Title: Recrimination
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Johnson
challenge: open,
challenge: johnsonRating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoilers for Torchwood Children of Earth. Cross-posted to
my Dreamwidth account,
my lj,
tw100, and to
my fanfiction journal.
Johnson had killed Jack - repeatedly, callously. She destroyed Torchwood with a ruthlessness more like a Dalek than a human.
But she'd helped him save the world. "You can rebuild Torchwood," she said, when she cornered him in a bar on Mermaid Quay.
"That won't bring Ianto back."
She leaned closer. "Time to recover, Harkness. Or do you prefer moping?"
He almost hit her. She kissed him first: hot, dangerous, needy. He seethed with anger and pain, and she was desperate to - what, screw an offworlder?
Later, in bed, he said, "I'm leaving Earth."
"Don't," commanded Johnson.
He did.