I hope that Glenn Beck loses every single one of his sponsors not just in the UK, but in the US and elsewhere, then gets cancelled by Fox
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One of my LJ friends, lanyel, defriended me. This happens occasionally and sometimes I just have this burning desire to know why, so I went to his LJ and asked what I did wrong. This was his response:
No you didn't do anything wrong. The other people that i cut from my journal, i cut because i was not reading their journals anymore. I removed yours only
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A friend of kengr's, who has fibromyalgia (the friend, not kengr), told me today that one of the ways fibromyalgia can be triggered is thus: the brain sends out pain signals meant to tell the individual "STOP THAT! YOU'RE MAKING THE DAMAGE WORSE!" and the person ignores the pain. The brain, thinking it's not getting through, goes into overload, turning
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I heard today that the whole problem with the VA refusing to put the symbol of Wicca on a Wiccan soldier's grave. Only this time, it came with a way to contact the VA about it. So I emailed a suggestion to them. The text went as follows:
Okay, I think I know why you're refusing to allow that Wiccan soldier to have the most well-known symbol of
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You remember that I was being trained as a cook at the local Cresthaven Care Center nursing home? Well, do you also remember that I was essentially replaced because the boss wanted someone who had fry cook experience? Well then here's something funny
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