
Sep 01, 2008 21:02

::A roleplay between Deidara (Kale), Itachi (Whitney), and Gaara (Me). Short summary -- The three of them are on the way back from Konohagakure's chunin exams and Itachi is under the assumption that they are to return directly to Suna, though two come up with other plans of their own.::

Gaara's piercing gaze stayed ahead, fixated on the dark fabric ( Read more... )

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setsunakutemo September 19 2008, 02:20:05 UTC
Through the midst of the forming lightning and his concentration, Itachi was still able to hear around him. This was such a case at hearing thumping behind him, sounding very much like heavy footsteps; someone running. The Uchiha turned his body with a sudden movement, expecting a clone or another clay creation that was charging him. What he was met with however was nothing like his expectations, crimson eyes blinking and widening as a confused expression took hold of his features; the shock causing him to drop the beginnings of his Chidori completely. The Kazekage's shadow washed over him before suddenly slamming down on Itachi, causing the older shinobi to stagger back, trying to remain upright and support Gaara's sudden added weight. The sand the younger male toted around constantly did nothing to aid his cause and the Uchiha quickly found his balance thrown off and even more quickly than that found his back meeting the ground none too gently.

He coughed slightly, ignoring the pain that echoed from his bleeding shoulder, not to mention the fact that the breath had been forced out of him momentarily. He peeled his eyes open to impassively gaze up at the redhead atop him; watching with mild amusement as Gaara seemingly worried over the wound and gently pressed down on it. The motion was surprisingly tender, retracting the Uchiha's initial response of using Kawarimi to escape. He instead found a much more proficient way of winning the battle and successfully hid the twitch the corner of his mouth felt. The sand held his hands down at his sides and the Kazekage wisely chose to ignore his gaze but Itachi had more ways than these at using his power. He focused for just a moment before shifting his shoulder forward under the Kazekage's hand and spoke in a calm, soothing tone, despite his agitation at being tag teamed, "Thank you.. but it went directly through. Pressure will do nothing, but I can heal it.." As Itachi spoke in gentle tones to the Kazekage holding him down, he would have infused his chakra with the vibrations in his voice, giving it the same effect as if someone was looking into his eyes or at his hand; and as long as Gaara had listened, he would then be trapped in a minor genjutsu to entrance his thoughts. Itachi smirked slightly to himself, having Gaara turned on Deidara to carry out his attempts on the blonde and now aiding the Uchiha.


expertofthesand September 19 2008, 04:38:50 UTC
Gaara briefly casted a sharp glance towards the blonde coming in for a closer look before returning his focus down to prepare the simple medic treatment he had in mind to use here on Itachi, silently damning his lack of higher performance in that department. Just as he put the slightest pressure to begin Itachi began speaking, the tone alluring, demanding, and close to the most pleasing melody Gaara had ever heard from this male. Slowly but surely the Kazekage was becoming distant from this world the longer this addictive tone reached his keen hearing and for the life him Gaara couldn't grasp himself back into clear thoughts. Unintentionlly long fingers tensely curled into the bleeding wound before gently lifting to burry themselves in the mess of spikes that were equally matching in the blood that stained Itachi's pale skin -- as if this would substain the swirling world that was trapping him. Itachi.

In no time Gaara's body went slightly lax as he adapted the look of becoming suddenly exahusted. The pale irises now hazed and distant shifted slowly to fixate dead on the blonde. Keeping the view on his target Gaara shifted before mechanically coming to a stand and absently stepping over and away from the Uchiha rather calmly. Upon Gaara's leaving form the sand slacked against Itachi and with a quiet hiss the element snaked down his body and into a continuous peaceful flow to form the strange oval shape once again. Strapping to the Kage's back it's refusal of distance to the red-head clearly showed. Being that Deidara lowered the creation down in curiosity of what was occurring earlier reaching the same altitude was nothing a simple leap couldn't manage (especially for a kage). Gaara skillfully landed on the unsteady ivory surface, calmly opening the pale hues to land dead on Deidara's one blue hue. For a moment here it was as if the sight was something the Kage couldn't get enough of being that he was merely having a stare down with the other but he willed his legs to move closer and gradually closed the distance to the target and himself.

