, here was the thing. What if the guy wasn’t even gay or bi or interested in anything involving dick? Just the thought had Jared close to tears. Really, the guy was way too pretty to be straight but stranger things had happened. And if it turned out Jensen was a straight up tits guy? Jared’s life would pretty much be over.

“So, find anything?” Chad asked and drained his beer. “Strange encounters of the gay kind in his diary? Anything like that?”

Jared flipped him off but checked the calendar anyway. Dentist appointment on the fourth, math test on Monday. Nothing exciting. For all his beauty and charisma the guy’s life was as dull as anything. On a whim Jared flipped forward until July. The 19th, his birthday, was labeled with a question mark. Jared stared at it for a moment, his stomach tightening but then he shook his head, laughing at his own stupidity. A coincidence, that’s all. Why on earth would Jensen mark Jared’s birthday? The guy didn’t even know who he was!

He was shaken out of his musings by the doorbell chiming and frantically shut off the phone, handing it to Chad. “Here, take it. I’ll go get the door.”

“Dude, wait.” Chad grabbed his arm and turned him around, shoving a fat joint in between his lips. “Take a deep drag.”

Jared did, sucking the sweet smoke into his lungs before letting it out again. Then coughed with tears in his eyes as he made his way upstairs. Chad really knew how to score the good stuff.

Sandy stood outside the door, beaming up at him as he pulled it open, with two of her friends standing behind her, looking only a little less enthusiastic.

“Hi, Jared!” she said happily and gave him the once over, eyes gleaming. “Wow, you look great.”

“Uh… you too.” Her smile grew even wider and he cursed himself silently. He really needed to tell her about the gay thing. “Let me get your coats, girls. The party’s downstairs.”

The girls giggled and slipped out of their jackets and coats, showing off bare shoulders and more cleavage than Jared ever remembered seeing before. Sandy cocked her head and ‘accidentally’ slipped one strap off her shoulder.

Jared sighed. This was going to be a long night.

An hour later he was growing desperate. And very, very drunk. Not to mention high.

First he drank and smoked because he was nervous and to avoid talking to Sandy. Then because the buzz made him happy and mellow. But in the end he was hitting it hard because he was getting more and more depressed as the night went on. Because guess what? Jensen wasn’t coming. Why would he? The guy probably had plenty of money and had just bought himself a new phone. This whole thing was stupid. Chad was stupid, the party was stupid and Jared was beyond doubt the stupidest guy in the world. Fuck.

The doorbell rang once more and Jared scowled, ascending the stairs with the grace of a drunken giraffe. Seemed Chad had invited all the girls in school and it was starting to look like the Playboy Mansion downstairs. If Jared had been straight he’d been in heaven. As it was…If any more girls told him he was cute and pinched his ass? He was going home!

“Welcome to the Hugh Hefner Estate,” he said sarcastically as he opened the door. And froze.

“Erm… Hi. This is Chad’s place, right?”

Jared blinked, his brain seeming to be set on ‘pause’ mode. “I think so,” he finally managed.

“You think so?” Jensen’s lips twitched slightly at the corner. “Isn’t he like your best friend or something? You’re pretty much joined at the hip at school.”

“Uh… Yeah.” Jared nodded slowly. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

Another twitch, turning the lips slightly more upwards. “About him being your best friend?”

“No, I mean, uh, yeah. That too.”

Jensen quirked one eyebrow and Jared stared back. His knees felt a little like Jell-O.

“So…” Jensen finally said after a long awkward silence. “Chad? Is he here?”

Jared gazed at him, blinking slowly. Then his brain finally kicked in and he stepped back, blushing deeply. Crap.

“Yeah. Yeah. Yes, of course. Downstairs. Come on in. Want me to take your jacket?”

Jensen seemed to hesitate. “I wasn’t really gonna stay,” he finally said and glanced over his shoulder, as if someone was waiting for him.

“We have beer!” Jared blurted out. “Lots and lots of beer. And weed. And most of the girls are legal.”

“Well, hell. Why didn’t you say so already?” a loud voice drawled in the darkness and then a short guy pushed Jensen aside and glared up at Jared. “You gonna let us in, boy, or what?”

“Uh…” Jared stared down at the guy he knew as Chris, Jensen’s best friend. “Sure. It’s down the stairs.”

He stepped aside and Chris stomped by him. Jensen gave him an apologetic shrug and opened his mouth to say something but was again shoved aside, a bit gentler this time, by a long haired guy who gave Jared a smile before following Chris down.

