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More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 puppywithatutu October 22 2011, 21:30:58 UTC
Now that the Court's been announced, there's all the more reason to get your groove on!


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 hotceltogoth October 23 2011, 02:42:05 UTC
[From here.]

"I do have to wonder at some of the musical choices," Ronan said, smirking at Jack. "Canada's musical offerings are a lot more diverse than they'd have us think."


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 bitten_notshy October 23 2011, 02:58:13 UTC
"You're going to have to teach me about that," Jack said, settling in comfortably against Ronan's chest. "Modern music's one of my weak points."


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 hotceltogoth October 23 2011, 03:07:51 UTC
Ronan nodded. "I'm far from an expert," he allowed. "But I think it's partly that a lot of musicians are Canadian that most people don't realise."

It was a nice chest! Probably even a little nicer than when Jack had last had opportunity to be close to it; Ronan had built up a little while travelling.


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 bitten_notshy October 23 2011, 03:41:41 UTC
It was a very nice chest; Jack was going to enjoy being exactly where he was for at least the length of the song.

"So it's a stealth nationality," he said lazily, as they began to twirl. "Sneaky of them."


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 hotceltogoth October 23 2011, 03:51:31 UTC
It was very nice having Jack against it! It would be even nicer sans clothing, but that was best suited for... other venues.

"Actors, too," Ronan said. "Lots of Canadian actors in Hollywood and on TV, apparently. It's like they're secretly invading the states."

And Fandom High, for that matter.


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 bitten_notshy October 23 2011, 12:45:18 UTC
School dances tended to go better when everyone stayed clothed, which was truly a shame in this audience.

"Sending out subliminal messages about moose and beaver?"


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 blondecanary October 23 2011, 04:38:57 UTC
Dinah was spinning in place, happy to be able to dance again. Woo!


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 weldedtomyspine October 24 2011, 00:08:01 UTC
"Someone looks like they're having fun," a voice chuckled from behind Dinah.


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 blondecanary October 24 2011, 00:09:16 UTC
"Jaime!" Dinah beamed and threw open her arms on the next spin.


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 weldedtomyspine October 24 2011, 00:11:03 UTC
He was wearing his usual suit and grinning himself as he stepped forward and pulled Dinah into a hug. "Hey, you!"


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 blondecanary October 24 2011, 00:12:20 UTC
Dinah snickered and hugged him hard. "I'm so glad you made it. Look, no skeletons! Glitter moose!"


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 weldedtomyspine October 24 2011, 00:14:12 UTC
Jaime laughed. "And no cast. Is that why you're out here dancing so hard?"


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 blondecanary October 24 2011, 00:16:23 UTC
"Damn straight," Dinah said, dancing out and grabbing his hand, twirling back into him. "Aren't you glad to have a day off?"


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 weldedtomyspine October 24 2011, 00:21:03 UTC
Another laugh. "I have a feeling that it's going to be a lot like work, if you're going to be making me dance." Not that he minded at all. He twirled her in close, and then away.


Re: More Dancing | Homecoming 2011 blondecanary October 24 2011, 00:28:20 UTC
"Got that right," Dinah teased. "Soooo, tell me about DDS school. Tell me about the girls you're meeting in El Paso."


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