It may have just been a coincidence that the weather was sunny now that Fandom was back home in Maryland, but no one was going to complain.
Okay, maybe they were going to complain a little since the sun meant it was in the high 90s 32C outside, but that just meant there was a good excuse for all the ice cream on the buffet table of picnic food
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She had her name tag slapped across her chest and a faintly bemused expression on her face. If this was to be her purpose around here, then so be it. She would be a sibling to this new human until she could find her way back to Homeworld. And she would be most dutifully so, at that.
"If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be here right now," she replied, wrinkling her nose. "Are you the Kuzco I'm supposed to become a proxy sororal guidance attendant for?"
Seriously, Peridot. 'Sibling' would do.
Mostly because he stopped listening, but details!
"It's unimportant. I'm here to offer assistance in settling in here, if you need."
She'd been given one job. She was going to do it, so help her.
There's no conference, Kuzco.
Yeah, Peridot was giving Kuzco a mighty side-eye, now.
"The notice the school gave me said that you were to be a new student here. But then, I suppose I am still fairly new at reading the primitive Earth language that people use here." She held up her fingers, and they spread apart to show her screen, displaying a visual scan of the letter that the school had given her to inform her that she was going to get to play sibling to Kuzco, one of the new students. "This does say that, doesn't it?"
"Yzma told me that this was just for a weekend!"
"I suppose that would depend on how long a weekend is relative to your planet's sun. Unless you're from Earth, in which case... I'm sorry." The display on her screen shifted around a little, and pulled up a timetable. "I took the liberty of collecting your schedule for you."
She looked so pleased with herself about it, too. Look, she was doing a good job, dammit.
"We're in one class together, it looks like."
"...I have to take classes? About what?"
"According to this," Peridot leaned toward her screen a little, "you have one class about Culture Shock and adjusting to weirdness. That one is on Tuesday. Then there's the one on Thursday that is just about..."
She blinked and tilted her head. That couldn't be right.
"About learning. That's the class that I'm in as well, but I don't think I know for certain what it actually is." And really, it was possible that the teacher didn't entirely know, either. "And then you have one on Friday about avoiding dealing with your problems. In hindsight I regret not taking that one myself."
"It could be useful for... something," she offered. "Especially if you have a lot of problems."
Kuzco struck her as the type who caused more problems than he actually had himself. Call it a hunch.
They wouldn't carry his stuff from him. THE HORRORS.
"... Unreasonable? How?"
Actually, Peridot needed to hear this. She thought of most humans as unreasonable, after all.
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