Jared sighed. Chad was so gonna kill him.

“Sorry about that,” Jensen said and Jared turned his gaze back to him. “I think they can smell beer from a ten miles distance.”

“It’s okay.” Jared tried for a smile. “As long as they leave a girl or two for Chad so he won’t kill me,” he added and motioned Jensen to come on in.

“Don’t want one for yourself?” Jensen asked with a grin as he stepped inside and Jared ducked his head, blushing.

“Not so much, no. They’re not exactly my type.”

“What, too young?” Jensen joked and shrugged out of his jacket.

He was wearing a soft v-necked sweater over a white t-shirt and the way it clung to his lean frame made Jared want to weep. And the jeans, oh God! Jared swallowed as he let his eyes wander down, taking in the way they hug Jensen in all the right places. He’d never been this close to Jensen before and the effect of his presence was making Jared weak in the knees.

He looked up to find Jensen watching him, eyebrow raised in question and Jared rewound their conversation. Oh. He blushed even further. “More like too… girly. I’m not really into… I don’t… I mean, I’m kinda…” He swallowed. “I’m gay,” he said and held his breath.

“Oh.” Jensen gave him an odd look. “Sorry.”

Jared frowned. That wasn’t exactly the reaction he’d been anticipating. “Why? Is it bad?”

Jensen started. “No, I didn’t mean… not like that. I mean, it’s cool. Great.”

“Uh, okay.” Jared frowned and took Jensen’s jacket from his hands. It was soft leather and still warm from Jensen’s body. Jared fought the urge to bring it up to his face and inhale since he had a feeling he’d look like a psycho smelling panties. “Nice jacket,” he said instead, trying to ease the awkward moment.

Jensen looked at him, puzzled. “Uh, thanks.”

“Very… soft. And warm. I mean, it’s warm because you were wearing it. So I guess you’re hot. I mean warm! I mean…Smells good too.” He nodded frantically. “Think this is the nicest jacket I’ve seen all night.”

Jensen frowned. “Are you high?”

“Er… maybe?”

There was a long silence.

“Just… don’t drool on it,” Jensen said finally and threw him a last worried glance before heading downstairs.

Jared slumped up against the wall, cracking the back of his head on the panel before burying his face in Jensen’s jacket with a groan. God, could he be any more of a moron?

When he finally dared to go downstairs the party was in full swing. He spotted Jensen sitting with his friends on the couch, sipping beer and sharing a joint. He looked up when Jared came in, briefly meeting his eyes but then Chris said something in his ear and Jensen turned his attention back to his friends, leaving Jared feeling even more stupid than before.

He made his way over to the makeshift bar where Chad was already twisting open a beer for him, which he accepted gratefully.

“That bad?”

“Total disaster,” Jared said and stole the joint from Chad’s lips, pulling in a deep drag before giving it back. “He still doesn’t know my name but he thinks it might be Drooling Idiot.”

“What, you told him you think he has ‘emerald eyes and plumb lips’?”

“Shut up. And no. I told him I’m gay and that his jacket smells good.”

Chad pursed his lips tight in a futile effort to keep from laughing. “Oh man, you so suck at this.”

Jared couldn’t really argue with that. “I do. I really, really do,” he sighed.

“And I’m guessing he didn’t come out and say he liked cock too?”

“Nope.” Jared rubbed his face tiredly. “He said he was sorry.”

Chad frowned. “About what? About you being gay? What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, shooting an oblivious Jensen a glare across the room.

“I really don’t know,” Jared answered, feeling stupid and drunk and more hopeless than ever before.

“Dude, the guy is clearly a dick. Forget about him, man.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Jared glanced over at Jensen and his friends. Chris had a girl in his lap and Jensen was grinning at them as he sipped his beer slowly, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. Jare groaned. He so hated his life.

“And what’s with the escort, man? We don’t want seniors taking our women!”

Jared opened his mouth to apologize but before he could say anything a chirpy voice yelled over the loud music.


He turned around and got a lap full of Sandy, long arms wrapping themselves around his neck.

“Hi, baby!” she chirped happily, obviously quite drunk.

“Uhm,” he managed to get out and then he felt wet lips kissing his neck. Ok, this had gone on long enough. He pushed her away and tried to look stern. “Look, Sandy...”

“Dude…” Chad warned but Jared ignored him. She was looking at him with big hopeful eyes and Jared grabbed his beer, downing the whole thing in one go before starting again.

“Sandy, I like you, but…Hic!” His eyes went wide with panic. Oh fuck.


