Precious (2/?)

Dec 06, 2009 10:34

Chapter: 2
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

A/N: The next update will be long long later~ Blame the exam TT^TT, and sorry for any fails :D

POV: Kyuhyun

It was likely a fate, because since then I got to meet him again and again. He was actually the coach of my school’s martial arts club and sometimes he also taught dance, musical, and choir club. Since I joined choir, I couldn’t not to see that guy named Lee Sungmin.

To everyone, he was always cute, nice, humble, fun, or whatever positive adjectives you could use to describe such a lovable person. But when towards me, he acted like evil. He would use bitter or flat tone instead of cheerful ones he usually used. When singing, he always noticed and criticized my slightest error when someone beside me clearly made even more noticeable errors.

Did I stay quiet? Of course not. I would always confront back, fell in arguments with him, and smiled proudly because Sungmin was always the one who decided to shut up a.k.a lost. All of my friends were confused because they knew me as a quiet oblivious boy then suddenly I became the one who created a mess in choir club.

He obviously hated me. I should have hated him back, shouldn’t I?

It was funny, because later I found myself missing him when he didn’t come to choir club anymore. I knew he was busy, being a super-talented person he was. He taught martial arts every Monday, taught dance club every Thursday, helped musical club in every concert, replaced choir club’s teacher when she was absent, and I heard he worked as a musician. Recently, he also accepted some offers to be a model and he repeatedly told me in blaming tone that it was because of me.

I was now in the same park, staring at my precious black camera. With this camera, I really wanted to capture his smiles again. I wanted to see such a strong happiness again. But I would love it more if the smiles were directed to me and if I was the one who made him happy.


I believed it was fate, because although he didn’t come to the choir club anymore, I still found him in my uncle’s café where I worked at. He actually was a regular customer, but I never noticed him because I used to never care about other people.

“Why you again, Cho Kyuhyun? Are you stalking me or something?”

“I’m sorry, young man. I worked here since before.”

“You’re younger than me, newborn! Call me hyung.”

I let out some ‘hahaha’s cynically. I was happy to see Sungmin again, but I wondered why I couldn’t be honest for once. When I was with him, I always had an urge to hold at least cursing battle. When he ordered strawberry milkshake, I couldn’t help but tease him and ended by him threatening to report my rude behaviour to my uncle, so I stopped.

As I delivered his order, I accidentally read the opened book on his table. It was Maths. “What the hell you’re studying at a café? And aren’t you graduated last year?”

“What’s wrong with that?” He pouted cutely. “I barely have time so I had to manage time very well. And I am not studying. For your information, I give Maths courses to elementary up to junior high school students. I make the answer key now so I can easily check their answers later.”

God, he still had another job?

I looked at the paper. It was algebra and logarithms. I excused myself to sit beside him and pick the blank paper and a question sheet. “I’m nice today so I’ll help you.”

He frowned for a while. “Can I trust you?”

I sighed. “My Maths’s scores during three years of junior high school were never below 100.”

“Whoa,” he blinked in awe. “Then I trust you with all my heart.”

I silently smiled. Sungmin was cute, and that was an absolute fact. Whether he was irritating or not, nice or not, he was cute.

“You’re pretty smart, Kyuhyun sshi. Do you want to help me making answer sheets? Take this as a job and I’ll pay you.”

If that meant I could meet you and sit here beside you again, Sungmin, sure I’d really love to. “I’ll think about it.” But still, I couldn’t be honest to myself.

He smiled widely. “I am here every Wednesday night if I don’t have other jobs. And sometimes I come on Sunday around ten o’clock.”

I quickly took a note of it in my brain.

-End of Chapter 2-

A/N: Still, comments are loved again and again :]

chaptered, kyumin

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