Dean/Cas Big Bang - I Do(not) Want to Set the World on Fire 6/10

Oct 01, 2013 17:57

Part 1: Worldly Acclaim (I've Lost All) | Part 2: I'm Dream of (the Goal) | Part 3: Admission (and with Your) | Part 4: Believe (me) | Part 5: Flame (Just Want to Start)

Dean’s almost glad when they make it to the Regulator’s out-of-the-way house, especially since there weren’t any other incidents like those assholes from Talon or...well, what happened after. Dean is trying very hard to not think about that. Because if he does, he’ll put off what has to be done for another day. Or ten.
Yes, Dean knows he’s a bit of a manwhore. He likes sex, and he’s not afraid to have sex with, well, just about anyone. And while originally he tried to be in control, he found he liked not being the one in control for that aspect, instead focusing on his partner and their pleasure. It was easy, especially since some ladies really enjoyed the attention and him driving them to the brink.
That doesn’t change the fact that what he’s feeling right now, for Cas, is different. It just is. Sometimes, Dean wonders if it’s because of...whatever happened...when Cas originally healed him. He doubts it’s as simple as that, but he knows it’s also that he feels safe around Cas. Even if he’s still sure that Cas will leave him, as everyone does, he also knows that Cas won’t just leave without a warning, or that when he does go, it’ll be for a good, explained reason.
Walker’s there, which is not always a good thing, and so are a few others. Dean knows most of the Regulators, but in general isn’t quite sure how well he can work with most of them. He knows he can’t work with Walker, not after the disaster that came from dealing with a group of Raiders in the Springvale Elementary School. He’s very uncertain about Victor, mostly because of how obsessed he seems to be with ‘helping’ the kids in Little Lamplight, or even with dealing with the adults at Big Town. And Martin...
Ok, the less said about Martin, the better.
Walker frowns when he sees Castiel with Dean, and Dean has a strange urge to shield his new...Angel, he guesses...from Gordon’s view as he asks, “Is Sonora here?”
“She went off to start another group. Left Anna in charge,” Gordon says quietly, giving Dean only a brief look before glancing back at Castiel, as if assessing him. “Why? And I haven’t seen you around here for a while.”
Dean wants to give some smart remark about being caught and tortured, but decides against it, instead saying, “I had shit to do, I couldn’t make a stop to say ‘hi’.”
Gordon watches him with a glare before giving him a smirk that Dean doesn’t like. “Way I heard it, you got cozy with the Enclave.” The smirk turned dangerous as Dean froze, fighting between the memories and wanting to set the record straight. He knew, in a way, that it wouldn’t matter to Gordon - the man saw the world in a black-and-white way, never really understanding the shades of gray that many others saw. He’d also hated how easily Gordon could get under his skin, especially since Dean knew he was a good Regulator, and hell, it made sense that the bastard thought he’d worked for the Enclave when he hadn’t. He couldn’t tell him that, though, not when the memories were still so raw.
Castiel glared at Gordon as he heard Martin and Victor come down, obviously on Gordon’s side and not Dean’s. Dean didn’t blame them that much - if any of them had disappeared for four months and returned with some stranger, he’d be suspicious too - but it also hurt that they thought he was…
“Finally decided to join the family business, Winchester?” Victor asked, getting Dean’s attention so suddenly his head hurt to think about it. Whispers from the place he’d been held, the questions he’d pushed as far back as he could, all suddenly rushed to the front of his mind as Castiel put a hand on his shoulder, steadying him, letting him focus instead of feeling like he was adrift in the radiated sea. “Not surprised if they tossed you out, though. Like you said, you always were the stupid one.”
“Fuck you both,” Dean snarled, defensive as well as hurt by the accusation. While Sonora had kept order and tried to make it so the Regulators knew that such talk and actions were not appreciated, apparently Anna had not taken the same steps, “like you know what the hell went on. I asked for you guys to help out at the Memorial, and all I saw was a bit bunch of nothing. Tenpenny’s more invested in this then you are. ‘Beacons of hope’ my ass.”
That got Gordon to stand quickly, his chair falling down as he growled out, “You’re one to talk, you damned traitor.”
Dean didn’t need this, nor did he want to deal with the few Regulators who were here. He’d probably get more attention from the Enclave that went with Autumn and Eden then he would with these bastards.
“Screw you all,” Dean growled out, unhappy that the trip ended so badly. He should’ve just stayed with the Lyon’s Pride, even if they weren’t sure about Cas. At least they listened. “I come here to warn you and this is the thanks I fucking get? The Enclave is divided and the Brotherhood is up to giving us stuff so we can help them fight. We could help with defeating the biggest jerks there are, and you’re going to throw that away because I was held and tortured for four months? Because of what you heard about my dad and brother?”