Personal space became non-exisitent between the two bodies and when that was the case Gaara's feet stopped their movement, though his hands were another story. Absently lifting one hand from his side the pale digits skated over Deidara's shoulder and higher, snaking up at an agonizing pace to seek cover in the blonde mane and curling to hold a steady grip just harsh enough to cause minor discomfort. Before anything else Gaara urged the slightly taller male closer and down rather suddenly; meeting Deidara's warm lips with his own. During this Gaara's free hand rested lightly at Deidara's hip, which proved useful when the other attempted to jerk back. Making a quiet sultry moan in protest the jerk was easily denied by Gaara only returning the action to have the blonde's body come even closer against his own.


windstreak20 September 19 2008, 18:36:48 UTC
Rather than expend the bird's energy by having it hovering, Deidara allowed it to touch down on the ground, but made sure it was ready to take off again at a moments notice. He watched carefully in curiosity at Gaara holding Itachi down before seeing blood staining the grounded Uchiha. The artist was simply more amazed over the fact that the Uchiha had been wounded than the fact that he and Gaara had just achieved apparent victory--and obviously the Kazekage was far too worried over the well being of his dark haired lover to continue fighting anymore. But the question was: would Itachi simply lay there?

Obviously not. He couldn't hear what was being said, but Deidara could see Itachi saying something to the red head--probably incoherent words to anger the Kazekage into getting off him. and while Gaara's reaction wasn't angry, it wasn't exactly normal either. Deidara blinked his eyes at the odd sight, wondering just what the hell Itachi said to him to make Gaara make that face. The poor guy looked utterly exhausted suddenly and the artist was concerned instantly, "Oi Gaara! You okay, un?" He wasn't answered, verbally at least, and watched as Gaara stood and began moving forward, as if he was in a trance or brainwashed. What the hell did Itachi do..? "Hey, Gaara, what's wrong??" Deidara continued trying to get the red head to speak but was met with only silence and his constant advancing until he was suddenly standing on the back of the eagle-like bird with him. Normally the blond had no problem with personal space, but now it was just a little creepy with Gaara just standing there, staring at him. "What the hell, un? Snap outta it!" The Kazekage only moved forward even more until their fronts pressed together and Deidara blinked again, absently wondering why it was Itachi was allowing this as the younger man lifted his hands to grasp the artist. The next thing he knew, Gaara was pulling him down and stealing a kiss. Deidara was shocked by that for some reason and tried jerking back but the red head's grip was excellent, preventing the artist from going anywhere and went so far as to pull him even closer than before.

Well, this was Itachi's doing and one would be a fool to pass such an opportunity so Deidara did the only thing he could do--short of the Kawarimi jutsu. The artist pressed back against the Kazekage as he moved one arm around his waist and trailed his free hand down the smaller ninja's side, swallowing up the moan elicited by him. He was silently amused by a sudden thought--initially thinking Gaara might have tasted of sand. But strangely enough, his smaller mouth gave off a strawberry flavor--he must've eaten some at some point today. This caused the blond to gently snake his tongue to trace the rim of Gaara's soft, tempting lips.


setsunakutemo September 24 2008, 04:27:05 UTC
The moment Gaara's weight left the Uchiha's body, he took note of the sand's quick pursuit; forever in need of being near the Kazekage. Itachi wasted no time in getting up from the ground and lifted his palm to the 'bullet' wound. Quickly focusing only a bit of chakra to his hand, the wound sealed and looked as if it had never been, minus the tiny, almost non-visible scar that was left as its only evidence. Normally the healing variation of Tsukiyomi took too much chakra to use for something so minor but Itachi needed the practice to using only set amounts of his energy for the jutsu anyway and was very pleased that the result left him still energized and ready to continue fighting with Gaara on his side now. During all this, the Uchiha had heard Deidara's obvious urgent, and concerned voice calling out to the redhead. Gaara may have not been acting like himself but it was nothing that could harm the Kazekage in anyway and the only thing registering in the smaller shinobi's mind would be the whims he had wanted so badly, but now sought to carry them out on Deidara.

The blonde had quieted down considerably by the time Itachi was moving to his feet again, still a bit disoriented from being body slammed to the ground. Shaking his head as he was turning to find out what all the sudden silence was about, the Uchiha once again found himself stupefied by what it was he discovered. It was Gaara and Deidara, sure enough, but fighting was apparently the farthest thing from their minds. Crimson eyes widened almost painfully as his fists clenched tightly at his sides before the realization dawned on him. Looking down at his bare torso and torn shirt, he realized that had been intentional. A fight hadn't been what Gaara was after. There was no doubt about that; especially at seeing the redhead's whims being carried out on the artist who looked more than willing to participate in such a whim.

