The Streets of Fandom, Friday Afternoon

Sep 17, 2010 14:45

"Alright, guys!" Zack's arms were crossed over his chest as he looked around the streets. Handwavey Messages had been left on the phones of anybody who had exchanged numbers at past Reserve meetings, Martial or Magic, and people had been told to bring whatever they needed in order to go zombie-fish hunting. "This is kind of like the time we had ( Read more... )

karla, firekeeper, tahiri veila, ben skywalker, timothy drake, rinoa heartilly, squall leonhart, zack fair, james of krondor, kennedy, streets, cloud strife, cally, katniss everdeen, raven, sookie stackhouse

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Comments 362

glacial_witch September 17 2010, 18:52:32 UTC
Karla was had her shields up, not wanting to earn yet another lecture on the topic. Her Cinquedea waiting to be called in, but she was mostly using Craft to blast the nasty things. Using a sword meant letting these things get closer to her face and, shield or not, she wasn't all that keen on that.

"Stay down, damn you!" she hissed. Wretched things.


trigons_child September 17 2010, 22:12:03 UTC
During a lull in attacks, Raven moved over to Karla's side. "Are you well?" she asked, looking her over for any injuries.


glacial_witch September 17 2010, 22:19:27 UTC
"I'm fine," Karla said, glancing over to smile at Raven. "Safe and protected within my shields. No way these nasty things are getting inside."

Her smile faded as she looked more closely at Raven. "How are you? I know violence bothers you."


trigons_child September 17 2010, 22:22:39 UTC
"It does," Raven said, inclining her head. "But my concern for you and the others who are fighting is stronger than that. I came to see if anyone needed healing. Though I admit I am feeling very unsettled."


puppy_fair September 17 2010, 18:57:23 UTC
Today was going to be a Materia day, and the Buster Sword was going to stay pretty firmly at Zack's back. It wasn't that Zack didn't want to use his sword, of course, but he'd always found that the best way to take down swarming monsters was with a spell that could target an area. Blizzara, Thundara, Fira.

He'd stuffed his pockets full of potions, too. Huge surprise.

"Bring it on!"

He was having way, way too much fun right now, yes.


glacial_witch September 17 2010, 20:40:56 UTC
"I'm vetoing these as possible monsters for Ino's party," Karla announced to Zack, as she stepped into a space recently vacated by now-singed piranhas. "They're gross, they smell funny, and I'm just not that impressed."


puppy_fair September 17 2010, 20:48:26 UTC
"Yeah," Zack laughed. "They get bonus points for the re-raise, I guess, but they don't drop any loot or anything, either. Where's the fun in that?"

He held out his hand, and an arc of lightning cracked between his fingertips before flying toward another swarm.


glacial_witch September 17 2010, 20:50:15 UTC
"I'm still not sure how to wrap my head around creatures just carrying around loot and money in their...whatevers," Karla said with a quick shake of her head. "Why do they even carry it all around? How?"


eyesofahero September 17 2010, 20:05:39 UTC
Next time he called home, Cloud was asking for his Materia. All of it, he didn't care how whinny Yuffie was going to get, Cloud would be a lot more relaxed if he knew he had some heavy hitters in store if he couldn't hold his ground himself. ...As if, thought in what probably was a bit of a cocky way as he made his way through of flying undead aberrations, the hollow blade separated from the main body; double wielding made things certainly faster.

"At least they are all of the same size...", mused as another group moved at him. Flying undead sharks, now that would have been something. "...or singing." It was always a plus if they weren't singing.


glacial_witch September 17 2010, 20:43:58 UTC
Karla wandered up to him, hands wreathed in Sapphire flames. "Kiss kiss," she said, give Cloud a nod of greeting. "Having fun?"


eyesofahero September 17 2010, 23:02:53 UTC
"Hey. We are killing flying fish that come back to life after being killed once, for no apparent reason, and without any preparation." Cloud had to shrug at the view of people beating the un-living crap out of the piranhas. "This is pretty cathartic, if you ask me. How is it going for you?"


glacial_witch September 17 2010, 23:13:53 UTC
"Speak for yourself about no preparation," Karla retorted. "That's why we have the Reserves. Preparation for invasions just like this." She tossed her hair a bit, giving Cloud a smile.


justwantsquiet September 17 2010, 21:17:32 UTC
Sookie figured, in a group this size, with this many powered people? Totally the place to work on using her energy blasts as efficiently as she could. So when a piranha swooped by her head, it was pure instinct when she sent it soaring away to smack into a building.



angelo_wings September 17 2010, 22:39:47 UTC
Rinoa noticed her friend, and waved. "I think I'm enjoying this," she confessed, zapping a few more piranhas with bolts of lightning. "Is that bad?"


justwantsquiet September 18 2010, 00:46:45 UTC
Sookie grinned at her, ducking as some piranhas swept near. "No, I think it's normal," she offered, but quickly tapped into some frustration and panic as a fish swam too close to her, and blasted it away. "I'm glad someone's 'lowed to have fun."


angelo_wings September 18 2010, 00:55:51 UTC
"It's a nice release," Rinoa said, this time hitting a piranha with dark green bubbles. Oooh, these were weak enough that poison killed them outright, without any lingering. Nice.

"Chance to cut loose and flex those muscles again," she said. "I think Squall was getting restless."


thegirl_onfire September 17 2010, 21:19:56 UTC
Katniss had longed for the chance to actually hunt something dangerous. Not because she ever wanted to, no, but because with the victory tour fast approaching, she'd be getting her new tributes in no time, and she needed to be in fine shape.

Streets were not her forte, though, so she was ducking behind whatever cover she could as she shot arrows out at the fish -- yes, the fish in the air -- and wishing for a tree or something.


momslilassassin September 17 2010, 22:52:52 UTC
Ben gave her a little wave with the hand that wasn't holding onto his lightsaber at the moment.


thegirl_onfire September 18 2010, 00:43:29 UTC
Katniss nodded at him, not wanting to move her hands from her bow or poised arrow. Her eyes glanced over his lightsaber, though, and she curiously asked, "Is that like a sword?"


momslilassassin September 18 2010, 00:50:28 UTC
Ben nodded. "But better," he said, not at all biased. He slashed out at the nearest piranha and the fish dropped to the ground, sizzling.


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