Every so often I get reminded of lj somehow, and post just to post. It's been a couple years since the last time I thought of this place. I do have some projects I want to work on this summer, maybe I'll try to keep track of them here.
Finally managed to get logged into LJ again. I'm not sure if I'll actually start using it again or not, but considering I absolutely despise facebook, it does seem the more likely of those two at least.
Terrorist and drug cartel funding Chiquita Bananas tried to woo a few greens with their anti-alberta oil position, and may have lost the entire canadian market over it.
It's quite funny, really. They'll certainly have trouble ever selling anything in Alberta again, even if the rest of the country accepts their "apology" over it.
I wrote this last night while not sleeping (obviously), even though I should have been by then. I haven't really named it, though "Heroes?" seems appropriate somehow
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I was thinking, and I have no idea why, that I should do a version of the house that jack built. I think it's something to do with the repetitive structure allowing the writer to, for lack of a better term, fuck with the reader
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