[Chupacabra campfire, Thursday Evening]

May 17, 2007 15:00

Donatello had a pencil, a notebook he usually reserved for sketching diagrams or writing down new project proposals, and enough boredom to be coming up with glitter-throwing test ideas. Not that he expected to use them himself (whether or not it worked on turtles as well as humans), but it was something to do while he didn't have a computer.

[OOC ( Read more... )

gavin darklighter, z delgado, karal austreben, kou leifoh, charlie mcgee, naminé, dean winchester, chupacabra, jaina solo, donatello

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Comments 493

multiplez May 18 2007, 01:31:59 UTC
Z bounced up to Chupacabra's campfire carrying a plate of artfully arranged Chips Ahoy! cookies and plunked herself down like she belonged there. "Greetings, noble goatsuckers!" she said cheerily. "I come to you with a petition. And also I brought cookies." Note that she did not say she made the cookies, for that would be an egregious lie.


girlzippo May 18 2007, 01:39:12 UTC
"Ooo, cookies." Charlie looked hopefully at the girl risking her life so casually. "I'm not a goatsucker. Can I still have one?"


multiplez May 18 2007, 01:42:30 UTC
Z was feeling very brave. Or very foolish. One or the other. "No! These cookies are only for the noble goatsuck--yeah, okay." Z held the plate out to her. "I'm Z."


girlzippo May 18 2007, 01:43:40 UTC
"Charlie. Hi!" She snickered and took a Chips Ahoy!, careful to leave some for the noble suckers of goats. "Have you actually seen one around here? Are they real?"


saltandammo May 18 2007, 03:01:08 UTC
Dean was wandering and zeored in on the campfire with people at it. "Hey," he said, noting turtle, pretty girls and little sister in attendance. "Mind if I join you?"


girlzippo May 18 2007, 03:03:42 UTC
"Dean!" Charlie waved to him, looking delighted. "Hi, how's your week going? Get cookies from Z!" she added, pointing to the other girl.


saltandammo May 18 2007, 03:09:09 UTC
"It's been good," Dean said with a grin. "You?"


girlzippo May 18 2007, 03:12:10 UTC
"Great! My Arts & Crafts class on Tuesday? We made little gremlins. Mine are on the Minotaur stairs." She grinned brighter. "And I had a date last night. Beach walk and pizza."


palestshadow May 18 2007, 03:48:13 UTC
Naminé noticed the crowd of people and hoped they wouldn't mind one more. She chose a spot near the edge of the campfire and pulled out her sketchbook, looking around at the gatherers to see if she recognized any of them.


girlzippo May 18 2007, 04:55:25 UTC
"Are you drawing us?" Charlie asked, looking interested. "Hi, I'm Charlie."


palestshadow May 18 2007, 05:04:22 UTC
Naminé flushed slightly. "I was, I'm sorry. I suppose I should learn to ask first." She flipped the sketchpad closed. "I'm Naminé, and it's nice to meet you, Charlie. Is this your cabin?"


girlzippo May 18 2007, 05:09:19 UTC
"Oh, I don't have a problem with it," Charlie protested. "And no, I'm over in Minotaur. I just stopped by because I saw a few people I recognized. This place can get pretty overwhelming."


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