School Assembly, Friday Afternoon

Sep 28, 2007 22:47

Harriet was beaming as she walked out on stage. "Good afternoon. I'm Harriet Jones, Dean of Students."

Before she could continue, there was a heckling from the back of the auditorium, sounding not unlike a certain flame haired god of the dead. "Yes, we know who you are!"

Harriet fixed the back of the room with a look. "If I could continue, please?" There was silence. "Thank you. Now, there's been a recurring problem with gremlins at this school, so in the interests of educating you about this potential danger, we've arranged for some people to speak here this afternoon. I urge you to give them your attention, and don't be afraid to ask question. After they finish, of course."

[ooc: You have must waited for the OCD! Instructions (cause I was tired when I OCD'd and it kinda got away from me...): Speaker, please ping into the space for your talk, then ping into the ask questions thread when you're ready to answer questions. Students who are speaking, just ping in with your talk, and people can ask questions off that ping. Hades modded with permission!]


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