Precious (3/?)

Dec 09, 2009 16:02

Chapter: 3
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, mentioned Ryeowook/Sungmin

A/N: Getting angst, haha, lack of idea~~

POV: Kyuhyun

To be honest, this new “job” made me tired. But it was worthwhile because now I got closer to Sungmin. We talked comfortably to each other. Well, we still did stubbornly argued about even the silliest thing, but more because it was fun. At least we were now on nickname basis and we often chatted like between best friends.

“How was it fun to stay oblivious and be emotionless towards things? I can’t imagine myself not laughing in a whole day.”

“And how was it fun to work all day? I can’t imagine myself working and working with so little rest like you.”

“I must be the toughest and the most patient guy on the Earth. No one can stand you as good as I do.”

“Well I must be an angel sent by God to hang out with you, because seriously, who can stand being with a workaholic too punctual guy?”

We both laughed at the lame joke, but I didn’t know that I just hurt him. I didn’t know that he would use my own saying to break me into pieces later. I just didn’t know.


“Kyu, do you have a boyfriend now?” Sungmin asked one day, knowing already that we both were into men. I looked up and met his innocent fox eyes were staring at me.

“No. Why?”

He shook his head slightly. “Just wondering.” He showed a small smile then asked again, “Do you currently like someone?”

I turned my attention back to the Maths, hiding my flushed face and preventing any stutters. “Well, yeah. I do. What about you, Min? Do you have someone you like?”

Sungmin sighed. “Yeah, I like someone.”

I thought Sungmin was going to tell me more about his love problems, but he didn’t say anything more. It made me curious. “Do I know that person?”

Still, he was silent. I had a feeling that it was me. But I was afraid. Perhaps it was just a feeling. The big-headed over confident one was Sungmin, not me.

“How about you yourself? Do I know the person you like?” He asked back.

“It’s you.” Oh. My. God. I gasped. Why was I hypocrite when I wanted to be honest and too honest when I wanted to be quiet??! Stupid mouth!!!!

Sungmin was very surprised (of course, even I myself was too). “If you’re just kidding, it’s not funny, Kyu.”

“I- Well, I said it accidentally, but I really do like you, Min hyung.” I sighed, finally confessed though it was so embarrassing and unprepared at all. Sungmin looked like he wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth again, seemed hesitant. “Look, Min. If you don’t like me it’s okay.” I said.

“It’s- not like that. Honestly, I like you too, but-“ He quickly added the word “but” but then stopped, didn’t know how to explain. “You clearly know how busy I am. I don’t think I have time to fall in love. I don’t have time for you. I’m sorry, Kyu, but I can’t.”

“I don’t ask for anything, Min. I won’t disturb you by asking you out for date and I promise I won’t hurt you. Can’t you just be mine?”

Sungmin shook his head very slightly, but enough to make me frustrated. “You said it yourself. No one can stand being with a workaholic too punctual guy like me.” He even added, and my heart surely crashed into tiny irregular pieces. My world seemed darkened, empty, and... It was indescribable.

Girls and boys were out there asking me out, but I never cared about them. But this was my first love, my first time confessing, and I was rejected. I cursed myself for being so ironic and pathetic. “I wonder. What the hell are you working for? Money?” My voice was trembling, but I didn’t care hiding it.

“I have three brothers to take care, Kyu. One is Sungjin, my real younger brother. Then the two are Ryeowook’s. Ryeo is my last boyfriend. We are all orphans from the same orphanage. We both worked hard to live. But a year ago, he died.” Sungmin brushed his sleeve to sweep his forming tears. “I was depressed but I knew I had to work harder and harder. I was now able to move on, but still, the three boys are so precious to me. I’ll do anything for them, including sacrificing my own feelings.”

But how about me??! My broken heart screamed. But after a while of silence, I could only say, “I understand.” Yeah, I understand. To me, Sungmin was so precious. His smile, his ability, his personality, everything about him was valuable. But to him, his everything was his brothers. I was nothing for him. He might like me, but for his brothers, he could easily throw me away from his priority.

Tears flowed down my cheek smoothly. We both fell into so uncomfortable silence until the day became late and we went home.

I used to wait for Wednesdays, but I guessed since today, I hated this day. If it was possible, I hoped Wednesday would never come again. I didn’t hate Sungmin, not at all. I just didn’t like the fact that now I felt I was nothing. I felt worthless, useless, zero valued, whatever negative adjectives you would use to describe a trash.

It was not that bad, but I felt that bad.


That night, I stared to the potrait of Sungmin which I took on that day. The person in this photo was smiling, so widely that it seemed like he had never ever suffered even for once in his life. But this afternoon, I heard about his past clearly right from his mouth.

“I must be the toughest and the most patient guy on the Earth,” he once said.

Yeah, he surely was the toughest and the most patient guy on Earth, or probably in the whole galaxy.

-End of Chapter 3-

A/N: Comments are eternally loved but I'm really sorry if I can't reply quickly~~

chaptered, ryeomin, kyumin

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