Fic: Stretch Right Up And Touch The Sky. RPS. Jensen/Jared. NC-17. Part 3

Mar 02, 2008 18:40

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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Epilogue

Part 3

He paused for a moment, trying to get his heart to slow down to normal, before ringing the bell. He only had to wait a short time before the door was thrown open and he came face to face with… Jensen’s dad.

Jared stepped back. Wow, scary. The man was handsome, you know if Jared had really had a thing for the whole sugar daddy scenario, with a graying beard and piercing eyes that were glaring suspiciously at Jared.

“Who are you?”

“Uhm… Jared?” Jared said cautiously and wondered if he’d gotten the whole thing wrong. Maybe Jensen had meant tomorrow night. Or maybe he’d just been fucking with him, setting Jared up for a big joke. “Jensen’s friend?” he added when he realized Jensen’s dad was still glaring at him, obviously waiting for some further explanation.

“I don’t remember seeing you before. What did you say your name was again?”

“Jared. Jared Padalecki. Look…”

“Jeff, will you let him in and stop being such an ass?” Jensen said and pushed his dad playfully out of the way. “Jared, hey. Sorry about that. He’s just taking the role of Papa Bear a little too seriously.” Jensen shot the grizzly bear in question a hard look and the menacing glare was instantly replaced by crinkling eyes.

“Well, seeing as last time you brought home the village idiot…”

Jared bit his lip to keep from giggling but Jensen only rolled his eyes and grabbed Jared’s arm, pulling him inside. “Come on, we’ll go to my room until they leave. You are leaving soon, right?” he asked and shot his dad another glare.

“Yeah, yeah. As soon as your mother is ready.”

“And you’re taking Cody?”

Jeff rolled his eyes. “Yes, even if I don’t understand why you two can never get along.” At Jensen’s look Jeff relented and closed the front door with a sigh before giving Jared a nod. “This one’s gonna keep his pants on, right? Because he barely looks old enough to shave.”

“Jeff!” Jensen tightened his hold on Jared’s arm and pulled him along up the stairs. “I’m so sorry. He thinks he’s funny BUT HE’S NOT!” he said, shouting the last words, which had Jeff shooting back, “I’m HILARIOUS!”

“I think he’s cool,” Jared said, grinning. “Way cooler than my dad. Why do you call him Jeff?”

Jensen shrugged as he pushed open the door to his room. “He’s my stepdad.” He seemed to hesitate for a moment but then added cautiously, “Mom met him after my real dad kicked us out three years ago.”

Jared blinked. “Oh. Why?” he asked and then once again cursed his big mouth when Jensen stiffened and he realized how rude he was being. “I mean… You don’t have to tell me. Sorry.”

Jensen looked down, biting his lip. “It’s okay. It was… The whole gay thing. He didn’t take it well. Mom sided with me.” He shrugged again, as if it was no big deal but Jared could hear the gratitude toward her evident in his voice. “It was… bad. We were on the run for a year until they finally arrested him. Jeff was mom’s lawyer.”

“Oh wow.” Jared really wasn’t sure what to say. He was surprised Jensen was telling him all this and from the look on Jensen’s face so was he. As if it had just slipped out unintentionally and now he was looking ten kinds of uncomfortable and like he was expecting Jared to run screaming.

“I haven’t told mine yet,” Jared finally confessed, deliberately easing them away from the subject of Jensen’s past. “It’s not that I think they’ll throw me out or anything, I just…” He fiddled awkwardly with the cuff of his shirt. “I don’t know.”


They stood in silence for a while and Jared was wondering if he’d killed the mood, before they’d even gotten into one, with all his stupid questions when Jensen suddenly looked up and smiled softly. “You’ll do it when you’re ready. Don’t worry about it.”

Jared smiled back and just like that the air in the room seemed lighter.

“So what you wanna do until they leave?”

For a moment Jared contemplated suggesting trying that whole kissing thing again. Something must have given his thoughts away though because Jensen looked away, blushing slightly. “We could play some PSP?”

“You have two?”

“I’m holding Cody’s ransom until he gives me my iPod back,” Jensen explained with a grin and Jared laughed.

“I think our brothers might possibly be twins, separated at birth,” he said and caught the PSP Jensen threw at him. “Now prepare to be slaughtered!” he hollered and threw himself down on the bed.

“Bring it on, big guy.”

Jensen settled down beside him with a grin. He was warm and smelled so good and… Jared groaned as he was killed before the game had really started.

The next hour went by quickly and they were so engrossed in their games they hardly looked up when Jeff popped his head inside, telling them they were off and to ‘please behave and keep their clothes on’.

Jared shot Jensen an amused look. “You get naked guys in here often?”

Jensen frowned until he realized Jared was joking and elbowed him hard to pay for his insolence. “Shut up. And no. Jeff’s just…” He chuckled. “Let’s just say Tom’s last minutes as a guest in this house weren’t very dignified.”

