I hope you choke and you die!

May 04, 2009 22:03

&THEUSED;Ughhhh it was AMAZING. We waited about 20 minutes in the rain, but then the venue decided to be really nice and let everyone they could into the lobby area so we didn't get soaked. We waited about an hour more in there and then got in! We had already decided that the pit was NOT happening (way too many people there before us, and lots of ( Read more... )

concert reports, bandom - the used, senior, concerts, rl, college

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Comments 9

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exsequar May 5 2009, 02:32:26 UTC
I knooooow! I just had to get it all out while I still remembered :D

It was so fabulous to meet you too!! I'm really glad you came <3333 If you want to meet up for coffee when you come down on Friday or something we could do that! I'm done with exams and everything then :D

YAY SO AMAZING. And my videos are FANTASTIC, I am gleeful :D

(Look I has a Jepha icon! yay!)


soda_and_capes May 5 2009, 02:31:49 UTC
Oh man, that sounds so completely amazing! <33333333333333


why_me_why_not May 5 2009, 02:42:48 UTC
YAY!!! It sounds amazing & I'm so so so glad you had such a great time!


chaneen May 5 2009, 05:26:48 UTC
Oh, I'm glad you had such a good time! I was thinking about you on Sunday when we saw The Used at Bamboozle. I'm glad you decided to skip the pit (I was worried!), because instead of throwing around a beach ball, or clothing, like the people in the pit were doing for other bands, the pit for The Used was throwing around a giant trash can. /o\ So, I'm glad you had fun and didn't die!


wasoncedelight May 5 2009, 06:02:40 UTC
I'm so glad you remembered so much of the setlist, because I could only remember three or four songs. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR AWESOME VIDEOS OMG. And it was awesome to finally FINALLY meet you! I'm so glad we got to hang out before you leave. <3


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