Gordon and Victor showed no mercy at Dean’s words. Martin was shifting, obviously annoyed and just as obviously not about to listen to him. Cas touched Dean’s shoulder again, and he finally said, “Come on, this was a waste of time.”
They end up at Agatha’s, because Kevin gave out the signal for trouble in their area, and killed the small group of Raiders that were attempting to find the place. She had a sort-of drawbridge like Rivet City did, one of the many advantages of having a genius for a student, and Kevin was otherwise perplexed by the Regulator’s disinterest in Dean’s side of the story.
“Those bastards have been acting in a holier-than-thou way ever since Sonora left,” Agatha said, serving them some stew. “I’m amazed their noses aren’t black by now, the way they kiss up to that Anna woman.”
“Anna’s ok,” Dean muttered, feeling the need to defend her. He knows that Anna’s had some tough times, but also knows she’s a good person, generally. He doesn’t know what it was that got her to become…well, the way she is now. It’s like she went feral without benefit of being a ghoul first.
Well, as feral as one can get, if that meant they instead focused on eliminating all the evil in the world. He’s a bit confused by their attitudes, as well as by Anna’s change in attitude as well. She was never like this when he first met her. Hell, she seemed happy and wide-eyed.
Castiel eats little, mostly so Agatha and Kevin don’t look at him weird, and Agatha saves the rest of the stew for later before inviting Dean and Cas to stay the night at the small house nearby. As it’s late, and Dean doesn’t want to have them up too late, he agrees, heading to the room with Cas and some bedding.
Of course, it’s a queen, and Dean blushes deeply when he goes to get a small lamp and Agatha hands him a bottle of oil ‘just in case’ with a wink. She also chuckles a bit at his blushing. “I might be old, but I did travel in my youth. And you look like you need someone to chase the bad thoughts away.”
“Thanks,” he mutters, heading back and trying to not think about the bottle or Agatha’s decision to play matchmaker. Ok, so he happens to like Cas, and would like to show him how people…have sex…but that doesn’t mean he needs to…
Castiel is not wearing his clothing when Dean returns, looking over at Dean as he blushes even deeper, lust and want spiking through his body. Of course, his luck would have it that Cas could read his mind.
“You wanted this,” Cas says, standing and walking over to take the oil and lamp, moving and putting the lamp on the side table. Dean swallowed, trying hard to not look too much, as Castiel looked back at him, smiling and finally walking back, a brief touch sending Dean’s clothing to the side of the room in a neat pile. Dean swallowed, hoping and wishing that Cas couldn’t sense how nervous he was. Things were moving fast, and Dean wasn’t sure what that would end up meaning in the morning after this.
“I will not think of you differently,” Cas said, as if sensing his doubts, walking up to pull Dean into a small kiss. Like all of Cas’ kisses thus far, it was soft and more pressure than actual kisses, but Dean enjoyed them, something that was so Cas-like that it was a bit sexy. It allowed Dean to wrap his arms around the slighter man, to deepen the kiss and put a hand into Castiel’s hair, threading his fingers through it as Cas moaned, his body moving against Dean’s as instinct seemed to take over, Dean managing to move them to the bed and land on it, Castiel under him as wrapping his legs around Dean before turning him, their roles now reversed and Castiel pushing up against him, their erections rubbing together as Dean moaned, arching to keep the friction going.
“Dean,” Cas moaned, his voice going from gravel to some deep thing that rumbled through them both, getting Dean to gasp in pleasure at the simple word, just the way that Cas said his name. Dean kissed at every bit of skin he could, feeling something odd and electric along his skin. As Cas started to move against him, arousal building between them as the feeling did. It was like that power that Cas had was reaching the surface, flowing along the Angel’s skin and feeling like warmth and small bits of electricity, like warmed metal or like he was wrapped in a blanket. Cas was saying Dean’s name, was kissing him and pausing, watching Dean as he moaned and wrapped his legs around him, urging him on.
Dean should be frightened of the touches, of Castiel pulling back to get the oil and slowly rub along Dean’s entrance, his wings spread out above them and casting shadows on the walls.
He seemed to read something, though, and moved instead, holding them together and rocking, making Dean start to cry out for more but then whimper as the speed caught up, as the hold and friction turned to heat and something so good.
They panted, Dean saying Cas’ nickname as Cas growled out Dean’s, shifting enough to still be over him before the one arm holding him up moved, his hand finding the mark he left on Dean right as he kissed him.
