Baltar/Gaeta Stocking

Nov 16, 2008 09:36

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                                     Baltar/Gaeta...Whispers of Doom

Okay, I'm going to go easy on the meta and the spoiler talk in this post. The Lords of Kobol know that we three can blather on all day over our BSG obsessions. Millari has asked for Baltar/Gaeta and lls_mutant asked for just plain Gaeta, so I'm doing a Felix heavy stocking for the ( Read more... )

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nicole_anell December 14 2008, 20:30:28 UTC
Squeeeeeeeeee, it may not be my stocking, but I love it too!!!

I love to think that Baltar is trying to get Gaeta drunk with plans to seduce him later on. Something to heal his ego after his one-night stand with Starbuck. Because he could be sure that Felix wouldn't call out the wrong name.
OMG YES. I never thought of that. XD

Oh and how much do I love the subtle touch of how they call each other by their first names during crisis moments?
This! Me too.

I feel they are both victims in this scene and they take it out on each other and that's so hurty and yet so hot.
*nod nod* The pen scene is one of my favorites. Oh show.

By the way, have you seen this yet?! James Callis asked about Baltar/Gaeta slash.


I tried to do a quick transcript, since I had trouble making out the audio at first...

Audience Member: (heavy accent) Um, once I met Alessandro Juliani and told him about... fanfiction about Gaius and Gaeta. (some laughter and applause from audience) And he says you are, uh, not against a romance between Gaius and Gaeta. (more laughter) What do you think about this?

James Callis: I just wish he'd told me, it's tragic that I'd find out (?) now. (laughter) Um, I think that was something that he really had programmed into the background of his character. He's a very subtle, very clever actor - he's a brilliant actor. And for a while, I think, felt that- I felt initially that, you know, he had the rather thankless task of talking kind of technobabble in the CIC and stuff. He's quite brilliant to work with. And so... really, again, this is totally taking his own lead. He said to me on several occasions, he was like, you know, I just don't buy the ridiculous hero-worship. Because he was so clever very early on, he could've exposed me or found out that it was really me. There's something about the computer codes that I ask him to erase back in the miniseries, in the pilot. And I think he had the idea then that there'd be like- he'd have this fawning respect based on maybe a latent homosexuality, that would continuously blindside him and think about the better side of Gaius's qualities. Gaius being the gargantuan egomaniac and narcissist that he is, like, has no idea that's going on. He'd be very surprised.... So I think it might have been, you know, not reciprocated on that level unfortunately.


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:29:37 UTC
Oh wow. I'd NOT seen that James interview before. How brilliant! Even though in my fic I love to write a Baltar who is very aware of Gaeta's feelings for him, I think James is absolutely right with his own portrayal. Baltar's ego is so big he wouldn't think it strange that Gaeta was so worshipful of him. After all, he IS the amazing Gaius Baltar.

I love all James's compliments about AJ's cleverness. I really appreciate his subtlty in the same way. And AJ's been playing Gaeta as latently homosexual since the mini-season?!! Well, that's all the canon confirmation I need then. I knew it was unrequited love, but still, from Gaeta's side it's a very intense part of his characterisation.


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