Second Floor Common Room, Monday Evening

Mar 17, 2008 17:32

Savannah's letter from the past, and his conversation with her earlier today, had convinced Anders that there was something he had to do tonight that he hadn't done in a long, long time. And he was really past due for doing it.

So yes, that's right, he was in the common room with mixing bowls, baking tins, and a whole lot of boxes of cake batter ( Read more... )

demyx, sky tate, troy bolton, hoshi sato, 2nd floor common room, adah price, romeo montague, samuel anders, annette hargrove, amano makoto

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Comments 186

ecirpnellehada March 18 2008, 00:46:54 UTC
One thing that Adah had started to find interesting about the construction of this building was that smells seemed to permeate through it like the air itself. Never sounds, though, or very rarely sounds, but the scents, at times, the aromas, were hard to ignore. She wondered if perhaps this was simply an effect on her, because another thing that she noticed that the smells were almost always pleasant. They reminded her of Kilanga, but in a completely opposite, reversed, backwards, sdrawkcab way: the village had its strong smells, too, that couldn't be ignored, but they were more likely to make your stomach turn in disgust rather than hunger, more likely to make your guys grumble in objection than in desire. That training to know where smells were coming from to avoid them was turning out to serve her well here, as she could now sense where smells were coming from to determine just how close they were and if they could, based on this deduction, be sought after without having to climb the stairs ( ... )


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 00:50:12 UTC
"Hey," Anders said, looking up at her with a smile -- the sort of smile that said 'hi, I'm not sure if I know you but I won't bite your head off, promise.' He gestured at the cupcakes on the counter and offered, "You know the drill with common room food, right? Welcome to it, unless you'd rather have yours covered with sweet sticky goodness . . . of the kind that I'll have to put on 'em from one of the jars, that is. 'cause otherwise ew."


ecirpnellehada March 18 2008, 00:59:24 UTC
Adah returned the greeting smile congenially, enough, fingers tightening a little around the notebook she held rested against her hip, but the smile grew into a bit more of a smirk as the greeting continued on...and on, eventually drifting her eyes toward the cacophony of baking paraphernalia scattered around. Her smirk quirked at match the grin as she considered the options. Risk the sugar overload of sweet sticky goodness (from the jars, of course, indeed), or risk concocting something that would mostly end up in a jar, of the laboratory nature, to best serve as something studied and marveled at for generations of scientists ( ... )


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:09:13 UTC
Adah had clearly never seen the messes he'd made the first few times he'd tried this -- which was really probably a good thing. Now that was truly a cacaphony of baking paraphernalia.

"Have as many as you want," he encouraged.


notreallyagirl March 18 2008, 00:49:40 UTC
Makoto had been considering going for a walk now that it was safe, but the smells coming from the common room on the floor below caught 'her' attention.

'She' poked her head in. "What're you making?"


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 00:51:38 UTC
"Cupcakes!" Anders said brightly; maybe a touch too brightly, but he was determined to try and keep from getting too flaily over the events of the past week. "You're welcome to 'em if you want, and there's more in the oven now."


notreallyagirl March 18 2008, 00:54:48 UTC
'She' slipped further into the common room. "They do smell good," Makoto admitted, "are they hard to make?"


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 00:57:44 UTC
"Nah, not really." Anders shrugged one shoulder, electing to omit any mention of his first few mishaps, and those had really been more messy than anything else. "Just follow the instructions on the box, tweak the time a little bit when you bake 'em, oh, and make sure you get more batter in the little paper cups than on the pan or it's a world of tears trying to get 'em out again. It's kinda thera -- what's the word? Therapeutic. Not to mention tasty."


withoutverona March 18 2008, 01:03:25 UTC
There was a cupcake scent, there was food he didn't need to cook ... there was Romeo.

He eyed the cupcakes hungrily; he'd eaten all right in the past, but there'd been few pennies for sweets. "Are you cooking for everyone?"


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:13:25 UTC
Anders waved at him with a spatula. "Everyone might be a little broad, but it is sort of a cupcake free-for-all, if you want some. Got chocolate there now, and there's some white cake with sprinkles, and I'm trying some lemon ones in the oven."


withoutverona March 18 2008, 01:25:37 UTC
Romeo accepted a white cake with sprinkles, running his thumb around the edge to taste the frosting before he would take a bite. "I don't think I've met you yet," he said, tasting sugar. "I'm Romeo. I was new this semester, though it hardly seems fair to keep calling myself new so late into it."

Especially since, to him, it had been July yesterday.


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:33:15 UTC
"This is my third year here, so you guys are all new to me," Anders replied. "You look familiar, but I don't think we've actually met met yet. I'm Anders."


misshargrove March 18 2008, 01:04:23 UTC
"Hi," Annette said as she walked on in. "I'm not on my floor at all but that doesn't matter right? I smelled something yummy."


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:14:32 UTC
"Yes, I'm totally checking the directory for floor alliances when people come in, Annette," Anders teased. "And then I'm ignoring them."


misshargrove March 18 2008, 01:16:54 UTC
She answered by sticking her tongue out at him and walked forward, into the kitchen. "I'm not going to be picky but one with lots and lots of sprinkles would be lovely."


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:24:43 UTC
Anders stuck his tongue out right back, because it was the Thing To Do. "I got a ton of the little green clovery sprinkles, so that's what most of them have," he said as he scurried to finish frosting the batch on the counter and then apply said sprinkles. She'd said 'lots and lots,' so by the time he was done with this particular batch he'd gone through two jars of sprinkles and you couldn't even see the frosting on three or four of the cupcakes. "Is that up to your standards?"


oncourtandstage March 18 2008, 01:24:44 UTC
Troy wandered into the common room, the scent of baking enough to draw him down a couple of floors. "Ooh, cupcakes," he said. "I missed cupcakes." Without even asking, he walked over and grabbed one. "Hey, Anders," he said, just before he stuffed half of it in his mouth.


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:27:20 UTC
"You say you missed cupcakes like it's been forever," Anders noted, snickering at him. "Which is sorta backed up by the way you're inhaling that one. Oh, hell, were you stuck in Egypt too?"


oncourtandstage March 18 2008, 01:30:27 UTC
"Nah," Troy said, shaking his head. "New York. Well, and a boat ride across to London." He was being decidedly casual about it. "Was kinda fun, actually, for some of it, just... Challenging, I guess?" He shrugged. "Anyway, I didn't have much money to spare for cupcakes and that kind of stuff. It's only been a few weeks, but..."


cantgetnorelief March 18 2008, 01:36:29 UTC
"But it feels like a lot longer?" guessed Anders. "I've sort of given up trying to wrap my brain around all the specifics. I still don't know if Fandom's in the past or present or future compared to where I came from in my world."


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