“I… Hic!” The sound was like a hybrid between a burp and a cat being strangled.

Chad grabbed his arm. “Dude, are you doing what it sounds like?”

“Hic!” Jared said, helpless.

“Oh man. Remember what happened last time?”

“Hic, hic!” Jared nodded, mortified, and hid his face in his hands. Crap.

“Four hours, man. If you hadn’t passed out you probably would have gone on forever.”

“Hic you!” Jared cursed. “Help me wh-hic this!”

“Hang on. I’ll fix this.”

To Jared’s horror Chad turned off the music and grabbed the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please? We have a problem.”

He shoved the mic in Jared’s face.

“Hic!” echoed throughout the surround system.

The whole room burst out laughing and Jared felt his face go insanely hot. He was going to kill Chad for this.

“This, my friends, is a young man with a serious problem. Last time he had one of those it lasted four hours. Four hours, people! Now, however fun it might be to see if he can beat that record, lets have pity on the boy and see if we can cure him instead? What do you say?”

The room rose in a cheer and then various remedies were being shouted out, each more absurd than the other. First he was told to hold his breath and count to a hundred. He only made it to about fifteen before his counting was interrupted by a loud hiccup. Then someone suggested holding his head under water and to his horror Chad pulled a bucket from behind the bar table.



“No fu-hicking way!”

Chad pouted but put the bucket away. “Ok, next suggestion?”

“Let me,” Sandy piped up and then slunk toward him, eyes batting suggestively and licking her lips. “Jared, honey? If you hiccup one more time I’ll kiss you, right here.”

Jared blinked. “Hic, hic,” he said with a sigh and shrugged apologetically when Sandy gave him a hurt look. “Sorry.”


“Drink upside down!” someone shouted and before Jared knew what was happening he was being tipped over, long legs flailing in the air as he was propped up against the wall, and then a bottle of beer was put to his mouth and tilted. Beer rushed into his mouth, down his throat and into his nose and he sputtered, fighting to swallow as much as he could. He’d finally emptied the bottle when a new one took its place immediately and he started to panic. Drowning in beer wasn’t exactly the way he’d thought he’d go.

“Cut it out,” a loud voice suddenly said. “Stop it, you morons. Let him go!”

Jared fell hard down on his head when his legs were suddenly released, and he slid down the wall, ass in air.

“Dude, you okay?”

Jared blinked the beer out of his eyes and found himself staring straight up at Jensen’s upside-down face. “Hic!” he said miserably.

“C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up,” Jensen said with a small smile and grabbed Jared’s arm, pulling him to his feet. “Although I hear beer is great for your hair.”

“Hic!” Jared mumbled and wiped most of the beer off his face, a rather futile attempt considering it kept running down from his wet mop of hair. Jensen laughed and grabbed Jared’s wrist, dragging him along out of the room and down the small hallway beside the stairs.

Jared was so horrified by the less than stellar impression he was making that it wasn’t until Jensen closed and locked the bathroom door behind them that Jared realized he was alone with the object of his rather obsessive affection. His dream had come true. And he was drenched in beer and hiccupping like a wino. God, could his life really get worse?

“Hic, hic, hic!” he burped and yes, seems it could.

Jensen only shook his head and laughed softly before tilting his head and looking at Jared thoughtfully. “Ok, first, take the t-shirt off before it gets even wetter.”

“Hic!” Jared complied miserably and pulled the t-shirt over his head before checking it over with a pout. The neck was drenched and the rivers of beer that had been running down his back had left an ugly dark pattern. Damn. He shot Jensen a shy glance but he was busy by the bathtub, mixing the temperature of the handheld shower.

“Come here,” Jensen said without turning around. “We need to wash most of it out or you’ll smell like a brewery. Bet your mom wouldn’t like that.”

Jared groaned. “No-hic, she wou-hicn’t.” He got to his feet and walked over to the bathtub. “How we gonna do thi-hic?”

Jensen threw him a glance and consequently dropped the showerhead. “Shit.”

There was a short panicked moment as they both tried to catch the undulating hose, water spurting everywhere, before Jared pushed Jensen aside and practically threw himself on the damn thing, figuring if anyone was going to get soaking wet it better be him, seeing as he was half-naked anyway. He finally managed to grab the showerhead and for a moment they both stood breathing heavily, staring at the wet walls of the bathroom before Jensen burst out laughing, wiping drops of water off his face.

“Hell, if I’d known it was this kind of party I’d have brought my bathing suit.”

Jared forced down the image of Jensen in nothing but a pair of Speedos and threw him a grin instead. “Sorry.”

