Precious (1/?)

Dec 04, 2009 16:54

Chapter: 1
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

POV: Kyuhyun

The sun was shining brightly today. As usual, I came to the park and began taking pictures. I currently was a student and a singer/waiter in my uncle’s café as part-time job, but whenever I had free time in a sunny day, I would turn into a photographer.

I had always loved capturing natural beauties like birds, flowers, or water droplets on the leaves, but I didn’t like capturing humans. I never knew why, I just didn’t.

But today was different. My camera stopped at a beautiful image before me. There was a boy with a beautiful natural smile, pure happiness. He was lifting a small white bunny and grinning towards it, playing like a kid who got his first toy.

Unconsciously, my fingers moved and *splash*, the lovely image was captured. It was my first shot of human. I never expected that the picture would turn out very beautiful and maybe it was the best shot I had ever taken so far.

I remembered about a flyer I read few days ago. It was about a photography competition in national range. Everyone could join it since there was no limit of age. The contestant just needed to send their masterpiece (put in film roll or as a file in CD) to the address given.

I looked at the photo again. This was perfect. The angle, the light, the focus, everything was perfect that I didn’t believe that I was the one who took it. I decided to give it a try.


“Good evening. Are you Cho Kyuhyun?”

Months had passed since I met this cute guy, and I was very surprised that he suddenly appeared before me again. I was just back from school and he was there on the gate.

“Yeah. Who are you and how do you know me?”

“Well it is supposed to be my question, Kyuhyun sshi. We don’t know each other but you better have some good explanations for this.” The boy showed me a magazine. Oh, that photo. I took a good look at it before realizing…

“Oh my God!! Is it true?? I won the runner up?!” I screamed in shock.

“Perhaps that was because the model was good.” He said cynically. “You haven’t answered me. Who gave you the rights to take my picture?” I looked at him, irritated. Well, he might be cute, but I didn’t know that he was annoying.

Or probably he was “annoyingly cute”?

“You’re misunderstand, young man. I didn’t take your picture. I just wanted to capture a happiness and I accidentally found it. The photo turned out good.”

“How old are you to call me such young man?! And what the hell was that? You can find happiness everywhere, why me? Now they hunt me like fresh water in desert, you know?” He shouted back, angry.

“I’m sixteen.”

“And I’m eighteen!! Speak formally to me and help me to get those stupid talent agents away from my life!!!”

I sighed. This guy was REALLY annoying. “Stop screaming, oh God, you ruined my peaceful day. Well you’re short and way too childish with that baby face and high pitched screams. And if you’re now popular, you should thank me instead. If you need something to blame, blame yourself for having a good smile.”

With that, I walked off and entered my house, closing the door right before him. Behind the door, I heard him cursing and muttering in non coherent words.

-End of Chapter 1-

Art: Precious Chapter 1

A/N: Forgive me for any flaws~ for I wrote it in extra speed ^^;
Still, comments are greatly loved^^

chaptered, kyumin

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