SPN Podfic Masterlist

Mar 24, 2011 20:54

All the SPN podfics I've recorded, my own fic and others with author permission
SPN/CW RPF podfic can be found here. Podfic in other fandoms can be found here. Hockey RPF podfic can be found here. Avengers/Marvel podfic can be found here

Permanent download links courtesy of paraka
All Audiofic Archive links courtesy of general_jinjur

SPN: Dean/Castiel

A Heart That Hurts (Is A Heart That Works)
enigmaticblues | R | 62 MB | 02:15:18
Author's Summary: When Dean is offered a reward for sending Lucifer back to hell, he asks for Castiel to be let off the hook. What he doesn’t realize is that disobedience always has consequences. And when he gets a phone call from Claire Novak, Dean may find that he’s in over his head.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

A Lesson in Friendship
exmanhater | PG-13 | 17.04 MB | 37:13
Summary: In which Dean tries to figure out how a grown man can have a non-apocalypse-centered friendship with an angel, Castiel knows Dean’s priorities and is generally very helpful, and Sam just wishes they’d both get a damn clue.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

wolfling and omphalos | NC-17 | 245 MB | 09:41:27 | Additional pairings: Sam/Ruby, Sam/Pamela
Author's Summary: Against his better judgement, Castiel offers Dean a way to save Sam.
Permanent download links: mp3, m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (compiled by cybel)

Across the Universe
weirdwednesday | NC-17 | 19.09 MB | 41:41
Author's Summary: After Sam is gone, Dean drives around without a purpose or destination. Castiel follows and finds out firsthand what both human grief and human desire feel like.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover/compiled by cybel)

American as Apple Pie
trinityofone | NC-17 | 6.23 MB | 13:36
Author's Summary: Dean saves the world the same way he entered it: buck naked.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Apocalypse Day
zelda_zee | R | 28 MB | 1:01:21
Author's Summary: It’s not a bad one, as Apocalypse Days go. (Written for the prompt: The boys trying to make a new life after the end times.)
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/podbook compiled by cybel)

Bread Without Sorrow & Swords into Plowshares

azephirin | PG & NC-17 | 1.9 & 7 MB | 4:12 & 15:22
Author's Summary: Bread, chocolate, blackberries. After the war. (always-a-girl!Dean)
Bread Without Sorrow: permanent mp3 (right-click, save-as), Archive mp3
Swords into Plowshares: permanent mp3 (right-click, save-as), Archive mp3

Castiel's Guide to Wooing a Winchester
exmanhater | PG-13 | 6.81 MB | 14:52
Summary: Castiel had never doubted that he was meant for Dean. Getting Dean to see it proved another matter entirely.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Everyone Knows What Happens at the Library
exmanhater | PG-13 | 11 MB | 25:30
Summary: In which Dean says derogatory things about teen vampire novels, Castiel keeps coming back for more, Claire gets her way all the time, and Dean’s co-workers (and Sam) are huge nuisances. (Librarian!Dean AU, or how Stephenie Meyer found Dean the love of his life)
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Except Thou Bless Me
architeuthis | NC-17 | 26.5 MB | 57:52
Author's Summary: Castiel is wroth, and Dean is having a great time. [See Author's post for further warnings/notes.]
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

Holding Hands with a God

scaramouche | NC-17 | 19.21 MB | 41:57
Author's Summary: Dean is a superhero. Castiel is a mild-mannered reporter trying to get an interview.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

In the Land of the Emotionally Repressed, Dean Winchester is King
zoemathemata | hard R | 30 MB | 1:04:57
Author's Summary: Dean does his best to cheer Castiel when Cas is disheartened by recent events and is left blind.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

Interlocking Barbs

instantramen | PG | 2.48 MB | 5:24
Author's Summary: A book, the sun, and social grooming: a recipe for a good day.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

"No, Lord Helmet, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again."
archon_mentha | PG | 1.63 MB | 3:33
Summary: Dean's playing with his action figure again… (5.03 comment fic)
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Our Lavish Post-Apocalyptic Lifestyle (parts 1-6)
exmanhater | PG-13 | 60 MB | 2:03:52
Summary (of first story only): Dean’s not a damsel, and the whole rescue + immediate disappearing act Castiel’s been using lately doesn’t do a thing for him. Not at all. (Or, the one where Sam and Castiel have a Dean-Stalkers Anonymous group).
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive link: mp3 file, m4b (podbook cover art/compiled by cybel)

Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake
sparseparsley | NC-17 | 78.74 MB | 2:51:49
Author's Summary: The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links [right-click save-as]: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

Queen of Nothing
thirstyrobot | Mature | 1:45:14
Summary: Deanna couldn't make it work with Lisa and left with Cas when he showed up in Indiana. Now she's got a thousand empty spaces where Sam should be and Cas has a thousand more where Heaven should be, but the job is the job and the road is the road and they're in it together. (always-a-girl!Dean)
Note: The gorgeous cover art is by angrydumpling and the original art post can be found here.
Permanent download links: mp3 [right-click, save-as, 48.45 MB] | m4b [50.7 MB]

FayJay | Teen & up | 12.10 MB | 26:38
Author's Summary: In which Sam is dead, and Dean is broken.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)

Second Childhood
cloudyjenn | PG-13 | 40.95 MB | 1:29:27
Author's Summary: "Dude, I can't do this whole thing by myself," Dean said with far more desperation leaking into his tone than he liked. It would just be too much to make it through hell and death and Lucifer only to have Castiel bail on him because of a frigging baby.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3 file, m4b (podbook cover art/compiled by cybel)