Jared grinned. “I kinda heard the roars. Man, I had no idea Tom was a tighty-whitey guy.”

Jensen looked at him, startled. “Dude! Were you watching?”


For a moment Jared was sure Jensen was going to be mad as hell but then he suddenly doubled over, and the room filled with laughter. “God!” He glanced up, tears in his eyes as he tried to get his breath back. “You know, I almost felt sorry for him and I probably would have if he hadn’t been such a complete jerk to you,” he said, still shaking with laughter.

“Or, you know, just a complete jerk, period,” Jared pointed out and Jensen blushed.

“Yeah, that too.”

“Seriously, man, what did you see in him?”

Jensen shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s handsome enough. Not that that’s all I think about,” he hurried to add when Jared shot him a frown. “It’s just… There aren’t that many gay guys around, ya know. You gotta start somewhere.”

“I guess.” Jared wrinkled his nose in thought. “I never thought of it that way. But then again it hasn’t been that long. Since I figured it out myself, I mean. And by then there already was-.”

He cut himself off abruptly. Jensen was watching him, waiting for him to continue and he had no idea what to say. “Well, you,” he finished lamely and his face became as red as a tomato. Damn.

Jensen blinked. “You had a crush on me?”

“Uh… think you have your tenses mixed up there, buddy” Jared mumbled, suddenly very interested in the hole in his jeans, poking his finger through it and scratching his knee.

“Huh.” Jensen seemed genuinely surprised. “How long?”

“Pretty much since the day you transferred here,” Jared said and wondered what the hell he was doing.

Jensen stilled. “That’s almost two years ago.”


“You were fourteen years old.”

“That’s… Yes.”

Jensen sat still for a while and then turned on the bed, watching him intently. “Jared, when did you figure out you were gay?”

He blushed. “Erm… The first time I saw you?”

Jensen sat back, seeming dazed. “Christ. You… You’re not joking?”

Jared frowned, feeling put upon. “No.”

“So, what? I pretty much turned you gay?”

“Now you sound like Chad,” Jared sighed. “Dude, you know it better than anyone that you can’t turn anyone gay. They either are or they aren’t. I just didn’t realize until then.”

“Christ,” Jensen repeated. “Why didn’t you say something?”

Jared gave him an incredulous look. “Dude, I was fourteen. I had pimples everywhere. My voice was all squeaky! You would have laughed your head off.”

“I wouldn’t have laughed!” Jensen said indignantly and Jared raised an eyebrow. “Ok, maybe a little,” he confessed. “But… man! Two years?”

“Twenty months, two weeks and three days but who’s counting?” Jared joked although he was still flushed red and really wanted the floor to swallow him.

Jensen just kept watching him and Jared was starting to feel increasingly uncomfortable under the scrutiny. “You gonna freak out?” he finally asked, voice low.

Jensen licked his lips nervously but then he swallowed and shook his head. “No. I just… I had no idea.”

“Yeah, I know,” Jared said sarcastically. “Two weeks ago you didn’t even know my name.”

Jensen laughed nervously. “Yeah, about that… I knew.”

Jared frowned. “Knew what?”

“Your name. And… I kinda had noticed you. A lot.” He threw Jared a glance, his smile shy. “You’re quite the looker, Jared. And the last year you’ve really… grown. And I don’t just mean emotionally,” he added, blushing deeply.

Jared stared at him in surprise. “You been checking me out?” he asked incredulous.

Wow, red-faced Jensen really was the cutest thing in the world. “Maybe.”

“You never said anything. Did anything. At all,” Jared pointed out to him, not sure whether he should be flattered that Jensen had actually noticed him or annoyed that he’d been letting him pine on his own for so long.

Jensen sighed. “Dude, you’re three years younger than me. I don’t want to use the hated ‘you’re just a kid’ line but damn it, Jare, you are.”

Jared stiffened. “You kissed me, remember?”

“And I shouldn’t have. I mean,” Jensen hurried to add at Jared’s crestfallen face, “Not then. I should have waited until after…” He hesitated. “You’re gonna think I’m a total jerk.”

“I’m kinda thinking that right now,” Jared pouted. “So please, don’t stop on my account.”

Jensen sighed and rubbed one hand over his face. “I had noticed you and I wanted to find out if you’d be interested but I didn’t want to do anything until you were at least sixteen, man. That’s the truth, ok? And I’m sorry if that makes you mad at me but I just… I didn’t want to be that guy. The sleazy guy who perves over the teeny twinks. I’ve met that guy, I’ve fucking dated that guy and it’s not the ideal way to start out. So… no.”

Jared sat still, staring down at his hands still holding the PSP in his lap. “So what changed?” he finally asked. “Why did you…?”

Jensen was silent for a while and when Jared looked over he was met with the sight of an adorably embarrassed Jensen, pink faced and nibbling at his lower lip.

