FIC: No Map for Our Travels - Epilogue [Jared/Jensen femslash, NC-17]

Jun 20, 2012 11:40

Masterpost | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Epilogue | Outtakes | Art

one and a half years later

"You two are disgusting," Misha complained, watching as Jay and Jensen snuggled together in the oversized armchair in his living room after a long night of food and booze in celebration of Danneel's birthday.

Jensen tried to glare, and Jay felt a tiny burst of pure happiness at the way Jensen couldn't hide how happy she looked.

"You're one to talk," Jay told Misha, nodding over toward the entrance to the kitchen, where Vicki could be seen talking animatedly with someone. Misha followed her gaze and a stupid grin took over his face.

"Fair point," he said. "Plus, I can't really be mad that you managed to make a real girl out of Jensen."

"I was always real, dipshit," Jensen growled, and Jay just wanted to drag her home and kiss her forever, and she couldn't help the sappiness in her voice when she tucked her head under Jensen's chin and said, "you were always real hot, you mean," low enough that only Jensen could hear her.

Jensen laughed quietly, leaning down to breathe into Jay's hair. "Shut up," she said.

Misha snorted and stood up. "I know when I'm not needed," he said, as he walked out of the room.

"Finally," Jensen said. "I love the man, but for someone with a psych degree, he can't really take a hint."

Jay frowned. "Finally what?"

Jensen kissed her in reply, deep enough to get Jay's blood pumping in really inappropriate ways for someone else's living room. When she pulled back, Jensen's voice was nicely husky and low.

"Ready for bed?"

Suddenly it all made sense. "Hell yes," Jay replied, standing up and pulling Jensen with her.

Jensen smiled fondly at her and followed her out the door. Jay had almost gotten used to how helpless she was to resist anything about Jensen, but that smile always brought it back.

She and Jensen had adjusted to living together better than they'd hoped, and after a year of scrambling to make ends meet, Jensen finally had a decent job offer, and Jay was about start a new school year after having been accepted into the PhD program she'd most wanted to do in Portland. She'd had to take out more loans, and she worried about repaying them later, but she hoped it would be worth it.

She had the world's most perfect girlfriend, her campaign to get Genevieve to move to Portland seemed to be working, and she was happy. It was everything she'd wanted when she'd first arrived in Portland, and she wouldn't take it for granted.


The next morning, Jensen's first day at her new job, Jay woke her up by licking her open and giving her a slow, sweet orgasm that seemed to last forever, and then sent her off for a shower. When she emerged, dressed and ready to go, Jay was standing in the kitchen, pajama pants slipping down her hips. She grinned when she saw Jensen and pulled a sharpie out of a nearby drawer. Jensen knew what that meant, so she obediently held still while Jay chose her target, which turned out to be just underneath Jensen's waistband. Jay drew a careful heart shape and then decorated the inside of it with two Js. Jay's habit of writing on herself had morphed into writing on Jensen, and Jensen found it too adorable to mind, even when it was something as ridiculous as this.

"Subtle," Jensen remarked. "Maybe you should just tattoo your name on my ass permanently." She let the drawing dry without real protest as Jay gave her a dirty look.

"Have a good day at work, darling," Jay said sarcastically as she put the cap back on her pen, giving Jensen a peck on the cheek.

"Whoa," Jensen said, pulling Jay back for a proper kiss. "Don't tell me that's the kind of kiss you want now that we're old and boring and domesticated."

"Never," Jay laughed. "I'm still going to want to suck on your tongue when I'm eighty."

"Um," Jensen said. "If you call it that, I'm not going to want to do it with you now."

"Yeah, you will."

"Yeah," Jensen admitted, pulling away and going to the front door. "I will."

She paused, turning back to look at Jay. Two years ago, she wouldn't have ever thought her life would look like this, but she couldn't imagine anything better now. Then Jay ruined her moment of contemplation by doing a little fist-pump and yelling "ha! I win!"

And if Jensen just barely made it to work on time because that was clearly a challenge she had to answer, well, she never had to admit it to anyone.


The night before classes started up again, Jay made Jensen stay up late to help her get ready.

"I'm not new anymore," she told Jensen happily. "I know where all the good bathrooms are, and who to avoid in an enclosed space, and how to get from Johnson Hall to the quad in less than five minutes. I'm going to rule the school!"

"Poor little masters students won't know what hit them," Jensen said with mock sympathy.

"They should respect their elders."

"I feel kind of dirty sending you off to school like you're a little kid," Jensen admitted as Jay tried to fit everything into her bag for the fourth time. She didn't want to be unprepared when faced with her usual first-day emergency, no matter what form it took.

"It's not preschool, dipshit," Jay said distractedly, twitching as her hair fell into her eyes.

"I know, but who knows what kind of people you might meet out there?" Jensen took the bag away from Jay and began re-packing it. Jay flopped back gratefully against the couch and chuckled.

"Don't worry, babe, none of them have anything on you. You can pack my bag without breaking it."

"There's a ringing endorsement of passionate love."

"I'll have you know that I find bag-packing very erotic."

Jensen groaned, and set the now-packed bag on the floor before joining Jay on the couch. "You are sick in the head, babe."

"Hmmm," Jay agreed, snuggling into Jensen's side, and suddenly feeling nostalgic. "Hey, it was two years ago that we met, remember?" She could vividly remember Jensen chatting with her, and being almost unable to actually track what Jensen was saying because she was so embarrassed and distracted by her instant attraction.

Jensen ran her hand up and down Jay's back. "Yeah, you kind of shook up my entire life. Hard to forget."

"You love me and my shaking," Jay said, grinning at Jensen's fond exasperation. If she had one job in their relationship, it was to make Jensen laugh as much as possible.

"I do," Jensen said seriously, kissing her once on the lips, and Jay couldn't imagine a better place or a better life than hers, right at that moment.

Then Jensen pulled her up from the couch with a wicked smirk. "C'mon," she said. "You’ve got to get a good night's sleep, but first - "

"First what?" Jay asked, following Jensen into the bedroom, only to stop dead in the doorway at the sight of Jensen holding what had to be a - a harness, and a dildo Jay had never seen before. Considering their now quite extensive collection, that was really saying something. "What the fuck?" she blurted out, surprised and aroused in equal parts. "When did you buy that?"

"First," Jensen said, voice low, "first, I'm going to fuck you."

Well. There was no way Jay was going to argue with that. She stepped inside the room and closed the door firmly behind her, grateful beyond words that Danneel had taken Chad out for a night of strictly platonic roommate bonding.

"Yes, ma'am," she drawled, and locked the door.

[the actual end]

genre: femslash, fandom: spn rpf, rating: nc-17, pairing: jared/jensen, genre: au

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