“Hey, your hiccup’s gone!” Jensen pointed out and elbowed him. “Guess that drowning thing works after all.”

“Hic, hic, HIC!” said Jared and they both groaned.

“Then again maybe not.” Jensen sighed. “Ok, bend over.”

Jared choked on the next hiccup and stared at Jensen in alarm. “What?”

“Dude, you’re way too tall. If I’m gonna wash your hair you need to bend over. Or go down on your knees or something. I can’t reach you up there.”


Half-naked on his knees, in front of Jensen? Bending over with Jensen standing over him? What the hell was in that weed and please could he have some more?


He sank down to his knees and Jensen put a hand on his neck, pushing him down and forward. “Over the tub. Yeah, like this.” He took the handheld shower from Jared and aimed the flow at his head. “Not too warm, right?”

“No-hic, it’s hic fine,” Jared answered and tried not to moan as Jensen’s fingers slid gently through his hair. God, this was better than any jerk-off fantasy he’d ever had!

“Here, hold it.” The showerhead was once again thrust into Jared’s hand and then he heard the sound of a cap being popped off a bottle and the sweet smell of shampoo filled the air. The slightly cool liquid hit the top of his head and then Jensen’s fingers were back, rubbing it gently into his hair.

Jared stopped breathing.

Jensen Ackles was washing his hair. Jensen Ackles was washing his hair! If he died this very moment it would be the best death he could ask for.


“Mngh,” he managed and then hiccupped for emphasis.

Jensen chuckled. “You like that? That feel good?”

“Nghic-hic!” Jared moaned and went promptly red. God, he sounded like a drunken whore.

“I broke my arm once and my mom had to wash my hair for weeks. Was worth it for that alone.”

‘Bet your mom didn’t give you a hard-on though,’ Jared thought and tried to discretely press his thighs together. Dammit!

Jensen took the shower away from Jared again and rinsed the shampoo out of his hair, fingers continuing to run through it as he pushed the suds away. When he finally turned the water off Jared felt close to passing out. He was panting shallowly, interrupted by high-pitched hiccups that shook his body. He kept his head bowed as Jensen rubbed his head with a towel, then told him to sit up.

“There. Isn’t that better?”

“Yeah-hic!” Jared agreed as he got to his feet and accepted the towel from Jensen’s hands, rubbing his hair and then wiping off the drops of water that had rolled down his chest and back.

Jensen shook his head in amusement. His cheeks were faintly pink but then again it was rather hot in there with the steam and everything. “Man, your friend wasn’t kidding about that hiccup. You really had it for four hours?”

Jared nodded. “My record is si-hix,” he added miserably.

“That sucks.” Jensen grimaced. “How did you get it to stop?”

“Passed out.”

Jensen chuckled. “Well, we can’t have that.” He tilted his head, studying Jared thoughtfully. “Sit down,” he said finally.

Jared sat dutifully down on the closed toilet seat, watching Jensen warily. He was suddenly painfully aware of the fact that he was wearing practically nothing but his jeans and that his hair was standing up in all directions and that all Jensen had to do was look down and nothing on earth could keep him from noticing the state Jared was in. Oh God. Slowly, and hopefully innocently, he draped the damp towel over his lap.

Jensen seemed to be silently debating with himself, brow wrinkled in thought and teeth biting into his lower lip. Then he suddenly reached out and brushed the damp hair out of Jared’s eyes, tugging it behind his ears with a shy smile.

“Ok, so here’s the deal,” he said and leaned in, gazing Jared straight in the eyes. “If you hiccup one more time, I’ll kiss you. Tongue and all.”

Jared stared at him. The hiccup that had been making its way up his throat promptly turned around and went back to where it came from, leaving him gaping but utterly unable to make it return. “I…”

Jensen grinned. “What’s that?”

“I’m… Damn!”


“Yeah,” Jared sulked. This really wasn’t fair.

“Too bad,” Jensen said with a dramatic sigh. “I was really looking forward to that kiss.”

He started to straighten up but suddenly he paused and looked back at Jared, licking his lips nervously. Then before Jared knew what was happening his head was tilted backwards and Jensen’s lips were against his and… they were kissing! What…? Oh God!

It was everything he had imagined. Those lips really were made for kissing. They were soft and full and warm and actually nothing like plums at all. Jared whimpered and the sound made Jensen’s fingers tighten in his hair as he hitched his breath and then they were really kissing, mouths open and tongues sliding and Jensen holding Jared’s head between his hands as if he was afraid he’d disappear if he let him go. Just as Jared was about to move his own hands up to Jensen’s waist to try and pull him closer, Jensen suddenly jerked away, leaving Jared stupidly snapping at air like a goldfish.