A deep crimson nearly matching that of his eyes burned his face as he averted his eyes from the maddening sight; knowing full well he had no right to take this sudden rage out on the blonde. It was his own doing, after all. Through the awkward silence, Itachi quickly and easily broke the connection of the jutsu to Gaara's mind, not trusting himself to try and break it up any other way.


gaara_sabaku September 28 2008, 21:22:11 UTC
Gaara’s mouth crashed down on Deidara's in a furious kiss and the other returned it with equal fervour. Even in this some-what-absent state of mind, Gaara couldn't deny that in an unforgivable way, the blonde had him entranced by temptations of flesh. Gaara himself was unaware of the powerful influence the spirited Ichibi had over his demeanor in this jutsu that concealed him, making Deidara the release portal for this bust of lust. He growled low in his throat as he tasted the sweet flavour of his lips once again. He made note in his turbulent mind at just how well Deidara's lips pressed against his very own. And as his tongue boldly pushed past the other's teeth, Gaara chuckled in his throat. What perplexed the sand demon more than anything in this clouded state was this male's willing flattened body against him and how this succulent candy to the eyes currently contained the ability to affect him like no one else had ever had (not that he could recall any different for the moment), and he shuddered to think of how easily the tantalizing appearance could have brought him to his knees if he knew of such a hold. His lips tore away from the smooth lips that had him seeing rainbows of ecstasy, arching and pressing his body almost too easily into each fascinating touch the blonde would reward him. All of which, screamed to it's loudest ability wails of seduction; plummeting the sand user into an even deeper absence of mind. “Do this to me.. like you mean it”, he whispered dangerously against the sensitive slopes of Deidara's neck so his warm breath kissed the fickle nerves. How very tempting those slopes and arches of smooth skin looked. He lazily he drifted his moist tongue over the gentle curve of the neck, tasting the soft flesh that rippled against his touch. With no complains to the wonderfully erotic taste, the stimulated sand inside of his groud shifted uncontrollably with sudden mood changes before spilling onto the eagle-like creation's back. To it's lifted weight, Gaara let a small smile dance across his lips, his sea green eyes dark with lust and pure and untamable desire.

He pulled away from Deidara just slightly to work his slender hands between their bodies, tugging deftly at his robes and complex buckles, desperate to decrease the barriers between them. Slipping the vest from him Gaara immediately satisfied his withdraws from the newfound addiction and reclaimed the blonde's lips. All the while unfastening the neat clasps to his long dark garb that dawned a lithe frame; revealing partially the mesh shirt underneath the layers of clothing. Just as the heavy garb slipped from Gaara's wrists a non-too-graceful weight dropped down on him when returning his control to the mind. No sooner than he opened his eyes to find out what this warm feeling was right against his face teal coloured orbs widened at the discovery of Deidara kissing him and it took a moment to overpower the utter shock of anyone doing this without his consent but by damning weakness and shakey hesitation at the start Gaara spurred his limbs to life; pushing the blonde back yet reaching out with both hands and quickly catching the slightly taller male with fisted hands, forcing Deidara roughly into him (contradicting the push to have him away). It was merely Gaara's warning. Another even touching him took great effort to remain indifferent about, but to have it done without his conscious awareness wouldn't go down without a brutal complaint. Gaara narrowed his teal coloured orbs up at the blonde, damning the dark haired male in silence. Unless he blacked-out, Itachi caught him in a trap of crimson pools. B a s t a r d. Gaara inwardly winced at his pressuring arousal. Did Deidara have to make this so tempting? His body's nerves were screaming at Gaara's resistance, causing him to loosen the fisted grips in Deidara's shirt. His heart pounded against the lining of his mesh shirt as he tilted his head slightly, hovering his lips over Deidara's in uncertainty before pressing forward to steal a gentle kiss of his own. Out of another's control and yet he was still entranced by what was near, by what caused him this need to be satisfied; Deidara.


windstreak20 September 30 2008, 04:34:39 UTC
Deidara had to admit, he had thought about this moment more than once before now. And he also had to admit that it far exceeded any expectations he previously had. Not that the artist pined for or planned on stealing Itachi's lover--but with someone like Gaara, it was hard not to imagine what it would be like to be the one he chose. Itachi is a lucky bastard, the blond though absently in the back of his mind--though he was much too consumed with the smaller, more vicious body clinging to his own to worry about those thoughts right now. The artist pressed back just as hard as Gaara pressed into him, sending his hands on a journey to explore every possible inch of the seductive body of the Kazekage. His more tiny frame was some how more enticing that he would've thought, reveling in the way the smaller man's curves fit into his hands. He was unable to hold still and unable to keep his hands in just one spot, seeking desperately to taste more of that peculiar sweetness of Gaara's mouth and moved his tongue against the red head's as it bravely darted in his mouth. Deidara didn't know what it was, but the Kazekage seemed to intoxicate the artist--he had even begun to forget his apprehension of the Uchiha being just a few feet away and watching.

