Wimbledon vs Roger Federer

Jul 01, 2010 08:47

* * * *

As usual, Dootsiez has put virtual pen to paper and absolutley nailed my feelings on Roger/Wimbley. Find it here.

I admit that I didn't want Roger to win Wimbledon. But I did want another epic Rafa/Roger final, with Rafa winning. So, Vamos Rafa!

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2010: wimbledon, roger

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Comments 14

pilaposer July 1 2010, 20:54:07 UTC
As you can probably guess, I don't entirely agree with Dootsiez. Although I agree that the Rafa hating Fed fans need to shut up and stop making subtle (Fed's *never* taken a med time out, with the unsaid part being that Rafa exploits MTOs to his advantage) and not-so-subtle (Rafa complains about injuries *all* the time) digs at Rafa all over the internet ( ... )


mtmed9273 July 10 2010, 05:51:05 UTC
many players.nadal. excuse for injury. It is always possible.

But, the Roger's excuse is impossible.
Roger is human. He also has the slump.

When Roger is defeated. player's eulogy always. Influence of the Roger's sickness and injury. It doesn't change the evaluation.

Therefore, Roger's fan protects him. It is natural feelings of the fan.

Roger's sickness and injury. MONO. And, disease of lungs.

suffers an illness. He has obviously become weak play. The decrease continues.

And, the chronic injury. Back. Waist. In addition, the foot is injury from the tournament of Halle. He was defeated at Lleyton. But,he was laughing.

foot was injured in Halle. It is fact


fedal_fangirl July 10 2010, 17:01:26 UTC
This is totally off topic, and PLEASE PLEASE I hope you don't take offense... but I find your English to be totally adorable. What is your native language? I always envy anyone who has the ability to speak other languages. XD


mtmed9273 July 11 2010, 05:49:21 UTC
I am not good at English.

I'm sorry ^^;


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