Baltar/Gaeta Stocking

Nov 16, 2008 09:36

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                                     Baltar/Gaeta...Whispers of Doom

Okay, I'm going to go easy on the meta and the spoiler talk in this post. The Lords of Kobol know that we three can blather on all day over our BSG obsessions. Millari has asked for Baltar/Gaeta and lls_mutant asked for just plain Gaeta, so I'm doing a Felix heavy stocking for the ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

lls_mutant December 14 2008, 20:05:20 UTC
Awww, THANK YOU! I needed a good smile today. (And a reminder that cramps are not so bad.) This was lovely.

LOVED the deleted scene, too. That almost seems like it was written since we saw the first webisode? If not, you're psychic. I love Gaeta's card... so sweet.

Thank you so much! :)


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:16:11 UTC
I'm happy if this cheered you up!

The Hoshi paragraph was something that I added yesterday. I was inspired to write them a mini-backstory. But everything else is the same. It looks like I was a little psychic over Gaeta's morpha cravings.


nai_is_not December 14 2008, 20:06:24 UTC
Just little details like Gaeta stooping to collect Baltar's chips after he knocks the off the table. And Baltar sneakily topping up Gaeta's glass?

I'm always concentrated on how blindingly drunk Gaius is that I've never noticed these things! (Though I vaguely remember him refilling someone's glass.) Now I'm going to have to rewatch that scene.

how they call each other by their first names during crisis moments

"President Baltar! President Baltar! ahdiahdadaiafsafa GAIUS!"

Also, excellent ficlet! :D Your Gaeta voice is wonderful.


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:18:50 UTC
Thanks! You spot a lot of little Baltar/Gaeta details when rewatching. Especially if you're like me and your eyes are fixed on Felix even when he's just in the background with a clipboard.

"President Baltar! President Baltar! ahdiahdadaiafsafa GAIUS!"

Heh! Exactly. Love it.


nicole_anell December 14 2008, 20:30:28 UTC
Squeeeeeeeeee, it may not be my stocking, but I love it too!!!

I love to think that Baltar is trying to get Gaeta drunk with plans to seduce him later on. Something to heal his ego after his one-night stand with Starbuck. Because he could be sure that Felix wouldn't call out the wrong name.
OMG YES. I never thought of that. XD

Oh and how much do I love the subtle touch of how they call each other by their first names during crisis moments?
This! Me too.

I feel they are both victims in this scene and they take it out on each other and that's so hurty and yet so hot.
*nod nod* The pen scene is one of my favorites. Oh show.

By the way, have you seen this yet?! James Callis asked about Baltar/Gaeta slash.


I tried to do a quick transcript, since I had trouble making out the audio at first...

Audience Member: (heavy accent) Um, once I met Alessandro Juliani and told him about... fanfiction about Gaius and Gaeta. (some laughter and applause from audience) And he says you are, uh, not ( ... )


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:29:37 UTC
Oh wow. I'd NOT seen that James interview before. How brilliant! Even though in my fic I love to write a Baltar who is very aware of Gaeta's feelings for him, I think James is absolutely right with his own portrayal. Baltar's ego is so big he wouldn't think it strange that Gaeta was so worshipful of him. After all, he IS the amazing Gaius Baltar.

I love all James's compliments about AJ's cleverness. I really appreciate his subtlty in the same way. And AJ's been playing Gaeta as latently homosexual since the mini-season?!! Well, that's all the canon confirmation I need then. I knew it was unrequited love, but still, from Gaeta's side it's a very intense part of his characterisation.


nicole_anell December 14 2008, 20:39:49 UTC
Oh, and I love the fic a lot. Great character stuff and little touches -- I love the bittersweet details of the card.

He thought the guy seemed nice, caring, but it had been proved in the last few years he wasn't such a good judge of character. Besides, he didn't want to use Hoshi. He knew only too well how it felt to be used.
*sad* Poor Gaeta. I really like your take on the beginnings of Gaeta/Hoshi and how he's still working through his Baltar issues.


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:33:19 UTC
Thanks! I like the idea of Gaeta/Hoshi, but I get the impression that Hoshi is the more smitten one and Felix is still too angsty to fully return his affections.


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falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:36:01 UTC
I've no idea where that pic came from. I just grabbed a bunch of pics from Google images. He looks debauched. I love it!

Yup, I'm prepared for unrequited Baltar/Gaeta but at least the ship is canon on one-side. Reminds me of Charlie/Claire!


nicole_anell December 15 2008, 01:55:49 UTC
The Vegas pic was from a fabulous Entertainment Weekly spread of TV's best villains, back in season three. :) I love it!


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