Fic: Stretch Right Up And Touch The Sky. RPS. Jensen/Jared. NC-17. Part 5

Mar 02, 2008 18:15

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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Epilogue

Part 5

For a moment he contemplated turning around and running out but in the end it wouldn’t solve anything, only make things worse. Instead he took a deep breath and pushed the door open. His parents were sitting at the kitchen table, a casserole bubbling on the stove. The tick-tick of the clock on the wall seemed to echo loudly in the silence.

“Hey,” he said, not really knowing how to act. “What’s up?”

His mother looked up at him. She didn’t seem mad, more shocked and hurt, and Jared wasn’t sure which was worse.

“Come and sit down, Jared,” she said quietly and he swallowed the lump in his throat before walking over and pulling out a chair opposite them, sitting down.

“Is there something you want to tell us?” she continued in the same quiet voice that shook slightly at the edges.

Jared dropped his gaze, staring down at the kitchen table. It showed its years in scratches and glass rings, blotted and discolored by years of loving treatment.

“Do I really have to?” he finally asked. “Don’t you know already? Ben told me you saw…” He stopped.

“Oh Jared.” His mother reached out over the table and took his hand, clutching it tight. “Why didn’t you just tell us?”

He lifted his eyes then, relieved beyond belief when he saw the love and concern in her eyes but his breath hitched when he looked over at his dad who was still staring down at his hands on the table, refusing to look up.

“Because… I didn’t know how you’d react. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Oh sweetie, you could never disappoint us,” his mother said with tears in her eyes, tightening her grasp even further.

“No? Then why won’t dad even look at me?” he asked, his breath hitching.

His mother looked over at her husband in alarm. “Gerald?”

His dad shook his head, mouth set in a thin line. “No. The boy is only fifteen. Whatever he thinks he is, it’s just hormones. I won’t listen to this.”

“The boy is your son,” she said, voice shaking. “If he wants to talk about this it’s our job to listen.”

“If he’s my son then he’s not… that, and there’s nothing to talk about!”

“Gerald! Listen to yourself! What is wrong with you?”

Jared stared at them, eyes darting from one to the other. His parents had always stood together no matter what and now this, no he, was breaking them apart. Just like what happened with Jensen’s parents. It was all Jared’s fault. He’d brought this upon them.

“Don’t,” he said, breath catching in his throat. “Don’t talk like that. Dad, I’m almost sixteen and I know, ok? I’m not making this up, it’s not just a phase. I know.”

“How can you know? How can you possibly know?” His father’s voice rose, shaking slightly. “Just because some pretty boy flashes his eyes at you… And how old is he anyway? I could have him arrested! Using your innocence…”

“Dad! No one is using me. I’ve known for a long time, ok? Two years! I’ve known for two years. It’s what I am and it has nothing to do with Jensen.”

“Jared, please,” his mother pleaded. “Your dad just needs some time to think it over. Let’s not do this.”

“I’m not doing anything! You know this? This is why I didn’t tell you.” He was crying openly now, tears running down his face, and still his father refused to look at him. “I’m still me. I’m the same one I’ve always been. How can you be like this, dad? How can you…?”

He stood up, the chair toppling to the floor with a crash behind him. “I’m gay. I’ve always been gay, I’m always gonna be gay. Dad, look at me! Look at me!”

His father finally raised his head then, lips set thin in anger but his eyes were rimmed red and he was swallowing repeatedly.

“I thought you’d be disappointed in me but I never expected to be disappointed in you. But you… You disappoint me, dad. After everything you two have taught me about tolerance and respect for other people this is how you react?” He stepped back, shaking his head. “I think that says a lot more about you than me.”

He ran out despite his mother’s cry for him to stay and up the stairs to his room, slamming the door locked behind him. It was childish but at the moment he just didn’t care. He tumbled into bed and pulled the covers over his head as he sobbed into his pillow.

Oh God. His dad hated him! His own dad! How could he? And now his parent’s were gonna get divorced just like Jensen’s and it would all be his fault. Unless… unless they decided to kick him out instead. Could they do that? He wasn’t even sixteen yet, where was he supposed to go? Would Jensen’s parents allow him to stay with him? God, this was going to up Jensen’s underage paranoia to a hundred.

