(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 11:25

Title: Tuesday Night, Sunnydale Style
Author: Samsom
I should be writing two other fics, but once I got this image in my head, I had to go with it. Written in half an hour and completely unbeta’d. All mistakes are completely my own.


Cordelia has lived in Sunnydale all of her life. She knows weird things happen here.

Even before Buffy Summers moved to town, finding a dead guy in a locker was just not that epic to most of the kids in school, her included. Mostly it meant no classes for the rest of the day, and an assembly on how to deal with their feelings.

But this is a new category of weird.

Sitting at a light and impatient to get home, because no one with a brain stays out by themselves at night, Cordelia hears high pitched yipping in the distance, like dogs chasing a mailman they really wanted to catch.

And eat.

The noise gets closer while the light stays red, and Cordelia nervously glances at her side doors to make sure they’re still locked, wondering if maybe she should just run the stupid light -

When Buffy Summers comes running from the direction of Spring, next to the park, and crosses in front of Cordelia’s car at full speed.

Cordelia’s just thinking that maybe Buffy should’ve tried out for track instead of cheerleading when Xander appears, following the new girl at a dead run.

And, um, barking.

Three or four others are following on his heels, but in the dark she doesn’t recognize them.

She watches as the whole lot disappears down the opposite direction, towards the zoo.

When they’re gone, she guns the engine and takes off against the red light.

Daddy can take care of the ticket. She’s got calls to make.

106 the pack, fiction

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