Magika - Chapter 10

Apr 05, 2014 02:31

Ohno get up early on the next day to go back to his room and take a bath before going to the class. But, when he want to leave the infirmary, the nurse prevent him from doing so and said that he and Nino are given a day off for today. But, he still needs to meet the headmaster at 4, as ordered by the headmaster. He went back to his bed and look at Nino who is still sound asleep. He doesn’t know when the other boy went to sleep yesterday but he guesses that the boy may have gone back to sleep very late. It looks like he still thinking about yesterday even though the headmaster had asked him to stop thinking and wait until the right moment comes.  But Ohno could understand why the other guy thinks like that. He would also be bothered about it if only he doesn’t have anything else to worry about. He wants to know about his telekinesis ability first and it seems that he will get the answer today.
“Ah, you’ve woke up,” said a girl. As he turned around, he noticed Erika chan, Nino’s sister is staring at her from the door.
“I hope you’re okay. I’m here to visit my Nii. But, it seems that he is still sleeping,”
“Ahh, he woke up in the middle of night yesterday but I’m not sure when he got back to sleep. I think he slept really late. Maybe around 3 or 4 in the morning,”
“It’s okay. Just tell him that I came to visit him. Ah, and tell him that our parents may have come to visit him sometime today,”
Ohno just nodded his head. Erika chan just stared at his brother before deciding to leave to eat breakfast. Shortly after she left, Matsujun, Aiba chan and Sakurai arrived, bringing food with them.
“You feel better?” asked Matsujun, almost whispering, to not wake Nino from his sleep. Ohno just nodded his head.
“What happened? If I know this will happen, I will let you and Nino catch me so that both of you will not collide,” said Aiba loudly. He was close to crying and as his voice is very loud, Nino starts to stir in his sleep. Matsujun who noticed that Nino will wake up from his sleep smacked Aiba’s head.
“Be quiet. Nino is still sleeping,” said Sakurai as Aiba rubbed his head.
“Too late, Sakurai. I already wake up,” said Nino as he yawning and Aiba immediately go to him.
“Nino, I’m sorry. I should let you catch me. If I let you, all of these won’t happen,” said Aiba. He already crying as he hugged Nino. With a look of pretending to be gross, Nino slowly pushed Aiba away. Even though Nino always look so strong, Ohno now knows how fragile he is, just like what Matsujun told Ohno before this. He looks like he is gross with Aiba hugging him like that but Ohno knows how Nino was actually feeling moved with the way Aiba blaming himself for the accident. The proof for that is how Nino blushes after Aiba hugged him.
“Don’t worry about that. You just have to buy a new game for me. But, thanks to you, I got to spend the night with Ohchan even though on a different bed. Geez, I should sneak on Ohchan’s bed yesterday,” said Nino with a smirk at Ohno. Hearing the tease, Ohno decided to tease Nino back. He loves to see the way Nino blushes whenever he accidentally teasing Nino. For example, when he said that Nino is the person he likes the most after his mother a few weeks before, Nino’s face became so red.
“I asked you to sleep with me but you’re the one who said that it will be embarrassing if the nurse found us snuggling on the bed,” as expected, Nino’s face turned red and everyone else is laughing looking at his reaction.
“Geez, Nino, you teach Ohchan to be a pervert,” said Matsujun as Aiba and Sakurai nodded, agreeing with the statement.
“How do you know if he is not a pervert before he met me?” said Nino back. But, before Matsujun managed to answer back, the nurse arrived and asked the three of them to leave the infirmary and go to the class as it is about to begin. All three of them nodded and take their bags to leave the infirmary.
“Okay, now that both of you are okay, you can go back to your room. But, remember that both of you need to meet the headmaster at 4,” said the nurse. This makes Ohno feel weird. Are both of them supposed to meet the headmaster, or is it only Ohno?
“Eh? Both of us? I thought it was only Ohchan,” asked Nino, who also with the statement from the nurse just now.
“No, he clearly told me that both of you need to meet him at 4,” said the nurse. Even though he feel weird, Ohno just nodded his head and takes Nino’s hand to lead them outside of the infirmary.
“Maybe, he wants to talk about our memory?” suggest Ohno. For him, that will be the only possible explanation for wanting Nino to be there as well. He doesn’t think that Kitagawa sensei will want to talk about his ability in front of someone else. But, ….
“Ah,” said Ohno as he remembers something from yesterday.
“What’s wrong?”
“No, I just think that Sensei just naturally told me about the lesson yesterday. As if he knows that I already told him about my telekinesis that he doesn’t feel the need to keep it a secret from you,”
“Maybe he knows you tell me. That old guy has ears everywhere. How else would he know that I know you when he asked Erika chan to give the letter to you before this?”

Ohno just nodded his head, agreeing with Nino. As both of them walk together, they just keep quiet, still deep in thought. He doesn’t know what Nino is thinking about but he is thinking about his lesson this evening. Will he finally know why his ability is different from everyone else?
Around 3:50 in the evening, both of them had already waited outside of the headmaster’s office. When Ohno returned to his room earlier this morning, he took a bath before finally deciding to sleep again. At 11 am, Nino came to his room and asked him to go for lunch. After having lunch, both of them went back to Ohno’s room and take a nap. They woke up at 3 to get ready to meet the headmaster. Ohno knows he sleep too much but he couldn’t help it. He felt so sleepy today.
“Come in,” said the voice from inside the office when Nino knocked the door. When they opened the door, he noticed there are other people in the room. When he looked at them, he realized that the people inside the office are Nino’s parents.
“Kazu, are you okay? Do you get hurt anywhere?” said Nino’s mother as she hugged him. Nino just nodded his head.
“I know that we owe you an explanation but now is not the right time to talk about it,” said his father.
“Why? Isn’t now the right moment? After the accident that happened yesterday,” Nino tried to argue. But, his father just shakes his head.
“Not now, son. Listen to your headmaster first and we will talk later,” said Nino’s father and he turned to look at Ohno. He smiled at Ohno.
“Dear, let’s go now. Sensei needs to speak to the boys,” said Nino’s father as he leads Nino’s mother out of the room and close the door, leaving Ohno and Nino with Kitagawa sensei.
“Should we start talking now?” said Kitagawa sensei as soon as the door closed.

A/N: So, this is the new chapter. I decided to write a new chapter as I've finished half of may assignment. And, I feel quite angry for these few days. I just doesn't know why is it hard for someone to do their dishes. My sink is full of unwashed dishes and there are not mine. Wouldn't it be easier to do the dishes right after you finished using it? And what makes me angrier, my housemates are talking about wifey material, saying that the girl has wifey material when it is quite obvious she doesn't know how to manage herself when she doesn't even know how to do the simplest housework. Sorry for the rant. I just want to vent this anger.

Anyway, I need to ask for your opinion. Remember my story watashi no kaibutsu kun and my little kazunari? I have two ideas to continue it but I'm not sure which one to choose. So, if you could help me to decide, it will be great. Thank u in advance. Just head to this if you want to help me decide.

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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