“Well, there was beer,” he finally admitted. “And weed. And you taking your shirt off and almost giving me a heart attack with those abs and that perfect skin.” He laughed shyly. “I almost undid your pants and jerked you off, right there. Was so close to just dropping to my knees and…”

He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and when he looked up his pupils were blown wide open, burning like fire. Jared stared back at him, his heart hammering in his chest, his dick suddenly so hard in his jeans it hurt.

“It’s illegal how goddamn hot you are, Jared. Literally illegal.”

“I don’t care,” Jared breathed, voice hoarse. “I’m gonna be sixteen in two months.”

“Still illegal,” Jensen whispered. “But better. God, I’ve been counting the days. I wanted… I want you to be sure. To know what you’re getting yourself into.”

Jared shook his head. “I do know. I can’t wait two months. I can’t wait another minute. I’m not a kid, Jen. I’m not… I’m old enough.” He gazed pleadingly at Jensen. “Now. I’m old enough now.”

Jensen groaned. “Please, Jared, don’t…”

“It doesn’t matter. Two months, what the hell does it matter?” he whispered, voice getting desperate. God, he wanted Jensen. So much. He thought he might cry if Jensen turned him down.

“I don’t want… I won’t be that guy. I won’t...”

“You’re not. You think you would even be talking about this if you were? You’re just you. You’re…” Jared’s voice broke. “God, Jen, if you don’t kiss me right now I’ll die. I mean it.”


“Kiss me, Jen. Can you just kiss me, goddamn it!”

Jensen held his frantic gaze and then suddenly he lunged forward, grabbed Jared by the neck and yanked him across the bed, crushing their lips together. Jared lost his balance and fell back on the bed where he found himself pressed into the soft pillows, mouth opening on a gasp as Jensen angled his head and then pushed his tongue into Jared’s mouth, hot and wet and Oh. My. God.

Jensen’s elbows were on each side of Jared’s head, fingers tangled in his hair, and when Jared grabbed hold of Jensen’s shoulder he moaned and moved even closer, their hips bumping and the thin materials of their t-shirts bundled up so Jared could feel the soft skin of Jensen’s stomach brush his own. Frantic his hands moved, sliding down Jensen’s back and then over the curves of his ass until they was cupping it, pushing and pulling to try and get Jensen to move on top of him, his hips jerking when Jensen’s hipbone pressed against his desperate dick.

“God, oh God, “ Jensen gasped into Jared’s mouth, fingers tightening in his hair.

“Don’t stop,” he panted and jerked when Jensen sucked on his lower lip. “Oh Jesus, don’t you fucking stop.”

“I’m gonna come in my pants!” Jensen whimpered.

“Do it!” Jared pushed one thigh in between Jensen’s legs and he rubbed eagerly against it. “Fuck yeah, like that. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Jensen shifted higher up and suddenly he was in the exact right spot with Jared’s cock nested in the crook of his hips and his own dick pushing against Jared’s thigh. They gasped, Jared’s eyes widening. He tightened his hold on Jensen’s hips, pressing them even closer as he stared into Jensen’s startled eyes. They were impossibly green, pupils blown wide and dark, and Jared didn’t think he’d ever seen anything more beautiful.

Jensen hips gave an involuntarily jerk and Jared went with it, holding on to Jensen’s hips and rocking him back and forth, increasingly faster and harder. It was so damn fucking good, better than anything he’d ever imagined and when Jensen sort of growled and started kissing him again, desperately licking and biting at his mouth as if he was starving for it, that was it. Jared stiffened and everything seemed to slow down around him. Through the white noise buzzing in his ears he could hear Jensen gasping his name and then suddenly they were both coming, Jared’s fingers digging into Jensen’s ass as Jensen bit down on his lip and together they jerked and shuddered like the world was about to end.

With a groan Jensen collapsed on top of him, still shaking and breathing harshly, and when Jared pressed a kiss to the side of Jensen’s neck he could feel Jensen’s heartbeat throb frantically against his lips.

“That was…wow,” he finally said when Jensen made no attempt to move.

“Oh God,” Jensen groaned and shuddered so violently he would have fallen off if Jared’s hadn’t wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.

“Are you freaking out now?” he laughed.

“Thinking about it,” Jensen mumbled into his neck but then he turned his head and found Jared’s lips. The kiss was at an awkward angle and wet with spit and kept getting cut off by Jensen hitched breathing, but Jared was pretty sure it was the kiss to conquer all kisses. After a while Jensen laid down his head on Jared’s shoulder and just gazed at him, looking like he couldn’t quite believe what had happened.

“We were gonna have pizza,” he whispered finally and Jared grinned.

“Still can,” he started saying but Jensen laid a finger on his lips, shushing him.

“And watch a movie,” he continued, “and maybe talk. Get to know each other better.”

Jared sucked Jensen’s finger into his mouth and bit it lightly, smiling when it got him a moan and a quick jerk of Jensen’s hips. “And then what?” he asked huskily after letting the finger go with a wet pop.

