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Comments 298

[TEXT] sadisticwarfare December 14 2011, 22:17:48 UTC
[You're not the only one feeling disoriented, Kimblee! Archer's currently out looking for him, but it seems Kimblee's determined to hide today. The text is unexpected, and Archer promptly replies.]

It is irritating, isn't it? Unfortunately I have no idea where it's coming from. Where are you?


[Text] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:29:37 UTC
[There's a bit of a pause before he responds; Kimblee normally tolerates Archer's presence reasonably well, but he isn't entirely sure how much he wants to deal with him at the moment.

However, the quickness of Archer's own reply - and more specifically, the demand to know where he is - is telling; Kimblee knows better than to ignore it.]

That...casino in the center of town. I assume you know what I'm talking about; it's certainly gaudy enough to catch attention.


[TEXT / ACTION] sadisticwarfare December 14 2011, 22:36:14 UTC
I'll be there in five minutes.

[And indeed he will be; he's quite familiar with that casino after all. He enters, locates Kimblee, and joins him at the slot machines, taking a seat beside him before speaking.]

...Why the sudden interest in the music?

[Okay, so he has no idea what to even say now that he's here. He can't just launch into "so I actually had dreams" or anything.]


explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:43:27 UTC
[And Kimblee is certainly going to town on those slot machines when Archer arrives; he's giving the one in front of him the most focused look in the world, because clearly winning at slots is a matter of willing the damn machine to give you a good combination.

...well, for the time being, it appears to be working for now, holy shit. Clearly his luck is average-to-bad until it comes to games of chance; either that or he's been seriously tilting the machine. Either way, he's actually doing decently, though he's not winning by any huge amount; he glances at Archer when he arrives, smirking a bit, though the expression is a bit of a tired one.]

Sometimes I question the things that happen in this world, Archer. I'd think it would be natural to question that as well.


[Action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 22:40:17 UTC

[Roy is standing a little farther down the street. He doesn't have a Poké Ball in either hand, but Kimblee should be able to tell that the man has tensed up.]

I never expected you to be the type.


[Action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:48:09 UTC
[Oh, he can tell, Mustang. Reading these things has never exactly been difficult for him; some situations are decidedly easier than most.

Kimblee isn't going to shy away from eye contact, however, turning to face Roy and burying his hands in his pockets. Roy has some very valid reasons to be angry with him, but he doesn't seem overly defensive.]

Normally? Not really. But I doubt you're here to express concern for my financial well-being.


[Action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 22:49:53 UTC
Of course not. I was just lucky enough to be passing by. If you want to bet yourself into the poorhouse, by all means be my guest.


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:52:56 UTC
Care to tell me what this is really about, then, or are you going to make me guess?


text, to start; because Kimblee is probably tired of face-to-face Hughes time... eliciadaddy December 14 2011, 22:53:22 UTC
[ Maes is only sitting a few buildings away, in his room, when he gets the text. He's been a little disoriented, himself, but he's taking the time to analyze this, rather than punching slot machines in the face... ]

I think it is probably better to not think on it.


[text] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:57:50 UTC
[So Hughes is hearing it too. This is good; at the very least Hughes is closer to sane than several of the others Kimblee's dealt with here.]

In some ways, perhaps.

At the same time, you can't deny that getting answers for some of these things might be...nice, to say the least.


[text] eliciadaddy December 14 2011, 23:00:21 UTC
[ Why yes, he hears it loud and clear... and Maes is as sane as they come, really.

There's a lag between texts though, because he's uncertain if he should write the next part. ]

Yes, I would like to know where my weekend has gone.

[ He's wondering if you know what he means by that, Kimblee. Or if you just think he's gone crazy and went out drinking and was just shitfaced the entire weekend... ]


[text] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:06:16 UTC
[...Kimblee won't be the only one experiencing some text lag. Clearly these machines are glitching. Clearly.]

Presumably the same place mine went, wherever that may be.


[text] exeggutorhead December 14 2011, 23:01:31 UTC
nobody's found out about the music, so far as I know.

recall any dreams from the last three days?

[Having been through the 'three missing days' thing for the third time now, Envy's not too surprised by it, even though it's the first time he's woken up in another city. But he is curious about how much other people remember or don't, because maybe there's a pattern to it.]


[text] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:12:42 UTC
I don't know if I would call them 'dreams', exactly. But yes.

[Honestly, they're closer to hallucinations, given the content, but Kimblee doesn't experience those particular...issues, shall we call them. This wouldn't be nearly as disturbing if he did.]


[text] exeggutorhead December 15 2011, 06:33:56 UTC
out of curiosity, what would you call them then?


[text] explosivecombat December 15 2011, 06:36:40 UTC
...Inherently disturbing.

[His lineface. It is being sent to you through the screen.]


[Action] fullmetalbro December 14 2011, 23:58:59 UTC
[A Pikachu runs out into the street in front of Kimblee. He stops suddenly and cocks his head at him. He doesn't look like one of those NPCs walkin' around. And then....in the distance.]


[The Pikachu grinned and ran to a pile of snow on the side of the road and made a little snow ball. He then beckoned towards the man in white. Distract his trainer, see him get another snowball in the face?

At that moment, Ed rounded the corner. There was still some snow clinging to his hair, and he didn't look too happy.]

Where are you, you little-

[He spots them.]

Aurum, get away from him, NOW!


[Action] explosivecombat December 15 2011, 00:04:13 UTC
[Oh, well, that's certainly new, isn't it? Kimblee will just be headtilting at the Pikachu for a moment; he's actually not terribly familiar with the species - it's obviously a rat of some sort, though it doesn't look like the...decidedly more ratlike purple thing that had been harassing Hughes a while back.

...however, Fullmetal's voice is rather obviously recognizable, and...oh dear, this thing is yours, isn't it. Given that it's both small and yellow, he isn't surprised - and judging from the snow, it's clearly got a bit of a mischievous streak, too.

Ed, he may not be fond of you, but he approves of your rat-thing already.]

Oh, come now, Fullmetal, you act as though I'm going to do it harm. Really, I think it would be capable of doing more to me than I am to it at this point - or have you forgotten how this place works?


[Action] fullmetalbro December 15 2011, 01:28:36 UTC
No, it's not that. I'm more worried that you'll rub off on him than anything.

[Aha! His trainer is distracted with the white man! Aurum tosses the snow ball...

Which Ed just side-steps to dodge. Curses! He almost had three for three today!]

Nice try. Now get back here.

[The Pikachu huffs and returns to Ed, climbing on his shoulder.]

I got your message by the way. I think the only way to make the music stop is to destroy your own eardrums or invest in some good earplugs. I also noticed that I don't remember what happened the past three days either. It's like Johto decided to skip it or something.


[action] explosivecombat December 15 2011, 01:35:44 UTC
[...well, we tried. Better luck next time, Aurum.]

Well, I suppose it's nice to know that it isn't being broadcasted directly into our heads, or something along those lines; it's not something I would put past this place.


As for this...time-skipping business - does it do that frequently, to your knowledge?


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