Magika - Chapter 11

Apr 18, 2014 00:15

“Should we start talking now?” the moment Kitagawa sensei said that, Nino noticed that the door of the office closed by itself. It may have been because his parents might have closed it but he saw that neither of his parents touched the door. He was sure it closed by itself. Maybe because of the wind? But it is not so windy here.
“As expected, Kazunari chan, you will notice it,” said Kitagawa sensei as neither Nino nor Ohno start talking. Nino looking at him curiously, he didn’t understand what the headmaster was talking about. What is he talking about? What did Nino noticed? Is it because of the door?
“I don’t understand,”
“Oh, of course you understand,” said Kitagawa sensei and as soon as he said this, both Ohno and Nino were surprised to see how he lifted the table in the office without touching it. He has telekinesis, just like Ohno. So, does it means that Ohno’s ability is not unique after all?
“How do…”
“How do I do this? You see, Ohno kun, you’re not the only one with telekinesis. In fact, your father has the same ability too. And, I think you know why,”
“Because we are the descendants of the fifth founder?” said Ohno and even though Nino had suspected this, he doesn’t want to believe this. If this fifth founder really exist, why is it has been kept as a secret? Why no one has ever talked about him?  Did he do something bad in the past that the other founders decided to erase him from the history?
“Oh no, he is not the fifth founder. In fact, he is the first one, the one who unite the other four. He is the leader of the group even though it seems that the founder Sakurai is the one leading after all. But, he has his own charisma as the leader which makes the other respect him. Of course until the rumors were spread,” explained Kitagawa sensei as he confirmed both Ohno and Nino’s suspicion.
“What rumors?” asked Nino curiously.
“No one knows what it is. Some said that he voluntarily left the group but the most popular opinion is he was expelled by the group. His existence is only known by the direct descendants of the founder. But, after a while, everyone decided that it would be better to erase him from the past. That is why none of you know about him,”
“And why do you know about this?”
“I may not be the direct descendants of him but I am still related to him. My mother is Satoshi kun’s great grandfather’s sister. That is how I have a different surname. Nevertheless, I still have the same ability as Satoshi kun here. That is why I should teach him how to use his power,”
“So, is there anyone else, other than you and me, who can do telekinesis?” for the first time, Ohno finally spoken in the office. Kitagawa sensei just shook his head before answering the question.
“No, I’m afraid not, Satoshi kun. I believe that we’re the only one from founder Ohno who are still alive. And that’s why you are in danger because of that,” the explanation given by Kitagawa sensei raised more question than answer for Nino. Nino was about to ask more when he was cut off by the headmaster.
“It is just a theory but I’m pretty sure it is the truth. I’m sure your father’s death is not caused by accident. Someone is after him, precisely, his power. And with him gone now, whoever the predator is, you have become its new target. That’s why I need to teach you to use your power,”
“And do you know who is that person might be?” Kitagawa sensei just shook his head, smiling sadly.
“No. You may have been very young when he died, that’s why you may not think about it. According to the muggles, your father died mysteriously. Of course, it’s because they do not know magic is involved in it. But, even for the wizard, whatever caused the death is not a common curse. There is more to it. That is what Kazunari’s father and I had investigated about this for a while. But, we never see the results of our investigation. There is just too little information available. But, we’re sure you’re in danger because of your ability,”
“Excuse me if I’m missing a point here. But, why are you not his or her or its target then? You have the same ability as Ohchan’s,”
“Yes, indeed. I have telekinesis too. I don’t know if this is a proper explanation at all. There are two possibilities. It may be because he doesn’t know my ability. You see, my surname is not Ohno. Other than you, your father and I are the only Ohno who studied here. But, we cannot let others know about our ability. We are put under crudus as crudus could also move things like soil. So, he or she may have thought of me as crudus,”
“And the second possibility is…”
“I’m not the direct descendants. I’m from the female side of the founder Ohno,” Nino just nodded his head agreeing with the explanation. Well, at least he is now convinced that there is indeed another founder. But, he doesn’t know if he is happy with this new discovery. Knowing that Ohno is in danger because of his ability will absolutely make Nino feel worried about his little friend’s safety. One thing for sure, he will have to protect Ohno.
“Do any of you have any more questions? If not, should we start the practice?”
“Ah, I have another question. Why do you allow me to listen to all of these when it is only related to Ohchan?” asked Nino and the headmaster just laughed listening to the question.
“Kazunari chan, for sure, you’re going to ask Satoshi whatever I told him. So, why should I let Satoshi tell you the story if I could just tell you about it? Furthermore, you already know about his ability,”
“Ah, but J also know about it. But, why wouldn’t you let him come here too?”
“So, there is another person who knows about this? How could I miss this? I thought that I know every single thing that happened in this school. It seems that I don’t have ears everywhere, like you claim, Kazunari chan.
“But, you can let him knows if you want. To be honest, we started to keep the existence of the founder Ohno as a secret from your father’s generation. But, it indeed has caused trouble. I couldn’t tell you about it right now because it is from your memory that I have sealed. With time, you will remember about it.
“You could tell Masaki and Sho chan too. But, other than five of you, no one should know about founder Ohno. So, if there is nothing else, you can watch Satoshi practice with me if you want, Kazunari chan,” said Kitagawa sensei. Of course Nino wants to ask more but it is obvious Kitagawa sensei wouldn’t tell him about his loss memory with Ohno. So, he just sits there, watching Ohno’s practice as he contemplating whether he should tell the others about this. It may have been fine with Sakurai and J but Aiba is definitely a no. What if he accidentally let someone else knows about it?

A/N: Sorry if this is not okay. As always, comments are appreciated. About Watashi no Kaibutsu kun, I already write a paragraph but then I have an idea to write a story so the story was left just like that at the moment. Most probably will continue to write after I'm done with the exam which is next Saturday. Anyway, thank you for everyone who help me deciding the continuation.

A/N2: As always, I have another compensation fanfic for you to read each time I'm a little bit late in posting the new chapter for this. I hope you will check it too and leave comments. Thank you, everyone!

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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