Summer Session 2, Scoobying Workshop #5, Afternoon 8/8/2006 (Main Campfire)

Aug 08, 2006 08:53

[ Roster]

Like the last time they covered this topic, a handwavy e-mail was sent round letting the students know to wear clothes they wouldn't mind getting messy. Also like last time, there's a table out by the dear God not lit campfire -- but it's not covered with cream pies. Instead, there's plastic laundry tubs full of multicolored balloons ( Read more... )


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Comments 144

Sign In soldtoarmenians August 8 2006, 13:09:10 UTC
So a guy and a frog walk into a bar -- and then after being treated for the concussion, they sign in, replying to the previous comment.


Re: Sign In moonbrain_tam August 8 2006, 13:28:12 UTC
River signed in.


Re: Sign In bound2blade August 8 2006, 13:42:14 UTC
Sakurazaki signed in.


Re: Sign In sogothcally August 8 2006, 13:50:02 UTC
Cally signed in.


Make With the Quippy soldtoarmenians August 8 2006, 13:10:13 UTC
Xander, still soaking wet, gives a wave at the students.

"Okay, slapstick has its time and place, which is... in a few minutes, actually -- but now you get to try the other thing.

Your team's trapped in a tunnel, waiting for somebody to dig you out from the other end. Your second-in-command's about to strangle your team leader due to unresolved sexual tension issues about why the hell he's second in command when if you'd listened to him you wouldn't be trapped in a tunnel. Your brainiac's about to kill them both or cry, possibly both, and the spiders on the ceiling are really freaking out the big guy with the itchy trigger finger ( ... )


Re: Make With the Quippy chasingangela August 8 2006, 15:18:34 UTC
Angela? Not so much a funny story person. In the real world in this situation, she'd be crying with the braniac.

But for class ..."So, so the spiders? Remind me of this really geat joke I heard," she said earnestly. "See, a grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender said, 'Y'know, we have a drink named after you.'"

She paused, hoping she was telling it right.

"And the grasshopper said, 'You have a drink named Frank?'."

And closed her eyes, hoping no one decided to bring out rotten tomatoes over that joke.


Re: Make With the Quippy moonbrain_tam August 8 2006, 15:27:35 UTC
River began to laugh hysterically at that, so much that she fell over.


Re: Make With the Quippy chasingangela August 8 2006, 17:21:19 UTC
Angela gave River an uncertain smile. "Wasn't that funny," she said. "I mean, was it?"


SPLAT! soldtoarmenians August 8 2006, 13:11:23 UTC
"Okay, you can all see the tubs of balloons, so I'm betting you get the idea. Everybody gets to practice their splat-taking. But lining up for it is boring, and you lose the surprise factor, so..."

Xander indicates the table. "Free-for-all. Just load up, let go, and try not to hit too many innocents in the crossfire. Also, avoid using the balloons, water, or... I dunno, air, to actually damage each other or yourselves. In a normal world, I wouldn't have to say this, but I've met Nadia you people."


Re: SPLAT! moonbrain_tam August 8 2006, 13:34:19 UTC
River picks up some ballons and looks around for potential victims.


Re: SPLAT! bound2blade August 8 2006, 13:46:59 UTC
Air? Now who in the world would use air for such things? Smirking a little, Sakurazaki gets used to the weight of the projectille by tossing it in her hand a little. This was going to be a lot of fun; she needed some harmless play like this to get out of her post-mission funk.


Re: SPLAT! moonbrain_tam August 8 2006, 13:52:05 UTC
There was no need to wait around. River tried to sneak up behind Sakurazaki and throw a ballong at her back.


Talk to Xander soldtoarmenians August 8 2006, 13:12:27 UTC
Or splat him with a balloon. Whatever.


Re: Talk to Xander moonbrain_tam August 8 2006, 13:30:01 UTC
River splats Xander with a balloon and beams happily.

((ooc: Predictable, but I couldn't resist it.))


Re: Talk to Xander soldtoarmenians August 8 2006, 15:34:21 UTC
Xander's pretty sure he's not going to ever get dry today. Given the temperature, he's actually okay with that.

He grabs a balloon and lobs it back towards River.


Re: Talk to Xander moonbrain_tam August 8 2006, 17:20:13 UTC
River cartwheels to the side to avoid it.


OOC soldtoarmenians August 8 2006, 13:13:06 UTC's hot.


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