But his dad couldn’t really have Jensen arrested, could he? Could he?

Shaking Jared fumbled in the pocket of his pants for his phone but came up empty-handed. Dammit! He must have dropped it somewhere, the truck or maybe even at the lake. Great! He had to let Jensen know somehow but more than that he just needed to hear his voice, needed to hear him say everything would be ok.

Just then there was a soft knock on his door and he stiffened.

“Jared, sweetie, can I come in?”

“I want to be alone,” he choked out.


Not like he could really refuse her anything. He got slowly up and to the door, unlocking it before returning to the bed and burying into the covers. He heard her come in and quietly close the door behind her and then the bed dipped when she sat down on the edge.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “It just… It was a shock. We had no idea.”

He stayed stubbornly silent. He’d already said everything he had to say anyway.

“Your dad… he’ll come around. Just give him a bit of time.”

“He hates me,” Jared sniffled, unable to keep quiet any longer.

She sighed. “Jared, no. Your father could never hate you. He’s just confused and scared. We both are.”

Scared? Jared frowned. “Jensen would never hurt me. He’s a good guy. He…”

“It’s not that. I’m sure he’s nice. But you know what people are like, honey. Once word gets out… There will be all kinds of trouble.”

Jared turned on the bed and looked up at his mom. “I’m not stupid, mom. I know what people will say. And might do. So what? You want me to lie? To start dating girls and pretend to be the son you want me to be?”

She shook her head. “Jared, you know it’s not like that. I love you just the way you are. We both do.”

“Well, this is what I am, mom. I’m not gonna hide it. And Jensen, he’s great, mom. He’s like the most wonderful guy ever. And I know he’s a bit older than me but not that much. He’s only nineteen, not like he’s a dirty old man.”

“Nineteen is still older,” she pointed out. “He might expect things you’re not ready to give. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be seeing him.”

Jared stared at her. “Mom, are you serious?”

“Honey, you’re only fifteen…”

“Sixteen in two months! We wouldn’t even be talking about this if he were a girl! I’ve been going to parties and you’ve all been assuming I was making out with half the girls in my class and you never said anything! And now, because he’s a guy, suddenly I’m too young? How’s that for double standards?”


“No. You can’t tell me who to date or who to fall in love with. You can’t do that.”

His mom sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I’m not saying you’re right but… you’re not wrong either. It feels different because it’s a boy. I’m more afraid that he might hurt you.”

“Mom, have you seen me? I’m a freaking giant! And even if I weren’t… he would never do that. He’s not like that.”

“So you keep saying but how can we know if you’re right?” She stroke his hair. “I remember what it was like with my first love. As wonderful as I thought he was he turned out to be a total jerk.”

“Well, Jensen isn’t,” Jared said stubbornly.

“Well, maybe not. I think…” She took a deep breath and then fixed her gaze on him. “We should meet him. You can invite him over here and we can get to know him. And then maybe his parents.” She hesitated. “They know he’s… like you, right?”

Jared rolled his eyes. “Gay. Yes, they know.”

“Alright. You have to understand we’re just worried about you. It’s not unreasonable for us to want to know what kind of people you’re getting involved with.”

Jared swallowed, he wasn’t sure what he was allowed to say, but finally decided it was better his parents knew where Jensen was coming from. “His dad, he threw them out, mom. Because of Jen. And it was… He’s gone through a lot and I don’t want you and dad to jump on him and treat him like… like he’s a bad guy. Like he’s a pedophile or something. Because he’s not! He’s the nicest guy in the world. He’d never hurt me.”

“Honey, I’m sure he is and I’m sorry about his dad. But you know better than to think we’d treat him like that.”

“Do I?” Jared asked. “Did you hear dad? And I’m his son! How’s he gonna treat Jensen who he doesn’t even know?”

His mother sighed. “I’ll talk to him. He just needs a little time, sweetie. You know he loves you, this just really threw him.”

Jared shook his head, mouth set in a stubborn thin line. “I’m not letting dad near Jensen until I’m sure he’ll be nice to him. He’s… fragile.”

A smile tugged at his mother’s lips. “Fragile?”

Jared rolled his eyes. “Not in a girly gay way! He’s just… shy. And he’s had bad experience with people treating him like he’s worthless because he’s like freakishly pretty.”