Dean isn’t sure how to describe what happened. He knows only that it’s the most intense feeling of pleasure and love he’s ever had, that mixed in is lust and want and every feeling he can think of associated with sex that isn’t for a one-night stand, and a few that were. When he wakes up, Cas is holding him, now resting to the side, and it’s almost daylight.
Dean feels rested, content, and sighs happily, moving to remain fully wrapped around Cas, like he’s a teddy bear that Dean remembers owning before the fire. Cas chuckles a bit and kisses his forehead. “We should get up. Agatha will be making breakfast soon.”
Castiel finds that the nightly bouts of sex, or the times when they are intimate, help Dean as he recovers from what the Enclave did to him. They left Agatha’s home and headed towards Megaton again, reaching it shortly after dark. Dean said they would head to the Citadel, then Rivet City, to see about what the situation was. GNR plays, with Three Dog and Loki explaining the decline of the Super mutant population along with the sudden rise of ‘assholes’ from the Enclave. It means that Dean adds the Ranger compound, Underworld, and Temple of the Union to their list of ‘places to go’, telling Cas that they need to see about them and make sure they’re alright.
It’s odd, at least to Castiel, that they have yet to do penetrative sex, beyond what Dean calls ‘blow jobs’. Though his body is technically that of a virgin, Castiel also knows a great deal about the human body, and since he Saved Dean and Marked him, he’s coming to understand that this is something new.
Dean is his, as much as he is the Righteous One. Castiel is beginning to believe his job is to help Dean, as well as to ensure his safety in all things. He’d already seen how dangerous Dean’s job would be, in an attempt to get the groups to work together. If the Regulators were just one of many, and one that would be distrustful of Dean because of the time he spent as a prisoner of the Enclave…
Castiel banished those thoughts as they got ready for the day. Dean had once against slept all night after they’d been intimate, no nightmares shaking him into wakefulness. They had threatened, but Castiel had found it surprisingly easy to push them away. Castiel knew that he’d changed Dean in some way when the healing had become Saving, as there were memories that could only be from Dean now in his mind. He knew him in various ways now, knew that the nightmares and effects of Dean’s imprisonment would leave lasting scars. Castiel was starting to understand that the scars of the mind couldn’t be healed as the ones on the body could, and that the mental ones could also scar the soul. However, he saw this as a way to help Dean, and was glad that Dean let him get close.
Dean let out a sigh as they headed out of Megaton and south this time, towards the Citadel and a few other areas. It was odd and a bit heartening to know that Dean wanted Castiel to meet those he considered friends, as well as the fact that Dean was so ready and willing to defend Castiel and his otherworldliness. It spoke of the type of person Dean had been, before the Enclave got him, as well as the type of person Dean was with those he valued.
They once more meet up with the men and women of the so-called ‘Lyon’s Pride’, who greet them readily. The leader seems uncertain about Castiel, but not in the same way she had after he’d helped them with the attacking Super mutants. The other woman, whom Dean knew intimately before he was taken, introduces herself as Lisa. Another man, who is silent and seems more interested in quietly watching the area around them, is called ‘Gallows’. Castiel finds he likes the quiet nature of the man, and Dean chuckles as they near the impressive fortification that houses the Brotherhood.
“What is funny?” Castiel asks, Dean and he waiting when the Pride is told they cannot come in, Sarah arguing loudly with one of the guards.
“Just…well, I mean, Gallows is a quiet guy. Likes it when he’s being chattered at, not expected to talk. Also just likes the quiet, but he’s mean when it comes to attacks. Hey, did you know his real name is--.”
Dean stops when he sees someone, Castiel frowning and turning to see that the Regulators have arrived, a familiar woman in front of them. She looks the same as before, her wings pure-white and drawing attention to the darkened feathers that Castiel was cursed with after…the event…while the ones that so taunted and angered Dean, that seemed to think he was a ‘traitor’. Castiel is torn between elation that his sister is alive, and anger that she allowed them to hurt Dean in any way.
“Anna,” Dean says, his voice full of much the same emotion that Castiel is feeling, but for a variety of different reasons, and with betrayal and hurt clouding it more than Castiel’s own mind. He is happier that she is alive then angry with her, but confused as to her opinion about Dean.
“Dean Winchester,” she says, her voice almost devoid of emotion, though her eyes show her anger at him before they slipped into confusion, fear, and hurt at seeing Castiel by his side. “Brother.”

Part 7: World (on Fire)

challenge!, deancas big bang, supernatural, alternate universe, fanfiction, dean/cas, rating: r, fallout

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