Cloudy, dark blue eyes met paler eyes as Gaara pulled back and he took the moment to catch his breath. The reprieve was short lived when there was a throaty voice murmuring into his neck that sent shivers racing up and down the artist's spine. His eyes fluttered at the attention brought to his neck and let a soft sound go. It was probably incomprehensible anyway, and Deidara didn't care to think about to try and figure out if he was asking for more or retorting back to Gaara. As Gaara moved away again, the blond looked down to see the Kazekage stripping, rather urgently at that. Being occupied with that, Deidara took the opportunity to get his hits in and dove forward--hands sliding around the thin waist and lower to move their lower extremities flush together while the artist nudged the red head's face to the side. Here he ducked his head and traced the outer edge of Gaara's ear before closing his teeth around it and gently pulled while giving another small noise to heighten the Kazekage's possessive streak. When the heavy garments had dropped, Deidara moved back again, flashing the younger man a smirk before they both quickly moved to close the space between their mouths. A hand reached up, sinking into the red spikes as the blond pulled him closer, using his height to lean over the other and gain the advantage.


windstreak20 September 30 2008, 04:34:50 UTC

There was a sudden odd jerk in Gaara's nerves, but Deidara didn't pay much attention until he found himself pushed back but yet pulled close again. It was as if to call his attention like the Kazekage was to speak but nothing came but an odd expression. That's when it dawned on him. Itachi somehow entranced Gaara into a genjutsu--but why the hell would the Uchiha was his own lover to do these things to another other than himself?? The question was panging and Deidara dared a glance at Itachi, who definitely didn't look as if he was happy. Did that mean that this wasn't according to his plan? It would seriously be odd if it was and the look seemed to confirm that. The artist was suddenly flooded with guilt--Itachi was his friend--Gaara was his friend--and this was betrayal to both of them. He was frozen though, and torn on what to do. Only a fool would deny this Kazekage of what he wanted, but then again, only a fool would go against someone like Uchiha Itachi. A small portion of the decision seemed to be made for him when the red head came forward to give a gentle, almost uncertain kiss--totally and utterly different than the possessive, lustful kisses before. That, right then and there let Deidara know that the previous moments had not been the Kazekage's own doings, and was more than likely a miscalculated back firing of a plan of the Uchiha's.

The painful truth was that Deidara wanted to continue this new whim. He didn't want to give Gaara back to Itachi--that was the selfishness of him. The blond didn't move away from the Kazekage's tiny kiss and murmured against his soft, parted lips. "You're being a bit too persuasive.. un," he murmured in voice that feigned ignorance of Gaara's apparent seriousness, "You're supposed to be enticing Itachi.. Not me.. un." The artist's mischievous grin suddenly flashed as he reached up to grab the Kazekage's shoulders and turned him suddenly to face the Uchiha. Deidara's hands would slide downwards on the other's arms to grip his wrists as he lowered his face to the base of the red head's neck and slowly drug a path up the delicate, pale skin while shifting one hand forward. Long, precise digits grazed over the curve of a hip before slipping under the mesh shirt and continue upward on the smaller man's torso until the artist's fingers brushed over one pale pink nipple and stopped to tease the small nub with his fingertips--hoping to rip an exciting sound from the Kazekage's throat.


setsunakutemo October 14 2008, 23:30:52 UTC
(ooc: LULZ and it only took me three weeks; whut *is clearly awesome* v___v;; )

Itachi had remained looking away from that contemptuous sight as soon as he broke the connection of the genjutsu that had entranced Gaara's mind. Even though he now yearned to continue that brief altercation that had broken out between them now, the Uchiha remained steady, minus the shaking of his clenched fists. Withdrawing from this scene was the only sensible course of action now; lest Itachi seriously injure one of them.. or both of them, for that matter. Just as he lifted his hands to form the appropriate seal to vacate the premises an electrifying sound was elicited from the direction of the other two. There was no mistaking it; Itachi instantly knew who's throat the sound belonged to.

Itachi's attention immediately snapped back on the other two shinobi with narrowed eyes, thinking Deidara had done something to intentionally injure Gaara. And yet again he was met with a surprising sight. Seeming to have his arms restrained behind his back, the young Kazekage was completely at the mercy of the blonde; back arching into the touch to his chest; head tossed to the side as he made those sounds. The Uchiha, either against his will or not now, drank in the sight of the redhead; for the moment not registering Deidara doing those actions to him. Once he came back to his senses after a few lustfully dazed moments, Itachi's eyes locked onto the hand touching his male. He planned to wipe that smug look off Deidara's face but another sound from Gaara was all he could stand before crouching slightly and jumping forward. Landing just mere inches away from the redhead, the Uchiha made a very deep sound akin to a possessive growl as he clamped an iron grip down on the artist's hand before pulling it away from the Kazekage. No sooner than he had done this, the dark haired shinobi's hand replaced the blonde's, continuing the teases to the narrow chest as he ducked his head and closed his mouth on a spot on the side of Gaara's neck.


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