“I was gonna kiss you goodnight,” Jensen told him quietly. “If you’d let me.”

Jared smiled. “I would have let you.”

“No kidding,” Jensen breathed and Jared laughed. They gazed at each other for a while until Jared’s stomach suddenly rumbled. Jensen grinned. “You hungry?”

“Starving,” Jared confessed and then grimaced when Jensen started to slide off him. “Yeurgh, my boxers are all wet and sticky.”

Jensen stood up and made a face as he looked down at his own crotch, which had a dark patch, slowly spreading. “At least you’re wearing some.” He threw Jared a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll lend you a pair.”

Jared stared up at him, wide-eyed. “You’re not wearing any? Are you telling me all I had to do was pop that button and…”

“If you had this would have been over even faster,” Jensen said and rummaged through his drawers. “Here you go,” he said and tossed over a piece of clothing.

Jared looked down at the black boxer briefs in his hand. For some reason the idea of wearing Jensen’s underwear was having a very encouraging effect on him and he tried to remind his dick it had just had some and should really try to pace itself. It didn’t listen.

“I’ll have half of your wardrobe soon if you keep this up,” he noted and looked up to find Jensen with his back turned, naked from the waist down. “Oh God!”

“I’m gonna clean up,” Jensen was saying with distaste in his voice. “I hate dry come in my pubes.”

“Oh. My. God.”

“What?” Jensen turned around and Jared’s eyes widened even further. “You okay?”

“You’re… naked,” Jared said dazedly.

“Uh, yes.” Jensen had the decency to blush but only a little. “My jeans were sticky.”

“I can see your cock.”

Jensen looked down at himself and then up again, frowning. “Dude, don’t you shower at gym? Don’t tell me this is the first cock you’ve seen.”

“No, but...” Jared swallowed. “This is your cock.”

Jensen snorted but he looked pleased. “When you put it like that.” He sauntered into the adjoined bathroom with an exaggerated swag of his hips, emerging five minutes later wearing clean boxers and smelling faintly of soap.

As he grabbed a clean pair of jeans and pulled them on he looked over at Jared who was still sitting on the bed, slightly dazed. “So, now you’ve seen mine, you gonna show me yours?”

Jared jerked awake and frantically pulled the boxers over his crotch. “What are we? Twelve?” he asked, flustered.

“Dude, I’m joking. Relax.” Jensen gave him an odd look but then his face softened and he smiled sympathetically. “You know, sometimes guys don’t develop all at once. You could still have some growing left to do… there. Don’t worry about it.”

What? Jared blinked and then suddenly he got it. “You think I’m… Dude, I don’t have size issues! Why should I have size issues?” His eyes widened. “I should have size issues?”

Jensen raised his hands defensively, face all innocent. “Hey, it’s okay. I mean, from what I could tell, you seemed quite alright.”

“You…” Jared hid behind his hands, mortified. “Oh God, you think I have a small dick!”

There was a weird choking sound and when he looked up, face flushed red, he caught Jensen with one hand covering his mouth, desperately trying to smother the laughter bubbling in his throat.

“Are you laughing at me?” Jared asked, feeling incredibly hurt. “You know, it’s not my fault if I’m…”

“Jared, c’mon! You can’t be serious?” Jensen laughed. “Dude, we were wearing all our clothes and I could still tell you’re hung like a goddamn stallion.”

Jared stilled. “I am?” he asked cautiously.

“Oh yeah,” Jensen said, smiling. “Believe me, if anyone should worry, it’s me.” When Jared just blinked confused up at him he blurted out, “After all, it’s my virgin ass on the line.”

He blushed deeply, which Jared would have found unbelievably cute if he’d had any working brain cells. As it was he just stared, mouth open, until Jensen squeaked, “Pizza? Sound good?” and awkwardly fled the room.

“Yeah,” Jared said dazedly, approximately five minutes later. “That would… that would be great.” He stood up, clutching Jensen’s underwear in his fist. “I’m gonna clean up,” he informed the empty room and stumbled into the bathroom, his dick so hard he could hardly walk.

Virgin ass. Jensen had a virgin ass. Jensen wanted Jared to deflower his virgin ass. Oh God.

Thankfully he hadn’t had time to change because he really didn’t want to explain to Jensen why he needed another pair of underwear.

The rest of the night was spent eating pizza and watching John McClane blow shit up and the two of them being anything but intimate. Jared wasn’t quite sure where Jensen was going with all this. He kept his distance, dodging any movements Jared made his way and laughing away Jared’s rather lame attempts at being suggestive. In the end Jared gave up and just focused on having fun and enjoy being in Jensen’s company, sans kissing.

It surprised him how well they fit, him and Jensen, despite their three-year difference. Whether that meant he was mature or that Jensen was childish, he wasn’t sure. Probably neither. Funny thing was, they had very different taste in almost everything. Jared loved dogs beyond anything while Jensen really liked horses, having been brought up on a ranch most of his life. That put quite a damper on Jared’s fantasy about the puppy farm but he guessed they could have a few horses as well. He was open to suggestions.

