
Sep 01, 2008 21:02

::A roleplay between Deidara (Kale), Itachi (Whitney), and Gaara (Me). Short summary -- The three of them are on the way back from Konohagakure's chunin exams and Itachi is under the assumption that they are to return directly to Suna, though two come up with other plans of their own.::

Gaara's piercing gaze stayed ahead, fixated on the dark fabric ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

windstreak20 September 2 2008, 21:36:34 UTC
[OOC: Sorry if you get this like four times... .___. My computer's being retarded ( ... )


setsunakutemo September 3 2008, 00:32:01 UTC
(ooc: are you sure it's the computer..? xD ( ... )


expertofthesand September 3 2008, 04:20:32 UTC
::Ooc:: lol, you're fine.

Gaara held a disconsolate expression to make certain Deidara was aware that he was to be taken every bit of serious here and at the question his head moved in the smallest of shakes to answer. In fact, the blonde's questioning brought him a soothing relief by now knowing that at least the artist was on the same page as he interest wise. Gaara was aware that Deidara was open to new things though the young Kazekage had thought some persuasion would have needed to been given. Revelling that it wasn't so here he decided blessings were not to be questioned. Deidara easily showing that his attention was caught only saved him from voicing embarrassing details of the dark idea he had stirred from the depths of his mind. The other male however.. would not be so easy to agree. Musing over that the sharp gaze slid to resided on the elder Uchiha's form in bottled dismay; the stride still piercing him enough to cause an inward wince. No, he knew the Sharingan user too well to foresee an open mind to such a random ( ... )


windstreak20 September 3 2008, 18:37:35 UTC
[ooc: *huggles Arielle* At least SOMEONE loves me T^T]

Deidara wasn't exactly sure which game Gaara was playing at here, but his nod of assurance put the blond's apprehension at ease. If there was one thing even he knew better than to mess with, it was the Kazekage's lover--that would surely warrant a instant cause of death. And while Deidara feared no man or death, he rather liked living and would rather just avoid dying altogether for now. "Good. Because honestly, I wouldn't have minded at that time either.. un," the artist responded quietly, hoping Itachi wasn't a ninja of super-hearing.

The rather obvious statement of Itachi's hesitancy to such an idea put these two shinobi on the same page and Deidara nodded in return, silently agreeing that there would indeed be need of persuasion. If that was even possible. Would Itachi ever agree to such a thing?? Deidara didn't think it was likely, not willingly at least, but he was willing if Gaara was inviting. "My art is pretty mind blowing.. un," the artist followed up ( ... )


setsunakutemo September 6 2008, 22:39:35 UTC
Being told that there was no choice for him in this, Itachi's eyes narrowed as his shoulders tensed, carefully watching the movements of the Kazekage's sand. He didn't know why he was suddenly a pawn in their game or what game they were playing, but he honestly didn't care. The Uchiha was in too foul of a mood quip back, watching the sand restlessly churn and Deidara obviously sync his scope on him. Something he did not expect was to have Gaara attack first. He had expected early offense from the blonde since himself and Gaara were known to counter rather than attack. But Deidara was known to surprise every once and a while ( ... )


expertofthesand September 13 2008, 02:49:32 UTC
Had the Kazekage not kept in mind that this was not that sort of battle Itachi would have found out quickly how foolish of a mistake actually touching at the deadly element was; instead, upon impact of Deidara's explosion the once clustered sand released it's hold before staggering back and hastefully spreading to fill empty air, leaving the tiny floating particles barely visible from ground level views. Without a movement from Gaara himself the sand that was still writhing near stirred with a sudden swiftness in regards to the on-coming attacks and encirled both Deidara and he before rising to encase them together in an ultimate defense. Blue eyes trained to the dark wall of sand infront of them as if still being able to see Itachi through the hardening element and slowly narrowed when noticing that only few of the Uchiha's attacks were actually making contact to singe the protective barrier. Though he was a bit at a loss from the observation Gaara's face remained emotionless if not holding little animosity (mostly because of the ( ... )