“So he’s handsome then?” she said innocently.

“Mom!” Jared blushed but he couldn’t fight his smile either.

“Well, is he?”

“Uh, duh. But he’s also kind and sweet and funny and…” He cut himself off when he realized he sounded like a thirteen year old girl. “He’s just really nice.”

“You really are in love,” his mother said softly and stroked his hair. “You think he feels the same way?”

“I hope so. I know he likes me. A lot. And he isn’t taking advantage of me, mom. If anything I’m the one who-.” He stopped abruptly. “I mean… Uh…”

She laughed. “It’s alright. I really don’t want to know.” She stood up and walked to the door but at the last minute turned around and reached out for him. “Come here.”

Jared was out of bed and in her arms before the words left her mouth. He hugged her tight, feeling small and safe in her arms even if he’d been towering over her for over two years now. His shoulders started shaking and he buried his face in her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her.

“I never meant to hurt you,” he hiccupped and she hugged him tighter, shaking her head.

“I know. I know, honey.”

All the previous anger and bravado melted away and he clung to her in desperation. “Please don’t let dad kick me out. Please, mom. Please. Mom, he hates me. How can daddy hate me?”

“Oh Jared.” She started crying too, holding him so tight he could hardly breathe. “He doesn’t hate you. No one hates you. We all love you. We all love you so much. It will be alright, I promise you. Everything will be fine.”

He didn’t believe her. All he could see was the hurt and sadness in Jensen’s eyes when he talked about his own dad. He hadn’t told Jared much about how it went down but the implications were still enough that he could figure out it hadn’t been pretty and somehow he knew Jensen’s dad’s reaction hadn’t been limited to words. And the thought of his own father hating him that much that he hit him or even disowned him, it made him feel like he wanted to die.

“I’ll talk to him. He’ll come around,” his mother said as she finally pulled away, wiping at the tears on her face. “Maybe you should stay in here for a while. I’ll bring you up some food.”

“I’m not hungry.”

She patted his cheek. “Well, I’ll bring you some anyway. You just rest, honey, ok?”

He nodded, waiting until she closed the door behind her before crawling back under the covers and crying quietly into his pillow until he fell asleep.

The weekend went by in a dark daze. He kept wanting to call Jensen but chickened out every time, especially since their phone was old and had a cord and it meant he had to sit in the living room where everyone could hear him. Since he’d had a cell phone for years it had never bothered him before but now he felt like he’d stepped back to the seventies or something. He contemplated asking Ben to lend him his cell but his brother had hardly been seen since the showdown, obviously wary of the tense atmosphere in the house. He probably could have asked his mom but it felt weird and he didn’t want to admit to having lost his own.

He’d hardly left his room at all, only for bathroom breaks and to steal food from the fridge. His mom looked in on him every now and then but so far she wasn’t making any progress with his dad and as more time went by Jared became more and more depressed. He pondered sneaking out, maybe climbing down from the window or something, but in the end it was just easier to stay in bed and feel miserable.

He was just lying in bed late Sunday night, thinking about packing and wondering how much of his stuff he could get into a duffel bag when there was a knock on the door. Expecting his mother he called out for her to come in but froze when his dad entered the room and closed the door behind him.

“We need to talk, Jared,” he said but he didn’t seem angry anymore, just very tired and old in a way that Jared had never noticed before.

“Ok,” Jared said warily and sat up on the bed. He wasn’t sure he was ready to face this without his mother near to soften the blow but it didn’t look like he’d have any choice.

His dad didn’t sit down on the bed like his mother used to do but stood awkward with his back against the door for a moment before walking over to the window, gazing out for a while before he started talking in a voice so low Jared could hardly hear him.

“What I said… I’m sorry. It wasn’t right.” He picked a small Star Wars figurine up from the windowsill and then put it down again, seeming unsure what to do with his hands. “You are my son,” he continued after a while, “and I love you very much, even if you’re…” He swallowed. “Different. Nothing can change that.”

Jared’s lower lip started trembling and he bit down on it, needing to look strong and grown-up, but he didn’t say anything, not really knowing what he could say.