Jensen liked more country and rock while Jared enjoyed techno and less known indie groups that Jensen mockingly called emo music. They supported opposite sports teams, each of them wowing that they’d beat the other in the finals. Jensen liked action movies well enough but was more into artistic and European films and grimaced when Jared started gushing about his collection of horror movies.

“Devour? You’re kidding, right?

“Dude, it’s supposed to be bad! That’s the fun of it.”

“Oookaaay.” Jensen gave him a look that clearly said ‘weirdo’ and Jared reached over to smack Jensen on the arm, grinning. Jensen slapped him back and suddenly they were tussling on the couch, laughing and yelling as Bruce Willis blew up a plane on the TV screen. Jared finally managed to use the added height and weight to his advantage and pinned Jensen underneath him, panting. He shifted to get a better hold and Jensen’s laughter abruptly cut off as he stared up at Jared, licking his lips, their hips pressed together.

Just then the door opened and the whole Ackles clan - or Morgan-Ackles clan more accurately considering the whole stepdad issue - tumbled into the hall. The boys froze, and then Jared rolled off, landing on the floor with a loud thump before quickly getting to his feet, just managing to throw himself down on the other side of the couch before Jeff poked his head in, grinning wickedly.

“You boys decent?”

Jensen gave him a glare while Jared tried to look innocent. Which was quite the challenge considering he was hard as a rock and his gaze kept slipping to the small sliver of skin showing between Jensen’s jeans and t-shirt. He also suspected he looked just as flushed as Jensen, if not even more since his face felt embarrassingly hot, and he had to sit on his hands to keep from reaching out and smoothing down Jensen’s wild hair. All in all he didn’t think they made a very convincing picture of innocence. Jeff didn’t seem to think so either as he chuckled merrily and then grabbed Cody by the neck as he tried to squeeze into the living room, telling him it was time for bed and ‘No argument, boy’.

“I should probably get going,” Jared said reluctantly and swore when he checked his watch. His mom was gonna kill him.

“Want me to drive you?” Jensen offered as they both stood up, awkwardly straightening their clothes.

“It’s okay. It’s only ten minutes.”

“I remember,” Jensen said with a smile and Jared ducked his head, feeling stupidly pleased.

Jensen walked him to the door and for a moment they stood close, neither knowing how to end the evening. Finally Jensen asked, “Wanna meet up tomorrow?” and Jared sighed in relief.

“Sure, okay.” He tried to sound casual but the big grin gave him away.

“Great.” Jensen lit up with a smile. “If you come by around noon my mom will have her famous Saturday pancakes ready.”

“Sounds good.” Jared glanced down the hall and then pulled Jensen in for a quick kiss, barely tasting his lips before letting him go and stepping back, flushed and embarrassed. “I’ll see you then,” he said without daring to look up and then ran out the door and down the driveway. At the last moment he glanced back and found Jensen staring after him, fingers lightly touching his lips. Jared smiled all the way home.

Compared to last weekend this one went by incredibly quickly. No moping or sulking while bitching to Chad on the phone but instead he was laughing with Jensen while they played Nintendo or watched movies and just had a great time.

Jared couldn’t ever remember clicking so fast with anyone, not even Chad who he’d known since he was five. But then again their friendship had started by Chad beating him over the head with a shovel when Jared tried to steal his favourite car in kindergarten and Jared then forcing Chad to eat dirt. And then they had hated each other for weeks and probably would have done forever if a six year old called Dino hadn’t thrown rocks at both of them and forced them to join forces to tackle him down and pour sand down his pants. They’d been inseparable since.

Which made Jared feel kinda guilty for not answering Chad’s calls or text messages the whole weekend. Each day he wowed to call Chad as soon as he came home and each night he forgot, busy jerking off with the memory of Jensen playing in his head.

Monday morning he did catch up with Chad though on his way to school, jogging to keep up with his friend’s bike. “Hey,” he said and tried to sound casual although he could see Chad was pissed off.

“Hey,” Chad grunted back and Jared breathed out. At least they were talking.

“I’m sorry about not calling you, man. I’ve just been… busy.”

“I noticed,” Chad grumbled but he didn’t seem quite as angry. “So how’s your little boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend. I think,” Jared said and frowned.

“You think?” Chad glanced at him. “What, you don’t know?”

“We haven’t really talked about it,” Jared confessed. “I mean, we’ve just been hanging out. Getting to know each other, I guess.”

“Have you gotten to know each other’s dicks?” Chad asked sarcastically. “’Cos that would be a big clue.”

Jared felt his face grow hot. “Uh…”

Chad stopped and stared at him. “You’re joking, right? Oh man, how easy are you?”

“Me? Why me? Maybe he’s the easy one!”

Chad rolled his eyes. “Dude, he’s the older one, you’re the boytoy. Which means if you give in, you’re the slut.”

