WHO: Everybody! Everybody, and Patricia.
WHAT: The first annual Europe Day Party, aka EU New Years, aka Europegate, aka The French Revolution. Decadent decay, imperialism, wine-drinking, scone-waving, Manet/Monet slurring, nouveau bossa nova, big maps, Eurocentricism, themed booze.
WHEN: Friday evening; party starts around nine, starts around
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When Watts had said that he wasn't going in a kilt, Neil decided that wearing his would be predictable. Instead, he opted for the ridiculous: wearing a horribly fake mustache, a montera (bullfighter's hat) and carrying a red cape, he spent the first part of the evening speaking English with a horrible ( ... )
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Smiling back at his fellow Wonderlander, Neil made a show of whipping his cape around (and almost smacking somebody behind him with it by accident), and then said in a dramatic voice, "Si! Eet ees moo-wee bueno, Señor Harryson, thees drink of which you speeeak. But do you theenk you have had eenough?"
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He glanced down at the hand, which was at a bit of an odd angle, and then he looked up at her face, realizing she was blind. Was this something Harrison told him about and he'd forgotten? Or was it the booze that made him forget? Without skipping a beat, he took Cassie's hand and instead of shaking it, he lifted it to his lips to kiss. He then slipped the rose he'd been carrying all night into her hand and leaned over to whisper into her ear, so Harrison couldn't hear, "You're a good influence on him."
Smiling, Neil looked over at Harrison again. "Going to England IF you can get up in the morning. I don't want you to miss this holiday!"
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"I'm SURE she does." He gave an exaggerated wink to Harrison and nudged him knowingly with his elbow. "She was just telling me about somebody named Argos, licking you awake. Harrison! I never knew!"
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"You're not a stamp. Stamps are square." Neil told Harrison this while using both index fingers to trace an invisible box between them, using the colloquial meaning of the word to tell Harrison in a round about way that he thought he was 'not a square', but 'cool'.
"Square and flat," Neil continued. "And you're definitely not flat. As one can plainly see, there's more than one dimension to you." Neil smirked, hoping that neither Harrison nor Cassie was too drunk to pick up on his double meaning.
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"He's head over heels for you, m'lady," he said plain and simply.
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