FIC: Torchwood (drabble) - Temptation

Feb 25, 2012 22:38

Title: Temptation
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Captain Jack Harkness
Rating: G
Form: Drabble (100 words)
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: For the Torchwood 100 challenge 'Piece of Cake'. Cross-posted to my Dreamwidth account, my Livejournal account, The Torchwood 100, and my fanfic journal.


There was cake left after Owen's birthday party.

One piece.

Gwen wouldn't eat it. She'd be mortified if Jack saw her get fat. And Rhys?

No, no cake.

Hours later, Jack caught her staring longingly at it. "Wish you'd look at me like that."

She moaned.

"Go on, eat it." Clearly he didn't understand.

"I can't." The words strangled her.

Exasperated, Jack took the cake and ate it, licking icing sexily off his fingers.

"You pig!" screamed Gwen, driven beyond endurance.

He grinned. "Can't let a good cake go to waste."

gwen cooper, my_fic, tw100, captain jack harkness, torchwood

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