Jared frowned. “Well, that’s just stupid. Beside it wasn’t like that.”

“Do I really want to hear this?” Chad asked and seemed to be contemplating whether he could steer his bike and plug his fingers in his ears at the same time.

“We just started kissing and… came in our pants,” Jared told him, feeling both hot and embarrassed at the memory.

“Ok, thank you, and will you please never talk to me about your sex life again?” Chad groaned. “But I think we’ve established he is your boyfriend.”

Jared’s smile dropped. “Yeah, except he hasn’t even kissed me since. So I don’t know. Every time I try something he turns away or pretends he doesn’t notice. What’s that about?”

“Huh.” Chad looked thoughtful. “Maybe he’s feeling guilty for wanting to fuck a fifteen year old.”

“I’m sixteen in two months, man! And it’s not like I’m a little kid who can’t take care of myself if I didn’t want something. I’m bigger than he is.”

Chad raised an eyebrow. “Everywhere?”

“Dude! Shut up.” Jared punched Chad’s arm and then quickly reached out to grab him before he fell off his bike. “I thought you didn’t want to hear more about my sex life.”

“I don’t. I’m just curious if he can measure up to your monster trouser snake.” Jared grinned at him and he frowned. “What?”

“You’re so gay.”

“Am not!”

“Are too,” Jared sing sang. “You’ve been checking me out, man. Oh, I feel so violated!”

“Shut up!”

“Are you looking at my ass? You’re looking at my ass right now! Chad, Chad, stop looking at my ass!”

“I’m gonna kick your ass so hard you won’t be sitting down for weeks, you gay freak!” Chad growled and lunged out to punch him. Jared laughed and took off down the road, Chad tramping the pedals hard to catch up with him.

By the time they reached school they were both sweaty and flushed, with Chad cursing up a streak and Jared breathless from laughing so much. As he waited for Chad to lock up his bike, Jared let his eyes sweep across the school ground, stopping dead on Jensen who was as usual sitting with his buds on the bench under the tree in the middle of the lot.

His stomach tightened and he suddenly felt unsure and awkward. All last week Jensen had ignored him while they were at school. And when he’d finally approached him on Friday the lot had been empty with everyone already gone home. So even if the weekend had been great he had no idea where they stood when it came to school. Not that it would matter much longer, seeing as the seniors only had two days left before walking out for the last time. But today, right now, Jared had no idea how to act.

“Dude, what?” Chad followed his gaze and groaned. “You gonna ditch me again to go sit with your boyfriend?”

“Shut up.” Jared bit his lip. “What if he doesn’t want anyone to know?” He fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt, pulling them nervously down as if he could hide himself by hiding his skin. “Maybe I should just wait until he’s gone inside?”

Chad stared at him incredulous. “Man, are you listening to yourself? Fucking Christ. Jare, if he snubs you, he’s not worth it. You wanna be someone’s dirty little secret? Really?”

“No, but…”

“I’m not saying he has to molest you in public, because seriously, no one wants to see that, but if he pretends not to know you again, he’s a fucking dickhead and you’re better off without him.”

“I don’t know…”

“What’s wrong with you? He’s turned you into a complete pussy, man. Stand up for yourself. Be your own man. Or woman. Whatever.”

“You’re a woman,” Jared bit back but he did feel a little bit better. Chad was right. If Jensen wanted to go back to ignoring him every time his friends were around he wasn’t the guy Jared thought him to be. “Ok, let’s go.”

Chad shook his head. “Nuhuh, I’m not going with you, man. I’ll see you inside.”

“Now who’s the pussy?” Jared hissed after him but Chad just flipped him one finger and jogged across the lot to where Sandy and Sophia were standing, laughing and glancing their way. Jared gave Chad’s retreating back a last glare before focusing back on the task at hand.

Jensen didn’t seem to have noticed him yet. He had his back half-turned and was deep in conversation with Chris. Steve was lounging on the bench, squinting against the sun and it was actually him who first looked up to spot Jared approaching slowly and, what he hoped looked calmly instead of hesitantly. Steve nudged Chris who turned back with a frown and then looked up, fixing his eyes on Jared. A slow grin spread across his face but his eyes were unreadable and it made him look even more menacing if possible

Jared could feel his face grow hot and he had to physically force his legs to continue walking forward instead of running the other way. This was such a bad idea. Such a terrible, terrible idea. He was gonna kill Chad if he made it out of this without dying of embarrassment or simply combusting on the spot, that’s how hot he was feeling.

Jensen seemed to finally notice that his friends’ attentions were directed elsewhere and followed their gaze, only to stop short and blush deeply when he saw Jared.

Jared took the last three steps until he was standing only two feet away, forcing all of them to tilt their head back in order to look him in the eye. “Hey,” he said and congratulated himself on the near steadiness of his voice. Now if he could just keep his hands from trembling.

