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Comments 298

[Action.] hasearthbooks December 15 2011, 17:54:43 UTC
[Gorthan, now back in his perfectly human and terrestrial body, doesn't get you, Johto. Which is... quite alright, since he loves being surprised. Why is the paramount attraction for the loftier classes in Goldenrod... this? A casino, of all things? And the music, dear Evron! Who would ever want to listen to this? The fast, cheery sounds make Gorthan's head ache, before he realizes that there is no way that tune is ever getting out of his head now, so he might as well enjoy it.

He doesn't quite see Kimblee at first, since he's too dazzled by the bright colors and dazed by the brain-adhesive tune. Is this really what Earthlings believe is high-class entertainment nowadays?]


[action] explosivecombat December 15 2011, 18:16:58 UTC
[...not...high-class entertainment, no. More like entertainment for those with money to burn - there's a difference.

Of course, Kimblee doesn't exactly have a whole hell of a lot of money to burn, but he's here anyway. Constant stimulus tends to have an odd effect on him, calming him down instead of winding him up; he can simply shut his brain off for several hours and not have to think, though he never really loses himself in it - Pride had discovered that well enough, hadn't he? That had been amusing; he can't say that he hadn't died satisfied with himself.

He's at a point where he's not frustrated with the machines just yet; rather, he's morbidly fascinated by them, perfectly content to be overloaded by the constant barrage of colors and motion and sound. It's almost hypnotic, really; that said, his gaze remains there rather than on those entering and leaving the place.

...the fact that he surprisingly doesn't suck at slots is helping immensely when it comes to holding his attention. As little as one can actually be good at ( ... )


[action] hasearthbooks December 15 2011, 19:25:59 UTC
[Finally, Gorthan spots Kimblee. His step as the alien approaches him is slow and leisurely. Eventually, he opts to stand a few feet behind Kimblee, hands joined behind his back as he always does when he's just standing idly.

How interesting that Kimblee would be into this kind of thing. And even more than that, what is interesting is the fact that he seems to have chosen a fairly methodical way of going about it.

The thing about Gorthan today is that there's quite a bit of... stuff on his mind. And as, as is often the case with him, he's halfway between wanting to share said stuff with more or less the first known person he sees and wanting to keep it to himself at all costs.

... As always, quoting lines from the Bard, followed by a small comment, is always a good way to test the waters before deciding to go in either direction. So, Kimblee, there will be a fairly long bit of murmuring going on behind your shoulders, the sound just loud enough to be heard alongside with the music as opposed to over it.]"Wine loved I deeply, dice ( ... )


[action] explosivecombat December 15 2011, 19:29:31 UTC
[Kimblee bristles slightly as he becomes aware of someone standing behind him, though he doesn't sense any malice coming from the individual; he simply continues with what he was doing, resisting the urge to turn and snap at the person because really, standing behind someone in such a way is rude and if you would like to know how to operate one of these damn machines he'd be more than willing to show you -

...but then speaking happens. He recognizes the voice, of course, as well as that usual style of nattering on about relative nothing; he doesn't turn around, instead keeping his focus on the machine.]

...difficulty with the ladies, Gorthan?


islandshore December 15 2011, 19:18:41 UTC
Maybe it's just magic.

But seriously, nobody's ever found the source. Might not even be one.


explosivecombat December 16 2011, 03:40:44 UTC
At this point, I can't say I'd be surprised if the latter proves to be the case, as nonsensical as it is.


islandshore December 17 2011, 05:10:41 UTC
Isn't everything about this place nonsensical?


[Action?] bent_causality December 17 2011, 04:11:52 UTC
[As he steps out of the casino, a snowball goes flying his way. Not far away, there's a Smoochum with a snowflake barette running around, pelting a Rattata with a pink bow around its neck with snowballs. Chasing after them happens to be Mihoshi who.. is trying to stop the 'war'.]

Lady! Please can you stop? Mousy really doesn't deserve that!


[Action works fine for me!] explosivecombat December 17 2011, 06:03:14 UTC
[Well, at the very least he catches the flying white thing through his peripheral vision; he's not quick enough to dodge it, but at the very least he manages to throw one of his arms up quickly enough to block it. He's mildly agitated for a moment, his first thought being that it was thrown by some upstart of a child, but his gaze soon falls on the pair of Pokémon having it out in the snow.

The sound of the voice soon draws his attention away from the little scene in front of him; oh, well! He recognizes this one, though he hasn't met her in person before.]

Ah, are these yours?

[His tone is more amused than anything, really, though he isn't being mocking.]


Re: [Action works fine for me!] bent_causality December 17 2011, 14:25:06 UTC
[The moment she realizes someone got hit in the crossfire the apologies just keep coming.]

Oh I am so sorry! Here um, let me help you clean off. They can really be a handful you know. I mean they're always fighting and um, I don't know what set them off this time but its always something! I don't think they like stopping until something's destroyed, you know?

[Mihoshi does her best to try and help him even though it seems to be making things worse. Now Lady and Mousy were racing around them and the snowballs kept coming.]


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