
Nov 30, 2009 22:03

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

POV: Kyuhyun

When I opened my eyes, my left hand was held tightly by him. He was there, sleeping beside me with tear stained face. I didn’t feel any pain, somehow, I just felt warm and happy. I brushed my finger, tried to clear away the tears. He then woke up, and we started to chat. He didn’t touch on the accident any bit. He only talked about funny things on dance practice, their new song “Happiness”, and others. Smile, that was what I needed to bear the painful injury, and he made me to smile, until there was no pain remained.

On the next day, there were only Eeteuk, Ryeowook, Yesung, and Donghae who came. Unlike Sungmin, they told me the whole accident, including how my condition was when I entered the hospital. It was…very bad. I couldn’t even imagine myself being like their descriptions. They said that everyone was crying for me, even Heechul and Kibum, especially Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Donghae himself, and him. I felt very bad for making the one I love crying. Despite his tiny frame, I knew Sungmin was tough, strong, and always happy. But yet I made him vulnerable.

Day after day, every member took turn to visit me. Sometimes they came all 13, sometimes minus Kibum. But Sungmin was always among them so that I couldn’t have any personal time with him. I really missed him, you know, they called it “sexually frustrated”, but that wasn’t really right. I missed our private moments together more than just sex.

Sungmin came by himself just once, on the day when I woke up. Why? Did he lose his feelings already? Did he stop loving me?

Those negative thoughts made me suffer everyday. Nurses were worried about me and kept telling me that my condition was getting worse as time went on. No, don’t blame on me who didn’t eat regularly and slept late at night. Just blame Sungmin who didn’t take care of me. If he did, I surely would get better. He was my only medicine.

The most frequent coming member was Donghae, being the member who cares the most. I never stopped asking him where Sungmin was, and he also never stopped giving shrugs for not knowing where Sungmin was, or sometimes for not knowing why Sungmin didn’t come although the boy was free.

I missed Lee Sungmin, for real.


“Kyuhyunnie…” A soft voice woke me up. I recognized it clearly. The voice belonged to Lee Sungmin, the only person I did love so much. I opened my eyes, smiling happy when there was only him alone with me in the room.

“Finally you came, Hyung.”

“Huh?” He tilted his head confusedly. “I came last Monday with Ryeowook and Shindong, didn’t I? I have come five times this month.”

“But the last time you came by yourself was when I first woke up after comma.” I pouted. “Why Hyung? Haven’t you missed me any bit? Do you not love me anymore?”

Sungmin looked at me in the eyes, made me not able to turn away. He held my hand carefully and showed his warmest smile.

“When you were in comma, I came here everyday, sometimes alone sometimes accompanied by other members. But that day, when you woke up, honestly I missed you much. I wanted to hug you, kiss you, but then I couldn’t because you were sick. I never dared to visit you alone because…you know, you’re such a temptation, Kyu.” He grinned.

“Then today?”

“I missed you so badly but there’s no one free,” he explained.

I smirked. My other hand reached his face and pulled him closer to share a kiss. The kiss was long, sweet, and full of emotion. “Hyung, you made me worried. Next time please don’t hold back. Just hug me, kiss me, touch me, or anything. Do whatever and whenever you want to.”

“You too. Please don’t doubt me. I love you and I will always do.” We kissed again and started to chat merrily about random things.

Nurses were surprised because my condition improved so sudden. I was already quite healthy. I just needed some time to heal my wounds and some therapy because several parts of my body were still numb due to comma. Sungmin was always by my side, made everything turned out well.

“Hyung, I just need one medicine to be healthy. It’s you. So if I had another accident, there’s no need to call doctors, just call Lee Sungmin.”

Sungmin pouted cutely. “But I won’t let you get accidents ever again, Kyu. Besides, I’ve cried whole nights already and it’s enough, thank you very much.”

“I know. I won’t let you cry anymore either, Hyung.”


A/N: Happy enough? I wrote much angst lately that sometimes maybe I should write happy Kyumin
It's failed though TT-TT

kyumin, oneshot

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