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[Action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 22:40:17 UTC

[Roy is standing a little farther down the street. He doesn't have a Poké Ball in either hand, but Kimblee should be able to tell that the man has tensed up.]

I never expected you to be the type.


[Action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:48:09 UTC
[Oh, he can tell, Mustang. Reading these things has never exactly been difficult for him; some situations are decidedly easier than most.

Kimblee isn't going to shy away from eye contact, however, turning to face Roy and burying his hands in his pockets. Roy has some very valid reasons to be angry with him, but he doesn't seem overly defensive.]

Normally? Not really. But I doubt you're here to express concern for my financial well-being.


[Action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 22:49:53 UTC
Of course not. I was just lucky enough to be passing by. If you want to bet yourself into the poorhouse, by all means be my guest.


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 22:52:56 UTC
Care to tell me what this is really about, then, or are you going to make me guess?


[action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 22:58:40 UTC
I just like seeing you unsure. It's a nice change of pace.


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:03:42 UTC
[...well! That...


...okay, that actually seems to please him. What the hell, Mustang, don't phrase things in a way that he approves of; that's unfair and ridiculously counterproductive toward fueling his dislike.]

Savor it while you can, then; I don't intend to make a practice of it.


[action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 23:11:48 UTC
Oh, we'll see about that.


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:26:27 UTC

Kimblee doesn't doubt the issue on the train has something to do with this, because that was unpleasant on many levels, but at the same time, Roy had definitely emerged victorious there. If anything, it would verify that Kimblee isn't a threat in terms of sheer force just yet; there would be anger, yes, but this level of tension wouldn't be warranted.

But something else changed around that time, didn't it?]

I take it you've spoken to your friend since he's arrived; I doubt that Maes Hughes would go so long here without contacting you.


[action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 23:30:21 UTC
...Oh, yes. And he told me a funny thing. A certain somebody let slip to him that his life would come to an end shortly after he returns home.


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:32:58 UTC
[Mhmm, there we go.]

"Let slip"? If that's what he told you, then he's being far gentler than he needed to be.

Really, Mustang, I saw no reason to not tell him.


[action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 23:38:07 UTC
[Roy didn't comment on the first part. If he couldn't detect the sarcasm, then he didn't care. If he did and decided to pretend he didn't, he'd just get annoyed.]

Tell me, are you familiar with the tale of Pandora's Box?


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:43:05 UTC
[It's good that you decided to spare yourself the annoyance, then.]

Rather. Your point?


[action] king_of_flames December 14 2011, 23:44:17 UTC
Actually, I should clarify, since there are two versions of the tale. The last thing in the box, the one that Pandora kept in there...what do you know it as?


[action] explosivecombat December 14 2011, 23:51:42 UTC
Hope. She released the evils of mankind; only hope remained.


[action] king_of_flames December 15 2011, 01:20:04 UTC
That's one version. In the other one, that last concept was foreboding. Humans could never have handled foreboding, and so she managed to keep it locked away.


[action] explosivecombat December 15 2011, 01:30:15 UTC
Consider your point understood, and believe me, it's a quaint one; however, such concepts really only apply in myths and legends.

Tell me, Mustang - did you really believe that Lt. Colonel Hughes would remain blissfully unaware during his time here, until...I don't know, such a time that this world decided to allow him to return home? There are some here that would be willing to use this information against him, should he meddle in their business - it's jarring enough information to cause him to hesitate at an inopportune time, or to harm him mentally or emotionally, should such a need arise for these individuals. Should I assume you would prefer him to be unprepared for such an event? And what about afterwards - when it became obvious that literally everyone that came here from Amestris is aware of his ultimate fate, and yet no one saw fit to tell him?

Say what you will about my methods; assume what you will about my intentions. I don't have to answer for either. However, as far as I'm concerned, I've done Maes Hughes a favor.


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