“I… Bet your friends are worried about you,” Jensen said roughly and cleared his throat. “Maybe you should get back in there.”


Jensen ran a hand over his face and swallowed. “I need to get going anyway.”

“But…” Jared repeated lamely then dropped his eyes. “Yeah, ok,” he mumbled, feeling so damn confused and about ten times the fool from before.

“Your t-shirt…” Jensen looked around and his eyes fell on Jared’s t-shirt, lying wet in a puddle on the floor. “Oh. Crap.”

“It’s ok. I’ll just…” Jared reached for his shirt and wound the water out of it into the bathtub. “I’ll be fine.”

“No, you won’t.” Jensen seemed to hesitate and then he pulled the sweater over his head. “Hold this.”

“What?” Jared took the thin sweater and only just resisted to lift it up to inhale the sweet smell of Jensen. “What are you…?”

Jensen didn’t answer but took off the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath as well and handed it over with a curt nod. “This shouldn’t be too bad. Try it.”

Jared stared at him. Then he silently took the t-shirt and pulled it on. It was rather tight around his shoulders but other than that it fitted perfectly. “Thanks.”

“Yeah, well…” Jensen shrugged. “Can’t have you getting pneumonia.” He paused momentarily but then he opened the door and stepped out. “I’ll see you around. Jared, right?”

Jared couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. Jensen knew his name! “Yeah. Jared. And you’re Jensen.”

Jensen smiled, the awkwardness melting away. “The hot one with the nice jacket,” he said teasingly and then closed the door, leaving Jared staring at it, red in the face.

What had just happened? Jensen had kissed him! God, he’d kissed him and then… Then he’d just walked away. Had it been that bad? Jared licked his lips slowly. They felt slightly swollen, prickly, and the saliva from their kiss was drying at the corners of his mouth. It should be gross but Jared thought it was the hottest freaking thing ever. Proof that he hadn’t imagined the whole thing. Well, that and the t-shirt he was wearing.

It was still warm from Jensen’s body and when Jared sniffed his shoulder it smelled like Jensen, a mixture of spices and cologne. It made him feel slightly faint.

He was wearing Jensen’s t-shirt! God, Jensen had washed his hair and then lent him his t-shirt. Next to that a kiss seemed almost insignificant. Almost, but not quite. A grin spread across Jared’s face. Ok, so maybe he was a bad kisser. He could work on that. Somehow. Obviously Jensen had seen something worthy in him or he’d hardly gone through all this trouble.

Also, guess he’d finally got his answer to the most important question of all. Jensen clearly had no problems with dicks. Yay!

When Jared finally opened the door and peeked out he caught the footsteps of someone going up the stairs and paused in the doorway, not ready to face anyone just yet. His ears perked up when he heard a familiar drawl and he froze, straining to listen though he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to hear it.

“You’re quite something, aren’t ya, Jenny? He’s a frigging kid, man,” Chris was saying, sounding more amused than appalled.

“Shut up,” said Jensen’s voice. “Nothing happened. Just helping the poor kid out. With friends like that…”

“Hey,” said a voice that had to belong to the other guy Jared was pretty sure was named Steve. “It’s not that we don’t like him, man. He’s damn cute, in his own illegal way, but… Tommy’s gonna kick your ass if he finds out.”

“What, you gonna snitch on me?” Jensen asked sarcastically

Chris laughed. “So there is something to snitch about?”

“Fuck you,” Jensen bit back but there was amusement in his voice and Jared had a feeling that if he could see Jensen’s face it would be blushing.

“Now that would really make Tommy mad. You know, because your boyfriend is such a big fan of mine to begin with.”

The front door closed, muffling their voices and leaving Jared alone in the dark, heart racing in his chest.

Tommy? As in Tom Welling, I’m-tall (but not as tall as Jared, ha!) and-rich-and-handsome-and-drive-my-own-BMW Tom Welling? He was Jensen’s boyfriend?

Jensen had a boyfriend?

Jared slid down the wall until his ass hit the floor. He wrapped his arms around his folded knees and buried his face in his shoulder and the smell of Jensen.

Could his life really get worse?

Something tickled in his chest and then ran up his throat.


Jared groaned and stumbled to his feet. More alcohol was in order.

Continued in Part 2

genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, fic 2008, cwrps fic, stretch right up, fic

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