WHO: Everybody! Everybody, and Patricia.
WHAT: The first annual Europe Day Party, aka EU New Years, aka Europegate, aka The French Revolution. Decadent decay, imperialism, wine-drinking, scone-waving, Manet/Monet slurring, nouveau bossa nova, big maps, Eurocentricism, themed booze.
WHEN: Friday evening; party starts around nine, starts around
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At 11:19, the Arabic Librarian momentarily lost Murdock, and was left to fend for herself amongst the raucous faux Europeans. She clung to her wine glass, classic shield of wall-flowers: it occupied at least one of her hands and its contents soothed the anxiety. She avoided most Tales (particularly those who expected such grandiose things like publishing from her), and when approached by drunken artists, merely flashed a shy smile ( ... )
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"I'm all right! It's a good party, is it?" It wasn't as much of a rhetorical question as one might expect; tipping the wine glass to her lips, Velvet Lyon was actually unsure as to whether or not it was a good party. People seemed to be having fun, but it was, well... loud, and she wasn't sure about the emotional status of some of the revelers. She swallowed, and smiled. "You throw them a lot, ouais?" It was possible that she was beginning to have just enough wine that little French words were slipping ( ... )
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And so the girl sipped heavily (to put it politely) on her wine as she sampled some baklava. She appeared to be deep in thought for a moment, and then turned to her old friend who had accompanied her to the party that night.
"Oh James," she exclaimed, as if struck by a sudden and brilliant idea. "Let's go dance!" Excitedly, she gestured toward the impromptu dance floor.
However, true to his nature, he hadn't remarked on C.J.'s consumption, as he both remembered being young and would have his eye on her anyhow. It was just how he was without really considering it. Besides, the point tonight was to haven fun, wasn't it? And then she suggested dancing. For a moment, he blinked at her, but that was soon followed by a grin, game as ever, even if it could mean making a fool of himself.
"Dancing it is, and if I step on your toe, you can kick me back," he joked, taking her hand with an admittedly ridiculous flourish.
Once they reached the floor though, she stopped, pulling back her hand. "Oh, but wait! You have to put your name on my dance card first!" She nodded gravely, as if dancing without a signature were akin to a first degree crime.
"Now, did you want..."
Hmm. Brow wrinkled slightly for a moment, he looked over the options, as he was supposed to be playing serious, after all. While cavorting around a dance floor with C.J. was something that didn't even register on his 'inappropriate' meter, signing his name to something like the 'Foxtrot of Carnal Delight' did just a bit. Even if his signature was likely to be indistinguishable.
"Swagger of the Ill Repute?" he asked, looking up.
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When Watts had said that he wasn't going in a kilt, Neil decided that wearing his would be predictable. Instead, he opted for the ridiculous: wearing a horribly fake mustache, a montera (bullfighter's hat) and carrying a red cape, he spent the first part of the evening speaking English with a horrible ( ... )
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Smiling back at his fellow Wonderlander, Neil made a show of whipping his cape around (and almost smacking somebody behind him with it by accident), and then said in a dramatic voice, "Si! Eet ees moo-wee bueno, Señor Harryson, thees drink of which you speeeak. But do you theenk you have had eenough?"
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