“Your mother has been talking to me. Ben too. Seems they think I’m being an ass and I think… I think they might be right.” He met Jared’s eyes in the reflection of the window but when Jared still didn’t say anything he cleared his throat and continued, voice more steady now. “I still think you’re too young to know what you’re doing, but you’re right, you’re not a child anymore. And if… if this is what you want then I guess I’ll just have to accept that.”

He finally turned to face Jared and he was surprised to see tears in his dad’s eyes. He couldn’t remember ever seeing him cry before and it was more shocking than the turn-around of his opinion.

“I just want what’s best for you. I just… I don’t know what to do here, Jared, you got to help me out.”

Jared swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly got up from the bed, straightening up until he was standing in front of his father, showing his full height in an effort to seem more grown up. “I know you think I’m too young but I’m not, dad. I know what I’m doing. This is what I am and nothing’s gonna change that.”

His dad nodded but he still looked unconvinced as if he was waiting for Jared to suddenly change his mind and produce a hidden girlfriend from under his bed. It wasn’t that Jared couldn’t understand his dad’s denial. His parents didn’t know any gay people, had no idea what they were like except from what they’d seen on TV and in movies which was infuriating because the stereotypes were so far from himself and Jensen. Fear of the unknown, that’s what this was and even if he dreaded it he could only think of one way to show his parents what Jensen was really like.

“The boy you saw me with. His name is Jensen. He’s Cody’s brother.” At his dad’s alarmed look he couldn’t help smiling. “But don’t worry, they’re nothing alike.”

“I sure hope not. I think one of those would be enough for one family.”

For a moment Jared wasn’t sure what he meant, one menace or one gay son, but then his father added, “Ben is more than enough for us to handle. I really don’t know how the two of you can be so different.”

“From what I’ve heard I take after mom and he takes after you,” Jared pointed out and his dad smiled and shrugged, well aware of all the stories their grandmother had told them of his wilder days.

“But Jensen, he’s a good guy, dad. He’s kind and bright and hey, he gets good grades, much better than mine.”

“Well, that wouldn’t be hard,” his dad pointed out, smiling slightly.

“Haha. Funny. Will you just… meet him? I know that once you get to know him you’ll see how good he is.”

His dad pursed his lips and for a while Jared was terrified he’d refuse. That he’d tell him he couldn’t see Jensen again.

“Ok, sure. That sounds like a good idea. We should get to know him.” His dad nodded. “Tomorrow night.”

Jared’s eyes widened. “Tomorrow?”

“Jared, until I meet him I can’t give this relationship my blessing. So if you want this to work…”

“Tomorrow it is,” Jared said quickly. He just hoped Jensen wouldn’t run screaming once he told him.

Monday morning he listened for his parents leaving for work and then tiptoed down the stairs. He gulped down some orange juice straight from the bottle and grabbed some toast before slipping on his sneakers and going outside. The sun was already warming the morning air and he drew in a deep breath for what seemed like the first time in three days.

Jensen would hardly be up already but Jared didn’t want to wait. Couldn’t. He swung on to his bike and rode it as fast as he could, arriving at Jensen’s doorstep within five minutes. As he leaned the bike up against the porch he listened for any sound inside. Nothing. Everything was completely quiet and Jeff’s truck was missing from the driveway. Which meant he was probably at work, as well as Jensen’s mom and no one would be in except Jensen and Cody. For a moment he contemplated going to the door and ringing the bell but he really didn’t want to risk meeting Cody. The ladder it would be then.

He jogged to the side of the house and looked up at Jensen’s window. It was cracked open and he sent a quick thank you to whoever was watching over him. Getting the ladder from the ground he raised it up against the house and then started his ascent. When he reached the top he was as before just able to peek over the edge of the windowsill. Jensen was lying in bed on his stomach, one arm dangling over the edge and his hair standing up in all directions. It was the most beautiful sight Jared had ever seen.

“Jensen!” he hissed as loud as he dared but there was no reaction. Damn. “Jensen, wake up!”

Jensen stirred but only to turn his head and let loose a loud snore. It would have been adorable if Jared wasn’t feeling so frustrated. “Jensen, c’mon! Wake up! You gotta wake up. Please!”

His voice had been rising without him noticing until he was shouting in a cracked voice “Jen, please! I need you to wake up. JEN!”

