Happy 14th anniversary!

Sep 14, 2013 11:56

Arashi is 14 years old!!!

I can never ever been able to describe how I feel about Arashi. When people asked me why do I like Arashi, I could never give the answer, not because I don't have the answer but because it is hard to explain.
Being a student and facing a lot of academic problems, I'm always depressing. Especially because I was sponsored by my government to study in Canada. Not only to fulfill my family's expectation but of course to meet the government's expectation. It is so depressing each time I got a bad grade. To make it worse, no one really cares. I know it may have been because I never told anyone. But each time I tried to tell, they will make fun of me. I'm studying in civil engineering, the easiest engineering stream, they said. But it doesn't mean that I won't have any problem in learning. Each time they complained about their program, they make it sounds as if I won't have any problems at all. That leads to me being more depressed. And, of course it makes me unable to express my feeling about my academic problem. My only escape route from this depressed feeling is of course Arashi! Seeing Arashi makes me laugh and I keep on going. I don't know if I'm going to survive but I will keep on going! Funny, isn't it to think that someone you never met could actually brings so much happiness to you?

You are the cutest member ever. I'm jealous with you actually. You look like you can't do anything but you are the most talented person I ever know. I wish to be talented just like you but like you said just keep on doing what I like, that itself is a talent. I will keep on doing what I like, regardless of what others say. It's my life and not theirs.

Sho chan,
I think if I ever met you, you would probably give me the best advice I could ever receive. You may understand my situation more as you yourself may have faced the same situation as me as a university student. I do admit, I am thinking of giving up but each time I remember you, I keep on going. The reason is simple. You are an idol and a student. If you can be successful in doing both, I am able to do well too. I know that we both have different limit in studying but I believe that there is a bright future for anyone who is willing to try.

Aiba chan,
What can I say about you? You are the one who always make me happy. Each time I feel depressing and all, looking at your smiles make me happy again. You are my sunshine. You are the reason why I'm showing this smile to other people. I don't want them to know about my struggle because I know they will not understand. Worse, they will make fun of me. It happened in the past, right? It is too painful to remember but yes, I will show them my smile to let them know that I will keep on going. Plus, by smiling, maybe something good will happen to me, ne?

Knowing that you always challenge yourself to be better always make me feel jealous. Why can't I do so? Why do I always underestimate myself? No, I did not underestimate myself but I know my limit. There are some things that I can never ever do no matter how hard I try. Still, I admire your willpower to improve yourself.

Last but not the least, my baby Nino,
I always love you. The reason why I ignored what they said about me is because of you. They can call me lazy, call me antisocial, call me ignorant, but they are not me. They never know what I did to survive in this world, how much effort I have given! Even when they said they understand me, they are just pretending to care when they actually don't. Actually, they are the one who do not understand me at all. Such a cheapskate hypocrite. You teach me to be myself because that is when I will be the happiest. Yes, that is what I will do. Whatever they said, I will just ignore them because they don't have any rights to say anything about me when they don't even know anything about me.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish for a great life ahead for Arashi. Please take some rest if you feel tired. Even though I would like to see more Arashi but I don't want any of you to be sick. Again, thank you so much for existing and changing a life of people even though you never know about it. You just never know how much you have affected your fans!

Credit to the owner of the original pic!

via ljapp

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