She Taught Every Angel To Rearrange The Sky
luchia13 | PG-13 | 14 MB | 30:48
Author's Summary: Ellen Harvelle's bar gets some angelic visitors, mostly because the angelic visitors need some help dealing with non-angelic people. And advice for hitting on Dean.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Signs and Portents
aesc | PG-13 | 6.43 MB | 14:03
Author's Summary: Inspired and encouraged by the brilliant and persistent trinityofone. We were thinking back over several seasons of Sam and Dean being mistaken for boyfriends, and got to wondering what happens when Castiel comes into the picture
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Simply Irresistible
FayJay | Mature | 10 MB | 24:00
Author's Summary: In which Dean Winchester is rendered even more irresistible than usual by a particularly passionate goddess, to Sam's considerable distress.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)

Superstition Upon Common Sense
xela_fic | R | 14 MB | 30:38
Author's Summary: Castiel sets out to find God and ends up finding himself. Or something. Henry the shrimp doesn't really care, as he's already been deep fried.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

There's Only One Sure Thing That I Know
blinkiesays | NC-17 | 52 MB | 1:53:25
Author's Summary: Dean doesn't even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby's point: he's faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he's been defeated by the God damn Midwest.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art by starry_ice, podbook compiled by cybel)

Think I Know Where You Belong + sequels (Shortskirts 'Verse)

twentysomething | PG-13 to NC-17 | 60 MB | 2:02:10
Author's Summary: Castiel wishes he wasn't this excited, but it's the best part of his night when Dean Winchester gets home from baseball practice.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

liadan14 | R | 19.46 MB | 42:30
Author's Summary: Dean's been thinking about changing things much more often recently, what with Cas being around the way he is now, and with what Ellen left him in her will.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (cover art/compiled by cybel)

SPN: femslash

Honey & the Hive Queen
bree_black | PG-13 | Jo/Madison | 36 MB | 1:20:15
Author's Summary: It ends with Sam Winchester putting a bullet through her heart - or, that’s how it’s supposed to end. As it turns out, death is only the beginning for Madison Owens, and heaven is nothing like she expected. Somehow, she finds herself recruited into a band of rebels - a dead psychic, a dead FBI agent, a dead salesman, and two dead dorks, all working to take down heaven from the inside. But the most bewildering part of all is Jo Harvelle, their beautiful - and only slightly scary - leader. So much for eternal rest - between the fight against the angels and her new feelings for Jo, Madison has never felt more awake.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b (story+missing scene)
Archive link: m4b (story+missing scene (cover art/compiled by cybel)
[Bonus deleted scene: The Boys and the Boss Man (right-click, save-as) mp3, 02:15, Dean/Castiel.]

Though I Walk
exmanhater | R | Anna/Jo | 8 MB | 18:06
Summary: Miracles don't happen to Jo Harvelle, but sometimes the clouds break for a while. Written for the prompt: "Anna/Jo, post-apocalypse."
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)

To know what's under the floor
beckaandzac | PG | Jo Harvelle/Charlie Bradbury | 21:21
Summary: No one here is like me, Jo thinks, and she knows it’s what every eighteen year old on the planet thinks. And she also knows in her case it’s completely justified. But then she meets Charlie.
Permanent download links: (right-click, save-as) MP3 [10 MB] ||| M4B [10.6 MB]

SPN: other slash

I'd Gladly Lose Me To Find You
flawedamythyst | NC-17 | Sam/Dean | 78.9 MB | 3:52:31
Author's Summary: Sam takes a vow of silence in order to pull Dean out of Hell, but by the time Dean comes back, Sam's lost more of himself than just his voice.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (podbook compiled by cybel)

In the Beached Margin of the Sea
rivers-bend | R | Sam/Dean | 47 MB | 1:44:00
Author's Summary: Sam and Dean black out on a hunt, and when they wake up, Dean's having visions and Sam can't get new, strange feelings out of his head. When John finds out about the side effects, he'll do anything to get rid of the "curse". But Sam and Dean don't want to go back to the way things were before.
Permanent download links: mp3 (right-click, save-as), m4b
Archive links: mp3, m4b (podbook compiled by cybel)

SPN: Gen

Give Thy Humors Way
jesterlady | PG | SPN/Doctor Who crossover | 3.15 MB | 6:52
Author's Summary: Dean and Sam are on the hunt, but find they aren't the only ones looking into this particular problem.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Not a Maiden Fair
exmanhater | PG | Lisa & Dean | 2.55 MB | 5:33
Summary: Lisa is surprised when Dean comes back to her house (alternate ending for 5x22)
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

Pluck Out the Heart of My Mystery
jesterlady | PG | SPN/BtVS crossover, Dean & Anya | 3 MB | 6:32
Author's Summary: Dean's in a town called Sunnydale. He's joined at the bar by a woman who calls herself Anyanka. Set in SPN S5 and early BTVS S7.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

That One Time When Sam Had The Swine Flu
exmanhater | PG | Dean & Sam | 2.16 MB | 4:42
Summary: Dean always enjoys the strange and wondrous things Sam says when he's sick. Set in a nebulous part of season two.
Permanent download link: mp3 (right-click, save-as)
Archive link: mp3

podfic, masterlist, fandom: spn

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