You look pretty low, very handsome awkward

May 04, 2009 00:45

Today has been far less productive than I would have wanted it to be. Dammit. I'd hoped to finish the draft of my independent research final paper as well as getting through all the sources and extracting quotes for my Rwanda paper. I sort of partially accomplished both of those goals - I've got the research paper cobbled together, but it needs some technical adjustments and a big read-through to make sure it's logical because it's now 30 pages of stuff cobbled together over the course of three years. And I read *more* of my sources for the Rwanda paper, but didn't finish. GOOD JOB SELF.

Whatever, it'll get done. I'm so mellow about it, because comparing this to last semester? AHAHAHA. I had two twenty page papers, two huge presentations, a lab report, two huge final exams, and one short paper to do in my last week. So this is like LA LA LA WHATEVER!

And in line with that spirit, I AM GOING TO SEE THE USED TOMORROW OMGYAY!!!!!!! I am going to have a wasoncedelight (FINALLY!!) and a tuesdaysgone and we're going to go out for crepes at Rachel's and then we're going to be first in line and we're gonna get barrier and get showered in Bert's sweat for a while. YESSS. To be honest I'm a little nervous, like squirmy tummy nervous, because I have never been in a pit before and we're aiming for barrier and this venue doesn't HAVE a barrier, you're essentially squashed against the stage for however many hours, sooo. I question my ability to survive intact? BUT WE SHALL SEE. Maybe Bert will save me if I am being crushed? :D? (Ahahaha that's funny.) But I will have a Mel and a Lars and hopefully they will deal with my spazzy innocence and get me through in one piece. And OMG THE USED! I am so so so pumped. *beams*

Okay I am going to go back to working on this paper of mine! Catch you on the flipside!

bandom - the used, senior, rl, college

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