The Pack: Shoot me, Stuff me, Mount me

Aug 17, 2008 19:40

Title: Shoot me, Stuff me, Mount me
Author: Pythia
Character: Giles
Rating: FRT
Summary: Xander has more in common with Giles than he knows. (Set during the episode 'The Pack')
Word Count: 150
Feedback: Please.
Disclaimer: None of these people are mine. They belong to Joss and all those others who gave them life and purpose, and lots of wonderful words to say.

Author's Notes: Written for 

Xander pretends he doesn’t remember, and the girls, relieved, offer light hearted sympathy before returning to their prattle and chatter. The look in his eyes says something different.

He does remember.

So does Giles.

He remembers the seductive thrill of the possession - that brief, futile struggle of self to remain self - and then the relief of surrender; the heady acceptance of letting someone else, something else, take control. He remembers the rush that came with it - the ecstatic dance of power and desire and the desperate revelations of all his darkest fantasies. The craving for experiences a human soul would never contemplate.

And the sublimation of those desires into moments of purest, primal gratification.

Oh yes.  Giles remembers.

It’s not something he’s ever going to forget.

“Your secret dies with me,” he promises.

And, god willing, Xander will never know just how literal that promise will need to be.

106 the pack, fiction

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