Maou and Ryusei no Kizuna crossover part 2

Sep 13, 2013 10:34

*Naruse Ryo*

There is something about the shop owner that caught my attention. I feel like I want to know him more. Glancing at the clock and see it almost lunch hour, I leave the office to go to the restaurant again.

Entering the restaurant, I can see him talking with another woman. More like arguing. He notices me and hurrying to approach me. Is it just me or is he too happy to see me?

"Good afternoon, Naruse-san. Are you here to see Shitani?"

'No. I want to see you' is what I thought to reply. However, before I get to answer, the woman approaches Koichi again. I think that is what the police officer call him yesterday. I wonder what is the relationship between them.

"Axel, I want the earring like the one you give to Shizuna," complain the woman. Who is Shizuna that she is talking about? Maybe she is Koichi's girlfriend? Then, how about this nameless woman? And, why is she calling him Axel?

"Can you please go away? I have a customer to serve,"

"You can ask your new worker to do it,"

"She is busy at the back. Go away. Don't disturb me," the woman pouting before sticking out her tongue. While muttering something, she leave both of us alone.

"Gomen.She is crazy,"

"It's okay. Your girlfriend?"

"No way. I don't even know her name,"

"Then, Shizuna is your girlfriend?"

"No. She is my sister," hearing him saying that reminds me of my brother. It makes me feel sad. My expression changes.

"Are you okay?" seeing my expression changes, he quickly asks.

"No. I'm okay. I just remember my brother. So, can I get hayashi rice?"

"You sure love my hayashi rice. Okay, wait for a couple of minutes," He goes back to the counter. I just watch him from afar. I'm too focus on watching him that I don't realized a guy suddenly standing in front of me. Who is this guy? He looks so creepy smiling at me like a fool.

"Taisuke, what are you doing?" Koichi approach me again, bringing my order. The guy named Taisuke still smilling creepily at me.

"You might scare him, you know," Koichi added when Taisuke ignores him.

"You like my Aniki," he suddenly says to me. I am so surprised. with his statement. Koichi seems shy hearing that. His face turns red. He looks so cute when he is blushing.

"Sorry. My brother is stupid,"

"I'm not stupid. You should see how he staring at you just now," Taisuke continue to shout while Koichi pulls him away from me. I am so surprised that I don't know how to react. I see him scolding Taisuke before coming back to me.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with him. He always...," I don't know what's happened to me, but, suddenly I grabbed his arm and claim his lip. He seems so surprised but slowly, he starts to kiss me back. When I let him go, all of the customers in the shop are staring at us. He blushing and he looks too cute. I'm thinking of kissing him again.

"What are you doing to Axel?" the nameless woman comes to us. But, Taisuke pulls her away from us saying something like, 'Don't disturb them. Aniki, you should get a room.'

Koichi, still blushing pulls me upstairs and ask Shitani to take care of the restaurant.

Now, there is something awkward between us and I don't even know what to do.

*Ariake Koichi*

I can't believe this. He kissed me. He kissed me. His lips touch mine. I must be dreaming right?

He is staring at me now. Maybe he doesn't know what to do. I don't know what to do as well. Did he kiss me because he likes me? But, we are both guys. It has to be some kind of misunderstanding.

"Ano, I...," I try to talk but he interrupts me.

"I like you," I am so surprised. He likes me. But, we just know each other yesterday, right?

"It's okay. I understand if you reject me. I mean, we are both guys. It's impossible for us, right?"

I don't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"I think I better go downstairs,"

"Don't," I don't even know if it is me who said that. He stops and looking at me. Without saying anything, I approach him. I hold his hand. He looks surprised but he doesn't do anything. I lifted his chin and look straight at his eyes. I can see that there is a lot of sadness. I can see that he has suffered a lot. Without thinking, I put my lips on him. We kiss for a while before breaking the kiss to catch breath.

"I think I like you too,"

ohmiya, fanfic

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