The Streets of Fandom, Friday Afternoon

Sep 17, 2010 14:45

"Alright, guys!" Zack's arms were crossed over his chest as he looked around the streets. Handwavey Messages had been left on the phones of anybody who had exchanged numbers at past Reserve meetings, Martial or Magic, and people had been told to bring whatever they needed in order to go zombie-fish hunting. "This is kind of like the time we had ( Read more... )

karla, firekeeper, tahiri veila, ben skywalker, timothy drake, rinoa heartilly, squall leonhart, zack fair, james of krondor, kennedy, streets, cloud strife, cally, katniss everdeen, raven, sookie stackhouse

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Comments 362

trigons_child September 17 2010, 21:27:14 UTC
After spending time in the dorm lobby helping those who were injured or needing transportation, Raven ventured out to see how the fighting group was doing. She didn't like being this close to violence, but she wanted to heal her friends.

Though she wasn't feeling terribly well for some reason now.


angelo_wings September 17 2010, 22:19:28 UTC
The other girl didn't quite ... look okay. Rinoa approached, concerned.

"Are you all right?" she asked.


trigons_child September 17 2010, 22:24:34 UTC
"Violence distresses me," Raven said, keeping a wary eye out for any vicious fish. "I am uncomfortable with it, but I wished to see if any required any healing."


angelo_wings September 17 2010, 22:38:46 UTC
Rinoa bit her lip. This wouldn't be a pleasant scene for anyone who didn't like violence, especially not with the way everyone else was reveling in it.

"I think everyone's fine," she said, reassuringly. "There are others here who can heal. We could arrange to get you if someone gets hurt badly, if you wanted to leave."


angelo_wings September 17 2010, 22:13:35 UTC
It was neat, seeing everyone fighting together. Reminded her of the attack on Garden, actually. Only they'd been fighting one another and not miniature Fastitocalons.

She had her cardinal strapped to her arm, but she wasn't using it all that much. Not when she could flick her wrist and hit one, two, three of them with individual lightning bolts.

Just like old times.


whateverknight September 17 2010, 22:21:35 UTC
The air crackled, and a gigantic bird made entirely of lightning appeared next to Rinoa. Quezacotl fried the next few fish in front of her before disappearing again.

Squall totally wasn't playing Top That. That would be immature.


angelo_wings September 17 2010, 22:32:52 UTC
Oooh, Quezacotl. Rinoa watched for a few seconds before she realized what he was doing.

Clever! Two could play at that game.

She quirked an eyebrow at him, smiled, and hit three of the closest fish to him with a strange symbol character.

They didn't seem to be doing so great, after that.

His move!


whateverknight September 17 2010, 22:56:31 UTC
Squall shrugged and sliced through the Pained fish, finishing them off. He nodded at Rinoa, acknowledging her, and the corner of his lips quirked upward.

He put his hand to his forehead, then thrust it outward, and the next fish in front of her turned into a collectible trading card. Now neither of them could kill it.

"Don't lose that," he told her. "It's probably unique."


whateverknight September 17 2010, 22:18:06 UTC
Squall joined the fray with a passion. His movements were precise and well-trained, sure, but there was an energy to him that people didn't normally see and a fire in his eyes. His gunblade lashed out, slicing through fish after fish.


eyesofahero September 17 2010, 23:05:04 UTC
Hey, person with fashionable sword!

"That's...that's actually pretty cool", commented the Guy with Six Swords on One as he took a little break between waves of piranhas.


whateverknight September 17 2010, 23:16:52 UTC
"Thanks, I guess," Leon Squall answered, as he took out a few more fish. "Yours isn't so bad, either." It CLEARLY wasn't as awesome as his gunblade, though.


eyesofahero September 18 2010, 00:28:22 UTC
Cloud would argue there was only one way to find out, but it wasn't the moment. He was also totally not playing with the idea of releasing a Limit Break; there was no point of getting rid of the piranhas if the town ended up ruined. Oh well.

"What's the name of that sword anyway?" Something so inpractical awesome surely had an equally cool name.


boywonder03 September 18 2010, 00:31:14 UTC
Tim was out on the streets in full costume. He threw a bang-a-rang into a potted plant near a dense section of piranhas. It exploded, killing the fish - which promptly zombified and came after Tim. He used his staff to battle the fish flying at him.


NFB, please glacial_witch September 18 2010, 00:52:25 UTC
Karla had wandered off by her own, smiting piranhas with a combination of witchfire and energy-blasts. It didn't stop them from getting back up, but it made them much less useful when they did.

It didn't take her long to notice the male in the brightly-colored costume, however. The mask threw her off, at least, until she noticed his psychic scent. "Tim?!" Karla asked, boggled. "Why are you dressed up like that?"


Re: NFB, please boywonder03 September 18 2010, 01:00:17 UTC
Tim's hand flew to his face, but his mask was still attached. Three of the ninja piranhas tried to take advantage of the opening, but Tim swept his staff and took them all out. "It's, uh, a secret identity thing," he said. "How did you know it was me?"


Re: NFB, please glacial_witch September 18 2010, 01:07:20 UTC
"Your psychic scent," Karla explained, still giving Tim a confused glance. "You still feel like you, even with a mask on. Why do you have a secret identity anyway? Why do you need one? And your costume is so...colorful."


squire_hand September 18 2010, 01:34:27 UTC
James swore.

Sword out, dressed in modern black leather pants and a Midkemian-style armored leather vest/jacket, with a crossbow slung on his back, the squire slashed and hacked his way through the flying devilfish.

His rapier was thin, quick, and deadly.


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