Jensen licked his lips nervously but then he broke into a stiff smile and he stood up, slapping Jared amicably on the arm. “Hey, Jared. Guys, you remember Jared, right?”

“Hard not to, considering you’ve been talking about him non-stop for the last half-hour,” Chris grumbled and Jensen’s face flamed up.

Steve slapped Chris over the head but he was grinning as well and when Jensen shot them both a glare he just shrugged and said, “Well, it’s true.”

“I hate you both,” Jensen muttered but when he glanced at Jared he looked more embarrassed than mad. “I might have mentioned you once or twice.”

Jared grinned. Jensen had been talking about him? That was good, right?

“So, Jared,” Chris said casually. “Fifteen, huh? Had many boyfriends?”

Jared frowned. “No. You?”

Steve burst out laughing and Jensen shook his head in amusement over Chris’s outraged look. “Dude, you so deserved that.”

“I’m just looking out for the boy’s welfare! Wouldn’t want him taken advantage of by our darling Jenny.” Chris leaned forward, whispering conspiratorially, “Because let me tell you, boy, he sure likes your sweet ass.”

“Chris!” This time Jensen slapped him over the head, looking furious. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“It’s okay,” Jared said, even if his face was burning. “It’s a nice ass. Maybe if you had such a sweet ass yourself you’d be getting some and wouldn’t be such a pissy prick.”

Chris stared at him and for a moment Jared wondered if he should take off right now. Chris was one scary son-of-a-bitch but with those short legs he’d never catch him running. Just as he was planning his route to escape Chris suddenly doubled over, laughing and slapping his knee.

“I like you, man. You…! Damn! Keep this one, Jenny. He’s worth it for the entertainment alone.”

“And he’s not too bad to look at either,” Steve added. “Tall and pretty. Just your type.”

Jensen glared at both of them and then grabbed Jared’s arm, pulling him away. “Ignore them. They’re fucking jerks.”

“So I’m not your type?” Jared asked. Jensen had a type? How many boyfriends had he had?

“I don’t have a type,” Jensen answered annoyed, as if he could read Jared’s thoughts. “They’re just being jerks because Tom was tall. Two don’t make a type.”

“I guess not.” Jared glanced at him. “So what did you tell them? About us I mean.”

Jensen blushed. “Just that we hung out this weekend. Nothing… explicit.”

“Okay.” He wasn’t sure how to approach this. “I didn’t know if you wanted me to come over or not.”

“Why?” Jensen seemed genuinely puzzled.

“You know. Because you spent the last two weeks ignoring me.”

Jensen frowned. “I wasn’t ignoring you.”

“Yeah, you kinda were.”

Jensen stopped and looked at him. He seemed actually surprised. “I didn’t mean to. I just… I didn’t think it was worth pissing Tom off even further. He was kinda mad at you. Accused you of lying about looking for your brother. Said you were stalking me.”

“He did?” Jared tried to look shocked. “Wow, talk about paranoia.”

“I know. So I was trying to keep his attention away from you. At least for a little while. I didn’t think you’d notice.”

Jared rolled his eyes. “Are you kidding me? I don’t know about you but in my world when you get your first kiss and then the one who kissed you acts as if he doesn’t even know who you are, that kinda sucks.”

Jensen blinked up at him. “First kiss?”

Crap. “I didn’t say that.”

Jensen’s lips twitched. “Yes, you did.”

“I meant gay kiss. Kissed by a guy.”

“Nuhuh. I don’t think so.”

“I… You… Fine!” Jared stomped ahead, ignoring Jensen’s laughter. “Shut up!”

Jensen followed him, elbowing him playfully. “You’re like the cutest thing in the whole world when you’re pissed off.”

“I’m not cute,” Jared protested. “Stop saying I’m cute.”

“Cute, cute, cute,” Jensen chanted. “Cute as a button. Cute like a puppy. Cute as-.”

Jared swung around and grabbed Jensen by the shoulders, pushing him up against the lockers before leaning in and breathing hard against his neck.

“You know what’s cute? The hard-on you’re gonna have for the rest of the day, thinking about this.”

And then he shoved his hand down Jensen’s pants, grabbed his dick and gave it few tugs before abruptly letting go. “Now that, that’s cute.”

Jensen stared up at him with wide eyes and suddenly it hit Jared that they were pretty much mirroring what he’d seen through Jensen’s window that rainy night, except this time he was the culprit, not Tom. He stumbled back, the grin falling from his face. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have...”

He turned around and fled, the sound of Jensen’s hitched breathing following him all the way down the hall. A few people gave him a curious glance, but no one seemed to have seen exactly what had gone down and they soon turned back to whatever they’d been doing.

The day wound on forever and Jared was starting to think it would never end. He felt guilty whenever he thought of the shocked look on Jensen’s face but the memory of Jensen’s taut body, pressed up against his… Jared squirmed in his chair. Thank God for long shirts.

“Cut it out,” Chad hissed at him in third period. “Your horniness is distracting me.”

