I hope you choke and you die!

May 04, 2009 22:03


Ughhhh it was AMAZING. We waited about 20 minutes in the rain, but then the venue decided to be really nice and let everyone they could into the lobby area so we didn't get soaked. We waited about an hour more in there and then got in! We had already decided that the pit was NOT happening (way too many people there before us, and lots of them large guys...) so we went straight up to the balcony and got awesome spots right on the railing. SO CLOSE! Hiiiii BertQuinnJephaDan HIIII! (It was a perfect choice - the pit got really nasty even before the Used came on. So yay for being sensible!)

The first opener was a bunch of hot dudes with not very memorable music. (The singer looked like surfer/hard rock Jon Walker. He wasn't wearing shoes!!) The second opener was crappy and generic and boring. But there were only two which was awesome!

AND THEN IT WAS THE USED TIME YAY!!! The setlist was fucking awesome. They played (not in this order): Take It Away, The Bird and the Worm, I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes), All That I Got, Hospital, Paralyzed, Liar Liar (Burn In Hell), PRETTY HANDSOME AWKWARD YAAAAAAAAAAAY, Box Of Sharp Objects, and I feel like I must be forgetting some... ETA: According to my videos they also played Taste of Ink and Buried Myself Alive! I just really wish they had played Wake the Dead, which is my favorite (non B-side) The Used song. Oh well!

Anyways, it was a MOST satisfactory set (though it went by way too fast!!). Bert is a crazyperson and an awesome entertainer. At one point he was trying to get everyone to dance and showed off his hotgirl dancing moves. Hell yes. Another time he was getting the crowd to yell things after him, like FUCK YOU BERT! and YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! Then he did YOU'RE A FAGGOT! And when most of the crowd shouted it back he made a shocked face and and wagged his finger at us. *facepalm* Oh Bert. He then proceeded to ask us if he's pretty enough to be gay. Ha.

I am most enamored of Quinn, who is blonde and hot and can powerlunge like no one else. Jepha has these amazing dance moves that I can't even possibly describe - perhaps I'll upload a video. And Dan's just back there bashing away for all he's worth.

BASICALLY they're amazing and I love their music and I love the show they put on. My only complaint is that it was too short. :( That's probably just my perception - I think the show was about an hour. But I want moooooar! Hee. Regardless, it was SUPER AWESOME and entirely worth giving up a whole day of getting work done. Seeing wasoncedelight and tuesdaysgone was so so awesome too!! They are both lovely ladies and I'm really glad I got to meet them before I move away from PA. <333333

*flops* And now I'm going to try to get some work done! (Hahaha.)

ETA: OMG! I'm downloading my videos and they're AMAZING!!!! This was my first time with this camera at a concert and the sound is unbelievable. Everything is clear and there's no distortion, even on the really loud songs! FUCK YEAH!!!! I was only able to get parts of each song because my memory card isn't huge, but I got an amaaaazing full video of Paralyzed so I'll probably be uploading that! YAY! Oh it's so great to have a good concert camera!!! \o/

concert reports, bandom - the used, senior, concerts, rl, college

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