I am in love with my brother

Apr 18, 2014 00:08

“You have two choices. It’s either you marry your ‘girlfriend’ or your step brother. I give you a month to choose. If you don’t choose, it’s time for you to get out of this house. It’s time for you to be responsible, Satoshi,”
I remembered what my father told me three weeks ago. It’s true; I never ever take responsibility in my work or anything. I came from a rich family, maybe that’s why I’m a bit spoilt. I just do whatever I want and I just don’t care about anyone. I have a lot of girlfriend, and I don’t have any intention of marrying them at all. I never interested in business but as I am the only heir of the family, I have no other choice but to inherit the business. So, that’s why I never do any of my work. I just let my subordinate and friend since high school, Sakurai Sho to do all the works. I thought that my father will not know about this but I’m wrong. Three weeks ago, he said those words to me as a threat. Of course, I never take the threat seriously as he never speaks about that again for these past weeks. However, when he reminds me about the deadline for my choice, I know I’m in a big trouble.
So, let’s review the choice he gave me. The first choice is marry my ‘girlfriend’. But like I said before, I’m not serious with any of the girls I dated. In fact, I never do anything with them. I just go out with them to have fun. We kissed sometimes, but that’s just it. We never do anything intimate. None of them will be my choice. They don’t really love me. They just want my money.
Now, let’s talk about the second choice. Marry my step brother. Well, I guess my father must have known about my sexual orientation after all. This is the reason why I’m not doing anything intimate with those girls. I’m just not into them and you could say my step brother is the one to be blame for this. My father remarried a lady who has a son, who is now my step brother. I am attracted to him. He is beautiful. No, I’m not kidding. He is beautiful, more beautiful than any other girls out there. The moment I look at him 5 years ago, I know that I am attracted to him.
So, you would think that the choice is obvious for me, isn’t it? Just pick my step brother because I like him. But, there is a problem. It is not a small problem. It is a big problem. If I choose him, I don’t know if I am willing to do the responsibility. I wonder if I will be patient enough to take care of him.

You see, the problem is my brother is not normal. He is a handicapped man. He has a disease. A disease called cerebral palsy.Two weeks after telling my father who I choose, my wedding ceremony will be held. It is not going to be a big and fancy wedding, considering that it is not actually legal in Japan to marry a guy. We’re just going to vow to take care of each other and exchange the ring and kissing and then we’re done. If you wonder why I choose, well, I guess, it is a very simple reason. After we get married, we will still live with our parents. So, his mother will still be the one who will take care of him. The only difference is both of us will share a room.
My father is not really surprised with my decision. Just like I suspected, he already knows that I have feeling for my little brother, Kazunari. Kazunari himself doesn’t object with the decision even though he was surprised to know I choose him. We don’t really talk before this. I have a hard time understanding what he was talking about, after all.
“Are you sure about this?” I heard someone was talking at the end of the hallway. I guess I should not listen to the conversation after all. But, the moment I heard the reply from the other guy, I just couldn’t move my feet from there.
“I’m..su….re a…bout…this. This… may…. have… been… the… on…ly… way… to…. re…pay…. my…. Fa…ther’s… kind…..ness,” there is no one else who has difficulty in speaking that I know. It is only Kazunari. Well, I guess that he may agree to marry me because of my father so I’m not really surprised. I want to leave both Kazunari and his friend alone but…
“You know that I love you. I can make you happy,” I don’t know why but I felt jealous hearing that. How dare he? How dare he try to ruin my wedding? I don’t know what control me at the time but the next moment, I realized I was standing next to Kazunari, glaring hard at his friend. He is indeed a good looking guy, much more handsome than me. He has distinct features especially his thick eyebrow. Looking at this guy, I feel quite worried. Well, Kazunari may have chosen me but he doesn’t love me. Who knows if this guy is his boyfriend?
Both of them were surprised to see me but I don’t give a damn. Kazunari tried to explain but looking at how difficult for him to talk, I just put my finger on his lips. What I did next did not only surprise him and his friends. I am more surprise than both of them as I covered his lips with mine. He doesn’t respond to my kiss, perhaps because he was surprised or he doesn’t love me but it doesn’t really matter. I need to show this thick eyebrow guy that Kazunari belongs to me and only me.
“Let’s go. We’ll be late for the ceremony if we don’t go now,” with that said, I lifted Kazunari up and carried him bridal style, leaving the thick eyebrow alone. I wonder who that guy really is. It’s true that I don’t really care about Kazunari’s friends but I’m pretty sure I never saw thick eyebrow before this. The only friend that Kazunari has is the giggling guy who is hyperactive who joins them for dinner sometimes. What is his name? Maybe, Aiba, I’m not really sure.

