I hope you choke and you die!

May 04, 2009 22:03

&THEUSED;Ughhhh it was AMAZING. We waited about 20 minutes in the rain, but then the venue decided to be really nice and let everyone they could into the lobby area so we didn't get soaked. We waited about an hour more in there and then got in! We had already decided that the pit was NOT happening (way too many people there before us, and lots of ( Read more... )

concert reports, bandom - the used, senior, concerts, rl, college

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Comments 9

strikesoftly May 5 2009, 07:13:44 UTC
I need to see the Used before I dieeee. FAVOURITES.


modillian May 5 2009, 12:39:49 UTC
Hey, awesome times in the city! I'm looking forward to the footage. :)


pau494 May 5 2009, 13:18:08 UTC

Have I mentioned "Pretty Handsome Awkward" is one of my faaavorite songs by them? BECAUSE IT IS.

I'm so happy you had such an amazing time, bb! ♥♥♥


wordsalone May 5 2009, 22:07:53 UTC
So glad you had a good time! I miss concerts.


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