Dean/Cas Big Bang - I Do(Not) Want to Set the World on Fire Part 1/10

Oct 01, 2013 16:38

Title: I Do(not) Want to Set the World on Fire
Author: Felicia Angel
Beta: none
Artist: daksgirl
Fandom(s): Supernatural, Fallout (Fallout 3)
Pairings: Dean/Cas, implied Sam/Jess, implied Sam/Jess/Ruby
Warnings: alternate universe/fusion, sexual content, violence, mentions of past torture, mentions past child abuse, mentions of past non-con, depression/low self-esteem, religious allusions
Summary: The Wasteland has little time for miracles and angels. What they don’t know is someone created a whole batch of them and hid a group in a Vault. What they also don’t know was that a few decided to help them with bringing about the end, or the enslavement, of Humanity.
Of course, Dean Winchesters, a Wanderer looking for his lost family, would happen to get Saved by the one who could possibly stop the plan, the Angel Castiel.

They lived in Heaven, awaiting the right time to return to Earth. It was all that Castiel knew. They didn’t reproduce - such actions was for those still out in the Wasteland, still trying to survive a world full of plague and radiation, a destroyed world with nothing to offer that Heaven, or any other Vault, didn’t have. They didn’t have intimate relations with one another - all were siblings, and he only knew his garrison. They lived to fulfill their duties, to take direction from Michael and Raphael, Lucifer and Gabriel, and to listen to the voice of their generals, those appointed over them by Father and the Archangels.
Theirs was the best option, the one created to last and, in time, slowly work to bring about a utopia. It was what Zachariah and others had told them, while they learned of the hazards outside and the history of what had once been the United States. They, unlike other places chosen by Dr. Stanliaus Braun, were picked to be perfect. Father was the one who sets up Heaven, and who creates them to one day lead the remains of humanity after its hubris destroyed it and the Earth.
First, of course, he’d worked on his masterpieces - the Archangels, the ones who would lead when their father’s body finally gave into age and the inability to continue for as long as needed. He created Michael and Raphael, Gabriel and Lucifer. He created Metatron and Naomi, and then slowly showed them how to create other Angels, to slowly work their way to the safe numbers needed to run the Vault, but also to have when they finally opened the doors.
Father lived a long while, long enough to oversee Castiel’s creation himself, apart from some of Castiel’s brothers and sisters, before he seemed to take notice of reports from outside, from small probes sent out to look around quietly. They learn the Wasteland was still irradiated and cruel, that there are no good men outside, or that if there are, they die quickly. When Father dies, he commands them all to wait for the Signs - for a Righteous One to come, for the Waters of Life to flow freely, and for the Deceitful Men that would try to destroy them and the world again.
They mourn their Father, the Archangels most of all, but continue to do the work he told them to do, to prepare for the Signs and the day they bring utopia back to the Wastes outside. Yet as the years go by there is no sign of a Righteous One, the waters are still poisoned, and all men are deceitful.
Michael soon believes that Father’s Signs are simply of things that will never appear, and orders them to protect the entrance to Heaven, and to never leave.
The Capital Wasteland isn’t so bad, Dean thinks as he walks with his dog, Impala, towards a spot mentioned by one of the wastelanders, right before he keeled over. While Dean was searching for Dad and Sam, he found himself searching the Wasteland even more, caught up in the strange peacefulness of it. The Wasteland tended to harden people, and even after all he’d gone through when he reached Megaton, having to deal with Crowley and Moriarty for a simple scrap of information, Dean still liked the solitude of wandering the Wastes, liked some of the people he met, and the fact that traveling all over gave him stuff to bring back to Moira and her mercenary bodyguard, Charlie. Of course, it helped that he knew Charlie had a massive crush on Moira, and that they’d meet at the Brass Lantern to plot Charlie’s eventual wooing of Moira while Ellen gives them drinks and laughs at their antics. Or that Crowley kinda knows and has an ongoing bet with Moriarty, which will result in the bastard leaving Megaton, when said wooing finally occurs.
Dean considers Megaton his home, as much as he does the various odd places to rest around the Wasteland. He mostly clears out bad areas that the Caravan people mention, or sometimes even wanders into buildings that are deemed ‘death traps’ and wanders out with all the loot he’ll ever need. And he’s got a few good things going for trade - Bobby Singer growled at him earlier for all the scrap metal that Dean hauled in, claiming that he was ‘trying to get him broke’. The ghoul in one of the train stations also offered up money for Sugar Bombs, so he can make up some ‘ultrajet’ for the few non-feral ghouls that need it. Jo, Ellen’s daughter, had offered Dean a lot of caps for Nuka-Cola Quantum, and later apologized for sending him near Old Olney, which Dean had renamed ‘where you go to die by Deathclaw’. On the upside, she hadn’t run off to the Republic of Dave, like she’d threatened to the few times, and that guy who hired Lug-Nut was now helping Ellen with the Brass Lantern, when Jo wasn’t convincing him to snipe Raiders over at Evergreen Mills, or help out the old guy and the kids at Andale.
Life is...not necessarily going on, but it’s there. Dean’s enjoying his time exploring the Wasteland, searching for clues to where his Dad and brother went, trying to find out more about Mom and her family, helping those that he can in any way that he can.
He pauses under a ‘safe’ overpass, near some Ghouls trying to reach the Underworld, and feeds Impala and himself, checking his gear and telling the Ghouls the safest way in and how to get there. He also said for them to tell Willow ‘hi’. She still called him a tourist, and he called her the ‘psycho’ so they got along alright. Especially after he’d gone to ‘chat’ with the Brotherhood guys over at the Washington Monument and mentioned that taking shots at people who could shoot back tended to end badly. Being able to hit the one in charge, despite the suit of power armor, also helped. Wasn’t his fault their armor was crap and they never fixed it. He knew his machines, and that’s all power armor really was. Know the weakness, and you can make someone’s day miserable. But they’ll also stop shooting at ghouls that aren’t actively attacking them or anything.
Dean lets out a breath as he fixes some of his stuff, ignoring the mutterings of the ghouls nearby about if they should trust his word or not. His rifles are bad, but luckily some Raiders ‘donated’ theirs, and had a few decent barter items for when he got to Arefu or Canterbury Commons.
It was all part of his life now. All part of him trying to find Dad and Sam, and to figure out what they’re doing and why, like always, he was left out.
Impala whined, and Dean smiled to pet her. “Sorry girl,” Dean mutters as he scratches behind her ears, “bad memories.”

Part 2: I'm Dreaming of (the Goal)

challenge!, deancas big bang, supernatural, crossover, alternate universe, fanfiction, dean/cas, rating: r, fallout

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