“From calculus?” Jared snorted. “And this troubles you why?”

“I don’t want to think about you horny. Or what you’re gonna do about it once we get out of here.” Chad sighed. “Seriously, I need to get myself a new best friend. Someone I can talk pussy to.”

The two girls sitting in front of them turned around, shooting them both vicious glares. Jared gave them an embarrassed smile and elbowed Chad hard. “You’re so gross. Besides, I have to listen to you talk about your imaginary sex life all the time.”

“It’s not imaginary!”

“Uhuh, it so is.”

“Shut up!”


“Quiet back there!”

They fell silent and spent the rest of the class mouthing insults at each other which consisted of different variation of ‘cockslut’ and ‘pussylicker’, most of which Jared was pretty sure didn’t exist in any kind of dictionary.

When school ended Jared found himself torn between feeling like he should walk home with Chad and wanting to find Jensen to see if he was alright, if he’d even want to talk to him ever again.

“Dude, go on. Go molest your boyfriend.”

Molest. Yeah, apparently he was good at that. “Is he my boyfriend?” Jared asked miserable.

“At least try and find that out!” Chad said exasperated and swung on his bike. “I’ll talk to you later. And if you ignore my calls again I’ll castrate you.”

“Always knew you wanted my dick,” Jared quipped and Chad rolled his eyes before waving him goodbye. With one finger.

Jared chuckled and then looked around, trying to find Jensen. Only to come face to face with Tom, looking for all the world like he wanted to castrate Jared too.

“You really think you’re something, don’t you?” Tom sneered. “Stay the hell away from him!”

“Who, Chad?” Jared asked innocently. “Not sure you’re his type, although he does like chicks.”

“You little…!”

Tom shoved him hard, slamming his hand into Jared’s shoulder right where he’d hit it when he’d fallen off the ladder the week before. It hurt like hell and he stumbled back in surprise, eyes widening. Were they really going to fight it out? Here? Before he had time to compose himself Tom shoved him again and this time he lost his balance and fell back on his ass, scraping the palms of his hands on the rough pavement.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Jensen’s loud voice broke through Jared’s haze and he turned around to find Jensen stalking toward them, eyes blazing. For a short moment he thought Jensen meant him but then the glare set on Tom and the guy took a step back

“Hey, Jenny. Me and the kid were just talking,” Tom said casually and Jared had to wonder how stupid he really thought Jensen was. Jensen seemed to be thinking along the same lines because his eyes hardened even further.

“You leave him the fuck alone, Tom,” he said in a low and icy voice that sent shivers down Jared’s spine. “Whatever you think he’s got to do with me breaking up with you, well, he doesn’t. I broke up with you because you’re a dickhead and an abusive asshole. So back off.”

Tom glared at him and opened his mouth to say something but then seemed to change his mind. Snapping his mouth shut he turned on his heel and stormed out of the school grounds.

“You okay?”

Jared looked up at him from the gravelly ground, feeling humiliated and angry. “I’m fine,” he said and got to his feet, slapping the dust off his jeans. “What the hell was that?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why he’s being like that.”

“Maybe because he’s an ‘abusive asshole’?” Jared said angrily. “Dude, why didn’t you say something? Did he hurt you?”

“What? No. I didn’t mean it like that.” Jensen looked down, clenching his jaw. “I just… He was really pushy, okay? And he didn’t like it when I... when I said no.”

Pushy. Like throwing him up against walls and shoving his hand down Jensen’s pants. Like Jared. “But he didn’t… force you?” Jared asked hesitantly. “To, you know, do stuff?”

“No, not... that way. He just… Sometimes he didn’t seem to realize how strong he is, that’s all.”

This all sounded terribly familiar and Jared felt slightly sick. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly, “about this morning. I shouldn’t have forced you like that.”

Jensen frowned but then his face softened and he shook his head. “Jared…”

“No.” Jared bit his lip, unable to look at him. “I was out of line and if you don’t want to talk to me anymore I can understand…”

“Jared, stop it.” Jensen grabbed him by the chin and forced him to look at him. “Dude, it’s okay. You just caught me of guard, that’s all.” He shrugged. “Forget about it.”

Jared swallowed. “You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Jensen grinned and nudged him playfully. “So, you wanna go to my place and play Madden?”

Jared grinned back. “You mean do I want to totally whup your ass at Madden? Yeah, I think I can do that.”

“Oh, you’re on!”

They walked home, side-by-side, bumping shoulders and sharing grins. The sun played on Jensen’s hair and made the freckles on his face stand out like flecks of gold and he looked so beautiful Jared wanted nothing more than to drag him behind the next tree and kiss him until neither of them could breathe. He didn’t. Instead he challenged Jensen to a race and let him get ahead so he could watch Jensen’s ass move in those tight jeans. It was almost as good.

Continued in Part 4

genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, fic 2008, cwrps fic, stretch right up, fic

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