
Aug 17, 2008 11:25

Title: Tuesday Night, Sunnydale Style
Author: Samsom
I should be writing two other fics, but once I got this image in my head, I had to go with it. Written in half an hour and completely unbeta’d. All mistakes are completely my own.


”under )

106 the pack, fiction

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Comments 19

brutti_ma_buoni August 17 2008, 18:34:28 UTC
Mostly it meant no classes for the rest of the day, and an assembly on how to deal with their feelings Hee! I guess you have to do something when corpses are an everyday occurrence.


samsom August 19 2008, 05:20:21 UTC
I imagine by Cordelia's sophomore year, the kids could've repeated the speeches of "it's okay to feel bad" to the adults. lol

Thanks for reading. :D


librarian2003 August 17 2008, 18:56:03 UTC
Trust Cordelia to have her own particular take on things! This captures her perfectly. Well done!



samsom August 19 2008, 05:21:45 UTC
Thank you. I love trying to get into her head. :D


velvetwhip August 17 2008, 19:45:44 UTC
Cordelia's self-centered insularity is always amusing. Great job!



samsom August 19 2008, 05:27:00 UTC
Thank you! Cordelia's always been my favorite, especially when she's being all about herself. :D


helygen August 17 2008, 20:15:10 UTC
"Daddy can take care of the ticket. She’s got calls to make. "

That is so Cordelia! Nice work :)


samsom August 19 2008, 05:28:32 UTC
Thank you! I really love that girl, she's so fun to write. :D


makd August 17 2008, 21:24:23 UTC
Wow! excellent fill-in-the-blank on what Cordelia was doing during that episode.

Great fun!


samsom August 19 2008, 05:29:36 UTC
Once I got the image in my head, I just couldn't type it out fast enough, hee!

Thanks for the feedback. :D


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