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Comments 996

Arrivals geniusdoctor November 14 2007, 23:38:39 UTC
Newly arriving sick people, please check in here.


Re: Arrivals stocksgrrl November 15 2007, 00:16:06 UTC
Turtle tried, she really did, and, while she still seemed well enough to do stuff, she had a feeling it wasn't going to get any better, so she marched, albeit sickly, into the clinic this time for more than just a pep.

"Okay, I'm ready. I'm checking myself in."


Re: Arrivals just_add_starch November 15 2007, 00:25:59 UTC
"Miss Wexler," Fraser said, frowning as he walked over, "you'd probably be better suited and more comfortable lying down. Come right this way, please."


Re: Arrivals idontlooktired November 15 2007, 01:16:32 UTC
Harriet was quite certain she wasn't sick.

True, she hadn't actually left her office last night, although she had a vague memory of shanghaiing a young woman this morning to teach a class. No idea if she could teach, but she'd been healthy and not noticeably crazy, so on this island that was a plus.

Nevertheless, she was quite certain she was fine. It was the world which had most inconveniently decided to tilt at an unnatural angle and go in and out of focus. Luckily the Town Hall had remained where it was supposed to be.

'Harriet Jones, Dean of Students. I'd like to speak to who ever is in charge,' was what she thought she said. What actually came out was more like, "Harriet mumblesomethingincomprehensbile," as she slowly tilted sideways to lean against the door frame.


Talk to the doctors/healers/volunteers geniusdoctor November 14 2007, 23:39:03 UTC
Offer them coffee, tell them they need to take a nap...


Re: Talk to the doctors/healers/volunteers practicaldevice November 15 2007, 00:12:41 UTC
Anathema had been at the makeshift clinic since early Tuesday, doing what she could. Now, she was just sitting on a chair, shivering and trying not to throw up.


Re: Talk to the doctors/healers/volunteers vkandis_son November 15 2007, 00:16:44 UTC
"I think you're in the wrong place," Karal said quietly, moving to stand beside her.


Re: Talk to the doctors/healers/volunteers practicaldevice November 15 2007, 00:19:22 UTC
"I'm just going on not enough sleep." Anathema said stubbornly.


Cot Area geniusdoctor November 14 2007, 23:39:28 UTC
28 and counting...


Cot Area: Ronan Nolan geniusdoctor November 14 2007, 23:41:02 UTC
Not allowed to die because he's too shiny.


Re: Cot Area: Ronan Nolan hotceltogoth November 15 2007, 01:59:48 UTC
Shiny, perhaps, but whatever coherency he'd possessed earlier in the day seemed to have left him as he whimpered, shivering, under the covers that seemed too thin no matter how thickly layered.


Re: Cot Area: Ronan Nolan izzyalienqueen November 15 2007, 02:04:49 UTC
Tired and worried, Isabel pulled up a chair. It only took her a second to realize Ronan was shivering, and one more before she was warming the blankets up till they felt like they'd just come out of a hot dryer.


Waiting Area geniusdoctor November 15 2007, 00:02:15 UTC
For waiting and pacing and fretting, oh my! Chairs, coffee, water, and sandwiches are all here.


Re: Waiting Area george_m_bluth November 15 2007, 01:08:00 UTC
George Michael sat for a moment, eating a sandwich and drinking a cup of coffee or two. He's resigned himself to staying all night long.


Re: Waiting Area goodgirlmeg November 15 2007, 02:52:23 UTC
Meg was sitting in a chair with her eyes closed. She looked asleep but her strong grip on her coffee cup suggested otherwise.


Entertainment! geniusdoctor November 15 2007, 01:29:12 UTC
From a special guest! This thread was here the whole time!


Re: Entertainment! multi_madrox November 15 2007, 05:31:10 UTC
There was a burst of activity at one end of the hall and suddenly there was a small puppet theater set up.

A sign was there which read:

Multiple Madrox productions is proud to present:


A blue sock puppet pops up wearing a blue toga. A hand follows behind it holding up a lit cigarette lighter.

"All right puny mortals! Time for our weekly fan club meeting. Did someone remember the finger sandwiches? Hopefully this time they aren't made with real fingers?" asked Hades!sock

A read sock with large black circles for eyes popped up holding a plate of Tex-Mex food.


"Ah hell," Hades!sock exclaimed. "These are finger sandwiches? Deadpool! Don't you ever listen?"

The Deadpool sock shrugged and nudged the plate of food towads Hades!sock. "No pickles"

Hades!Sock shrugged. "Well at least this time he's not trying to feed us fingers."


Re: Entertainment! multi_madrox November 15 2007, 05:55:28 UTC
Just then a sock wearing a suit appeared. "Dude, there's no finger eating here. If you don't have fingers then you can wiggle them at people when you go 'Duuuuude! Hot Tamale at three o'clock'. Then again without fingers you don't have to hold hands with a chick. That's actually awe-and wait for it and hopefully you know addition because it is-some!"

"Thank you for that lovely useless portrayal, Mr. Stinson." Hades!sock groaned.

"If by useless you mean AWESOME? Then I totally agree," Barney!Sock replied. "And Hades! Dude! We talked about that Toga. This isn't the Delta house! We need to get you suited up because that Hair flame thing brings all the honeys to your backyard. WASSSUP! Gimme five!"


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