Jensen shot up in the bed, looking around in confusion. “Jared?” he mumbled sleepily and Jared stuck his hand through the crack, waving it frantically.

“I’m here!”

“Jesus, Jare!” Jensen jumped out of bed and over to the window. “Why are you…? Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”

“I need to talk to you,” Jared said shakily. “I need… I need you.”

“I’ll come down and let you in. Be careful. Don’t fall down!”

Jared sniffled and carefully made his way down the ladder then hurried to the front door. Jensen was already there, standing sleepy and confused in his underwear, squinting slightly. “Come on in.” He pulled Jared by the arm into the house and then up the stairs to his room, coaxing him in a low voice. “It’s alright, it’s all gonna be fine. C’mon, Jare, calm down.”

As soon as the door was closed behind them Jared slung his arms around Jensen’s neck and held on to him for dare life. He knew he was behaving like a baby but after the hellish weekend he’d just had he thought he was entitled.

“Come on, Jare. Tell me what’s wrong. What happened?”

“They saw us,” he hiccupped and Jensen stiffened in his arms. “When you kissed me in the truck.”


“And my dad, he got so mad and I thought he was gonna kick me out and I lost my phone so I couldn’t call you and I didn’t know what to do and you were away and…”

“Jared, slow down. Breathe. And sit down before you crush me.”

Jared stumbled down onto the bed, hiding his head in his hands. “I never thought he’d be like that. I thought he would love me no matter what. But he was so angry. And mean!”

Jensen slipped an arm over his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug. “Yeah,” he sighed, knowing exactly where Jared was coming from.

“I told them you’re the most awesome person I’ve ever met and that I loved you and he said, he said he could have you arrested.”

Jensen went still beside him and then slowly pulled his arm away. “What?”

“But he can’t because we haven’t done anything like that.” Jared wrapped his arms around Jensen’s waist, pulling him close again. “And I don’t care what they say, I am old enough. I’m not a little kid. And I know what I am and what I want.”

“He really said that?” Jensen said dazedly. “He wants to have me arrested?”

“Yes, but then he came to me last night and we talked and now he wants to meet you. And I think that’s good. That’s good, right?”

“Maybe.” Jensen swallowed. He didn’t look convinced, in fact he looked half-scared.

“He said, he said that maybe he was wrong. But he wants to talk to you, see what you are like and I just… Please? Can you please do that for me? Because he says I can’t be with you if he doesn’t know you and I know he’s being a jerk but I can’t lose you, Jen!”

Jensen straightened up and gently pried Jared’s arms away from his waist. “Jare, calm down. Of course I’ll talk to him.”

“You will?”

“Yeah, sure. If that’s what it takes. Yeah.” He smiled even if he looked anything but sure and once again Jared threw himself at him, kissing him hard as he pulled him into a tight hug.

“I was so miserable. And I couldn’t reach you.”

Jensen hugged him back, rubbing his back soothingly “I’m sorry. But hey, I found your phone. You left it in the truck. And your mom’s blankets.”

“I forgot those,” Jared sniffled.

“I figured.” Jensen grinned and pushed Jared down on the bed. “Now how about I’ll make it up to you, leaving you alone all weekend?”

“ Ok.” Jared smiled up at him, feeling tremendously relieved even if getting Jensen to agree only took care of a small part of his worries.

He was all jittery as he checked his watch every three seconds, waiting for it to turn eight. His mother had baked cinnamon rolls and the smell for once didn’t make him feel hungry but nauseated. The house was radiating with tension and it felt as though if he’d lit a match the whole place would explode.

The clock showed one minute past eight when the doorbell rang and Jared jumped up from the couch and hurried to the front door. Jensen was standing outside, dressed in dark slacks and a black shirt, glasses perched on his nose. Jared blinked at him. Wow.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses,” he said stupidly and Jensen blushed.

“I usually wear contacts,” he said awkwardly. “I just figured they might make me look, I don’t know, more harmless?”

“They make you look fucking hot,” Jared said softly and leaned down for a quick stolen kiss, making Jensen blush even further. “Come on in.”

He waited as Jensen kicked off his shoes and then grabbed his hand, leading him into the living room. Maybe he was being provocative but he didn’t care. If Jensen had been a girl he’d done the same thing. Why should he have to hide how much he cared just because Jensen was a guy?