Throughout the ceremony, I just hold Kazunari in bridal style. His mother wanted to put him on a chair but I refused to let him go. Even though he is quite heavy for me, but, I don’t really care. I just want to prove thick eyebrow that I could also make Kazunari happy. Kazunari, on the other hand, just eyeing me curiously but he doesn’t say anything.Three weeks after the wedding, nothing really changed. Well, not really. The only thing that did not change is we don’t really talk to each other. We just greet each other but that’s all. I don’t really know what to talk about with Kazunari. One thing that surprised me more than anything is my willingness to take care of him, which incudes, helping him taking a bath, get dressed and carry him to the dining room. His mother wants to do all of that but I refused to let her. Kazunari is my husband now so he is my responsibility. I don’t know but I’m just afraid that if I don’t show him how much I love him, he will go to thick eyebrow who I know as Matsujun now. I asked from Aiba obviously, and not from Kazunari. According to Aiba, there is nothing special between Matsujun and Kazunari so I shouldn’t feel worried. But, anything is possible, right?
After having breakfast, I immediately go to the office. There will be a meeting with a client today. Even though I don’t really understand what they are going to talk about, I still have to join it. And when I arrived in the office this morning, a lady approached me. She was one of staff but I’m not so sure what her name is. I think that she may have been the last girl that I date. Well, I don’t really remember the face of the girl that I went out with. They look the same for me.
“Sato chan, let’s have dinner at my house today. We should continue from where you left me before,” she said in a seducing tone. I don’t really know what to do but to shove her away from my office and tell her to do her work. She was still chasing after me as I entered the meeting room but decided to stop when she saw other people.
After the meeting was done, it is already time for lunch and I don’t really know what to eat for today. Usually, Kazunari will give me a bento but he doesn’t have time to do so this morning. Yesterday he went to bed quite late because he needs to finish his report about the new game that he tested. He worked as a game tester because he really loves to play games. At first our parents wouldn’t let him work because of his disease but as he never give up in persuading them, they agree to let him do so but if only he could work from home so that mom could look after him.
As I was walking to my office and thinking about what to eat for lunch today, I heard a commotion in the lobby. Curious to know what happened, I walked there and noticed the lady from this morning is scolding someone. I couldn’t see the other person because he or she is lying down and there were a lot of people in front of me.
“Hey, you should just stay at home. You only bring trouble to people if you go out,”
“So…rry… it…is…my…fault,” hearing the voice; I know for sure it was Kazunari who was lying down on the floor. Why did he come here for? I pushed the person in front of me to get to Kazunari who was in pain. As I walked, I noticed a bento on the floor. Oh, he must have been here because he wants to give the bento to me.
Noticing me coming to them, the lady suddenly smiled seductively at me and grabbed my hand. Kazunari who saw the girl grabbing my hand turned away from us and I could see sadness in his eyes. Is he sad because of what happened just now or seeing me with another girl? I kept on staring at him as the girl was whining next to me.
“Sato chan, look at this stupid guy. If he doesn’t know how to walk, he should just stay at home, right? He couldn’t walk properly and then hit me. It’s not my fault that he fell, right?” hearing that, I couldn’t help but feel angry at her.
“You’re fired,” I screamed at her as I walk to Kazunari who was trying to stand up with Sho’s help.
“Are you okay, Kazunari?” I asked him but he just shook his head.
“I’m…o…kay.I….should….stay….at…..home… nii… chan. I…. just… come…. he…re… to… give… you… the… ben…to… So…rry, I…. don’t…. have…. Time…. To… pre…pare… this…. Mor…ning. Ahh…. But… it…. can….not…. be… eaten…. Any….more,” said Kazunari as he looked at the bento which has spilled on the floor. I asked one of the workers to clean it.
“Sato chan, who is he?” asked the lady again. I thought she has left but it seems that she is a stupid girl who cannot understand a simple instruction.
“Go away. You’re fired. Don’t ever come here again,”
“But, why? I didn’t do anything wrong. It is his fau…,”
“Shut up. Don’t insult him. You are fired because you are not qualified to work here. You don’t show compassion to other people and that’s why you’re fired. For your information, he is not just anyone. He is my husband. So, you better go away from here before I decided to call the security,” my announcement surprised everyone. I noticed how everyone started talking about it but I just ignored them and carried Kazunari to my office.
“Are you sure you okay? Are you hungry? I could ask Sho chan to buy food for us,” I started to compose a text for Sho when Kazunari stopped me. I look straight at his eyes. It was as beautiful as the first time I met him. He is really a beautiful man.
“Thank…you,nii..chan,” I just smiled at him.
“I think it’s time for you to stop calling me nii chan. I’m your husband. We should get more intimate and you should start by calling me Sato chan or Toshi. Anything you want,” his face turned red hearing that. Can I say that he looks more beautiful when he is shy? I couldn’t help myself and kissing him on his lips. This time he responded to my kiss and I couldn’t help but feel happy.
“Are… you… sure…. About…. us? You…. could…. Get…. Any…one… else…and yet…you choose…me,”
“No one is as perfect as you,”
“But… I… can’t….e…ven…walk…pro…per…ly,”
“You are perfect in your own way. I believe that both of us can work it out together if we really love each other,” Kazunari just nodded his head. I kissed him again. Hopefully, everything will be okay for both of us. Minna san, please pray for our happiness!!!

A/N: I got inspired to write this after watching Door to Door but I don't have time to write it. And then I completely forget about it. Yesterday, when I watched Marathon, I remembered about wanting to write this. At first, I just want to change the female character to Ohchan but then I watched another drama in my language and decided to follow a bit of the drama and this is the result. I don't make any research about cerebral palsy. Everything I wrote here is basically from what I saw in Door to Door. I don't know how to describe the way Nino talks in the drama so I ended up making him struggle to say each syllable. If any of you never watch Door to Door or Marathon, you should watch it!

ohmiya, i am in love with my brother, fanfic

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