windstreak20 September 17 2008, 23:52:20 UTC
Deidara smirked wickedly as he watched Itachi's descent to the ground, but the small victory was quickly short lived as the Uchiha stood, looking impassive as ever. Always with the damned nonchalant attitude, the artist growled to himself, bending at the knees to launch himself away from the oncoming fire. But before he could dodge away, sand suddenly circled around he and Gaara, plummeting them into complete darkness. Deidara tensed slightly, not because he was nervous, but because he would rather not find himself in an enclosed space--and Gaara's ultimate defense was as enclosed as it got. Though it was uncomfortable, the blond was grateful for the sand as the sound of the fire balls connecting to the outside was heard, heating up the space they occupied inside as well. That was all he could stand. Deidara dug his hands into the bags at his sides, glancing over at a strange movement from his partner. The Kazekage was actually sinking into the ground. How odd that they were on the same wavelength, but that would definitely prove most ( ... )


setsunakutemo September 18 2008, 05:52:00 UTC
Itachi frowned as he watched the Kazekage's sand encase the two just before his fire reached them. Not that it wasn't expected, but he hadn't honestly expected the sand to protect Deidara as well. Through all their constant bickering and tomfoolery, who would have thought that those two actually could work together. The thought might have amused the Uchiha had he not been the one they suddenly decided to team up against ( ... )


setsunakutemo September 19 2008, 02:20:05 UTC
Through the midst of the forming lightning and his concentration, Itachi was still able to hear around him. This was such a case at hearing thumping behind him, sounding very much like heavy footsteps; someone running. The Uchiha turned his body with a sudden movement, expecting a clone or another clay creation that was charging him. What he was met with however was nothing like his expectations, crimson eyes blinking and widening as a confused expression took hold of his features; the shock causing him to drop the beginnings of his Chidori completely. The Kazekage's shadow washed over him before suddenly slamming down on Itachi, causing the older shinobi to stagger back, trying to remain upright and support Gaara's sudden added weight. The sand the younger male toted around constantly did nothing to aid his cause and the Uchiha quickly found his balance thrown off and even more quickly than that found his back meeting the ground none too gently ( ... )


expertofthesand September 19 2008, 04:38:50 UTC
Gaara briefly casted a sharp glance towards the blonde coming in for a closer look before returning his focus down to prepare the simple medic treatment he had in mind to use here on Itachi, silently damning his lack of higher performance in that department. Just as he put the slightest pressure to begin Itachi began speaking, the tone alluring, demanding, and close to the most pleasing melody Gaara had ever heard from this male. Slowly but surely the Kazekage was becoming distant from this world the longer this addictive tone reached his keen hearing and for the life him Gaara couldn't grasp himself back into clear thoughts. Unintentionlly long fingers tensely curled into the bleeding wound before gently lifting to burry themselves in the mess of spikes that were equally matching in the blood that stained Itachi's pale skin -- as if this would substain the swirling world that was trapping him. Itachi ( ... )


windstreak20 September 19 2008, 18:36:48 UTC
Rather than expend the bird's energy by having it hovering, Deidara allowed it to touch down on the ground, but made sure it was ready to take off again at a moments notice. He watched carefully in curiosity at Gaara holding Itachi down before seeing blood staining the grounded Uchiha. The artist was simply more amazed over the fact that the Uchiha had been wounded than the fact that he and Gaara had just achieved apparent victory--and obviously the Kazekage was far too worried over the well being of his dark haired lover to continue fighting anymore. But the question was: would Itachi simply lay there ( ... )


setsunakutemo September 24 2008, 04:27:05 UTC
The moment Gaara's weight left the Uchiha's body, he took note of the sand's quick pursuit; forever in need of being near the Kazekage. Itachi wasted no time in getting up from the ground and lifted his palm to the 'bullet' wound. Quickly focusing only a bit of chakra to his hand, the wound sealed and looked as if it had never been, minus the tiny, almost non-visible scar that was left as its only evidence. Normally the healing variation of Tsukiyomi took too much chakra to use for something so minor but Itachi needed the practice to using only set amounts of his energy for the jutsu anyway and was very pleased that the result left him still energized and ready to continue fighting with Gaara on his side now. During all this, the Uchiha had heard Deidara's obvious urgent, and concerned voice calling out to the redhead. Gaara may have not been acting like himself but it was nothing that could harm the Kazekage in anyway and the only thing registering in the smaller shinobi's mind would be the whims he had wanted so badly, but now ( ... )


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