His parents stood up and greeted Jensen with a handshake. He smiled and addressed them politely, accepting the seat on the couch that they offered him and giving Jared a calm smile when he sat down beside him, once again reaching for his hand.

“Jared, it’s alright.” He gave the Padalecki’s a patient smile. “I think your son is a bit worried.”

“Is there something he should be worrying about?” Jared’s dad asked, making Jared cringe but Jensen only shook his head calmly.

“Not from my side, no. I care very much for Jared and I would never hurt him.”

Jared’s dad pursed his lips while his mom gave them both a nervous smile. She seemed quite enthralled by Jensen though, watching him with a dazed look as if she’d been expecting Jared to bring home some kind of leather-clad biker guy with a ZZ Top beard.

“Now, Jensen. It’s Jensen, isn’t it?” she said. “Such an unusual name. Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?”

Jared sat red-faced and sweating while Jensen calmly told them where he was born and raised, about the origin of his name (some Danish relatives, Jared didn’t really pay attention to the details) what his parents did and where he was heading after high school.

“Well, I’ve got offered a full ride to a few places but I haven’t decided yet. I thought I might even take a year off to earn me some money first. Those scholarships only go so far and I’m in no hurry. I’ve talked it over with the people at Stanford and seems they're willing to let it wait so I guess that’s where I’ll go eventually.”

He gave Jared a smile and he breathed out in relief, only now realizing how worried he had been that Jensen might be going away in only a couple of months. And even if Stanford was a long way away he was sure they’d be able to work it out somehow.

They talked for a while longer and then Jared’s dad cleared his throat and gave Jensen a pointed look. “You do realize that Jared is only fifteen years old and as such it is illegal to have… sexual relations with him.”

“Dad!” Jared hissed mortified but Jensen squeezed his hand and kept his eyes on his dad.

“I know and believe me, I have no intentions of leading your son astray.”

“No, I’m pretty sure he can do that all by himself,” Jared’s dad said bluntly. “Now, I’m not going to tell you not to see each other because I can see how futile that would be but I want you to promise me that you won’t… go all the way until Jared is at least sixteen.”

“What!” said Jared just as Jensen firmly replied, “You have my word, sir.”

“Hey, don’t I get any say in this?”

“Jared, it’s this or nothing. If you two can be together those two months without breaking that rule then you would have proved not just to me and your mother, but to yourself as well, that this is something you think is worth waiting for.”

“I have absolutely no problem with that,” Jensen said hurriedly, “and I’m sure once Jared has had a moment to think it over he won’t either.”

“That’s that then,” Jared’s dad said and stood up. “It was nice to meet you, Jensen. I have to say, you are not what I expected.”

“You seem like a very nice young man, Jensen,” Jared’s mom agreed, “and I’m sure you’ll be a good influence on our Jared.”

Jared sat on the couch staring at them. He felt like he was stuck in some kind of Spanish soap opera and really had no idea how to react. Slowly he got to his feet and followed Jensen to the door. He wanted to ask him what was going to happen now but he was painfully aware of his parents watching them from the hall way. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked quietly and Jensen smiled.

“Yeah, Jare. Don’t worry. Everything is fine. We’re fine. It’s going to be okay.”

“How can you be so calm?” Jared whispered. “I was peeing my pants and you were like steel. How do you do that?”

Jensen grinned. “I pictured them in their underwear,” he whispered back before planting a chaste kiss on Jared’s cheek and disappearing out the door.

Jared turned around and faced his parents. They were watching him, his mother smiling softly and his father looking rather uncomfortable.

“So?” he asked sarcastically. “Does he get the stamp of approval?”

His mother laughed. “Honey, you really weren’t kidding. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as likeable. And handsome.”

“Hey!” his dad said indignantly and she grinned up at him.

“Except for my men, of course.”

“Hmph.” Jared’s dad pursed his lips. “I’ve got to admit he was a pleasant surprise. Well spoken and polite and obviously bright.”

“I told you,” Jared said but he was smiling too, feeling so relieved. “So we’re good? I can still see him?”

“Yes. But remember…”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. God, I can’t believe I had to listen to you two negotiate about my cherry.”



Continued in Part 6

genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, fic 2008, cwrps fic, stretch right up, fic

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