Baltar/Gaeta Stocking

Nov 16, 2008 09:36

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                                     Baltar/Gaeta...Whispers of Doom

Okay, I'm going to go easy on the meta and the spoiler talk in this post. The Lords of Kobol know that we three can blather on all day over our BSG obsessions. Millari has asked for Baltar/Gaeta and lls_mutant asked for just plain Gaeta, so I'm doing a Felix heavy stocking for the ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

daybreak777 December 14 2008, 22:08:09 UTC
Not my stocking but I certainly read stuff about these two. It has Gaeta, how can I not?

This really the moment when someone should shoot poor Felix in the head as an act of kindness.
Hee! This made me giggle. But it is a sweet moment. I vidded it and I can't help but love hugs. Gaeta's crush hugs him!

I love to think that Baltar is trying to get Gaeta drunk with plans to seduce him later on.
Hee! I wrote that fic! Kinda. I added Kara, but yeah. :-)

Now this is more like it! Oh New Caprica, you fertile land of angst, intensity and ho-yay.
Hee! You like the angst!

here were clipped sentiments such as ‘We miss you’ and ‘Hang in there, son,’ along with promises that they would come visit him soon.
Oh my goodness! This was like Vist Him and Good Things fic. I just . . . thanks for writing that. I will pretend such a note actually happened from this moment forward ( ... )


falafel_musings December 14 2008, 23:42:00 UTC
Ooh! I really need to read your Baltar-Kara-Gaeta fic if I haven't already. I'll find it on Gaetasquee tomorrow. Did you say it's going to be multi-parts?

I do think the CIC team would miss Gaeta. He's always there, bless him. I bet Hoshi even gets messages popping up on DRADIS saying 'Where's Felix? Me and the FTLs miss him'.

Yes, all Gaeta, all good. More webisodes tomorrow!


prophetkristy December 16 2008, 00:30:46 UTC
I'm so snoopy! And not even a Baltar/Gaeta shipper! But it was worth it, because that deleted scene? So wonderful. I got a little teary at Your seat in the CIC is waiting for you, Lieutenant’.


falafel_musings December 17 2008, 10:50:34 UTC
Thanks! Snoop away. I'm pleased you liked the ficlet!


millari December 18 2008, 16:27:13 UTC
Oh, this is GREAT! I'm so sorry I missed it the first time around. I must have seemed ungrateful!

I totally agree with so much of your picspam meta. I've noticed that bit with Gaeta being the only one who's actually thought about how this CNP thing might have been horrific for Gaius. I mean, not that they don't have good reasons to not be thinking of Gaius' feelings in the moment - you know, like they have a Fleet to gather and protect, a government to put back together. But yeah, Gaeta notices, and that for me, is what establishes a crush on Gaeta's part as canon for me.

The toilet scene still makes me cringe with delight every time I see it. :)

Caprica-Six, the love of his life, stands ignored in the background as Baltar stares into Gaeta's eyes and begs for death. And I love that what Gaeta really wants is not to kill Baltar...but to see Baltar redeem himself.

*nod* Yeah, even as Caprica Six is pulling Gaius out the door of Colonial One, he's still got his eyes on Felix. And yeah, it's true. He's seen enough of Gaius in the ( ... )


falafel_musings December 18 2008, 18:19:31 UTC
That's okay! I know you've said you're busy at the moment so I figured either you'd missed it or you hadn't had time to open it yet. I'm so pleased you liked my Xmas Gaeta/Gauis goodies ( ... )


millari December 18 2008, 21:55:24 UTC
I understand what James was saying in that clip, but then I think about that brig scene in "Six Degrees". I'd swear you can see Gaius' mind whirring, realizing for the first time how important he is to Felix. The fact that he responds to Felix's kindness with all this physicality feels to me like Gaius throwing Felix a little, non-comittal dose of what he suddenly realizes Felix would like ( ... )


falafel_musings December 19 2008, 10:23:34 UTC
I think you are absolutely right that Gaius teases Felix and leads him on with both his words and physicality. But as you suggest maybe this is something that Gaius does subconsciously rather than intentionally. Like Six says he has a remarkable capacity for self-deception. Gaius IS a sex addict but since he prides himself on being the ladies man it could be that he wouldn't acknowledge the sexual tension with Felix that he is selfishly encouraging ( ... )


cylune9 December 21 2008, 20:28:11 UTC
This could have been done for me also!! It's nice that I can enjoy so many of your wonderful stockings!!

foot massages


This is really the moment when someone should shoot poor Felix in the head as an act of kindness. As we know he is going to be emotionally destroyed by what is to come.

My poor, beautiful broken Felix.


falafel_musings December 21 2008, 20:45:41 UTC
LOL! I'm pleased you're enjoying all the stockings. You've left me more comments than most of the people who requested for them! Thanks!! They are for everyone to enjoy.


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